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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52


of perception, concentration, memory retention and long-term

memory. A recent short screen for cognitive impairment in psy-

chiatry (SCIP) has addressed five domains of cognitive function:

verbal learning–immediate, working memory, verbal fluency, ver-

bal learning–delayed and processing speed

[2] .

Using the SCIP in admissions from a defined catchment area in the

southwest of Vienna we confirm the presence of cognitive deficits

in schizophrenic patients and to a lesser degree in bipolar patients.

The deficits were present in all five domains and no discriminatory

pathognomonic signs could be found between schizophrenia and

bipolar disorder.

Recently, possibly selective deficits in social cognition have been

described in schizophrenic patients

[3] . W

e review the evidence on

the specificity of social impairment to schizophrenia.

Disclosure of interest

The authors declare that they have no com-

peting interest.


[1] Guy W, Ban TA (Eds.). The AMDP-System. Manual for the

Assessment andDocumentation of Psychopathology. NewYork:

Springer, Berlin Heidelberg; 1982.

[2] Purdon SE. The Screen for Cognitive Impairment in Psychia-

try (SCIP): Instructions and three alternate forms. Edmonton,

Alberta: PNL Inc; 2005.

[3] Lee J, Altshuler L, Glahn DC, Miklowitz DJ, Ochsner K, Green

MF. Social and nonsocial cognition in bipolar disorder and

schizophrenia: relative levels of impairment. Am J Psychiatry

2013 Mar;170(3):334–41.


From (Psycho) pathology to diagnosis:

psychiatry nosology beyond


A. Erfurth

1 ,

, G . S




Otto-Wagner-Spital, 6th Psychiatric Department, Vienna, Austria


Medical University of Vienna, Department of Psychiatry and

Psychotherapy, Vienna, Austria

Corresponding author.

As in all medical disciplines, diagnosis in clinical psychiatry should

be reached in a step-wise approach: after assessing the chief com-

plaint of the patient, a careful examination of the psychopathology

follows e.g. by using the AMDP system

[1] t

o preliminarily conclude

the process with a syndromal classification

[2] .

This syndromal

classification is of great importance as it guides the initiation of

therapy in daily life practice. After gaining additional information

(e.g. investigation in the course of the disease, brain imaging, thor-

ough assessment of cognitive function, exclusion of organic causes)

a final diagnosis is possible. Unfortunately, a premature jumping

to diagnosis is not uncommon (with the potential consequence of

incorrect therapies).

In addition to these difficulties, recent neurobiological research

has shown that nosologic assignments through conventional diag-

nostic classifications are far less specific than assumed, revealing

a large overlap between diagnostic categories

[3,4] , e

.g. between

Schizophrenia and affective disorders. Consequences of this find-

ing are discussed both for the construction of future classification

systems and for therapy.

Disclosure of interest

The authors declare that they have no com-

peting interest.


[1] Guy W, Ban TA (Eds.). The AMDP-System. New York: Springer,

Berlin Heidelberg; 1982.

[2] Hippius H. Psychiatrie. In: Geriatrie/Psychiatrie. Taschenbücher

Allgemeinmedizin. New York: Springer, Berlin Heidelberg;

1979. p. 67–138.

[3] Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consor-

tium. Genetic relationship between five psychiatric disorders

estimated from genome-wide SNPs. Nature genetics 45.9


[4] The Network and Pathway Analysis Subgroup of the Psychiatric

Genomics Consortium. Psychiatric genome-wide association

study analyses implicate neuronal, immune and histone path-

ways. Nature neuroscience 18.2 2015:199–209.

Symposium: Autism spectrum disorders: From the

neurobiology to interventions


Psychosis and autism spectrum


M. Kyriakopoulos

London, United Kingdom

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and schizophrenia were sep-

arated into different diagnostic categories in the late 1970’s

(DSM-III) having previously been considered as related diagnos-

tic entities. Since then, several lines of evidence have indicated that

these disorders showclinical and cognitive overlaps aswell as some

common neurobiological characteristics. Furthermore, there is a

group of patients presenting with ASD and psychotic experiences

who pose particular diagnostic and management challenges and

may represent a subgroup of ASD more closely linked to psychosis.

Evidence from a study of the first empirically derived classification

of children with ASD in relation to psychosis based on three under-

lying symptom dimensions, anxiety, social deficits and thought

disorder, will be presented. Further phenomenological, genetic and

neuroimaging research on the clinical boundaries and overlapping

pathophysiology of ASD and psychosis may help better define their

relationship and lead to more effective interventions. Understand-

ing this relationship will also provide a framework of working with

patients with mixed clinical presentations.

Disclosure of interest

The author declares that he has no compet-

ing interest.


Neurobiology of autism spectrum


T.M. Sheldrick-Michel

1 ,

, B.T. Morten


, B. Niels


, I. Mirolyuba



Psychiatry, Denmark


Institute of Clinical Research University of Southern Denmark,

Department of Psychiatry, Odense, Denmark


Psychiatry at the Region of Southern Denmark and Institute of

Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Department. of

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Odense, Denmark


Psychiatry at the Region of Southern Denmark and Institute of

Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Department of

Psychiatry, Odense, Denmark

Corresponding author.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is a group of neurodevel-

opmental disorders with heterogeneous etiology characterized

by deficits in social cognition, communication, and behav-

ioral flexibility. Disturbances on molecular and cellular level

in early brain development incl. intercellular communication,

an unbalanced ratio between certain neuronal populations and

maturation/differentiation process, oxidative stress, happening in

embryonal stages, might be promising candidates to explain the

development of autistic symptoms.