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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52


Symposium: Social science and biological findings

informing research in suicidal behavior


Electrodermal reactivity and suicide

M. Sarchiapone

University of Molise, Psychiatry, Campobasso, Italy

Electrodermal Activity (EDA) refers to changes in electrical conduc-

tance of the skin. Electrodermal hyporeactive individuals are those

who showan unusual rapid habituation to identical non-significant

stimuli. Previous findings suggested that electrodermal hyporeac-

tivity has a high sensitivity and a high negative predictive value

for suicide. The aim of the present study is to test the effectiveness

and the usefulness of the EDOR


(ElectroDermal Orienting Reac-

tivity) Test as a support in the suicide risk assessment of depressed


One thousand five hundred and seventy three patients with a pri-

mary diagnosis of depression, whether currently depressed or in

remission, have been recruited at 15 centres in 9 different European

countries. Depressive symptomatology was evaluated through the

Montgomery-Asberg Depression Scale. Previous suicide attempts

were registered and the suicide intent of the worst attempt was

rated according to the first eight items of the Beck Suicide Intent

Scale. The suicide riskwas also assessed. During the EDOR


Test two

fingers are put on gold electrodes and a moderately strong tone is

presented through headphones now and then during the test. The



Test is able to register the electrodermal responses to those

tones, along with the blood volume in the fingers. Each patient is

followed up for one year in order to assess the occurrence of suicidal


Expected results would be that patients realizing a suicide attempt

with a strong intent or committing suicide should be electroder-

mally hyporeactive in most cases and non-hyporeactive patients

should show only few indications of death intent or suicides. Pre-

liminary findings will be presented.

Disclosure of interest

The participating centres received funding

for this study by EMOTRA AB, Sweden.


Neural patterns in ecological

momentary assessment of social


P. Courtet

1 ,

, E. Olié


, M. Husky


, J. Swendsen



CHU Lapeyronie, Emergencic Psychiatry, Montpellier, France


CHU Lapeyronie, Emergency Psychiatry, Montpellier, France


University of Bordeaux, Laboratoire de Psychologie EA4139,

Bordeaux, France


University of Bordeaux, CNRS- UMR 5287 INCIA, Bordeaux, France

Corresponding author.


Suicidal behaviors result from a complex interaction

between social stressors and individual vulnerability. Ecological

Momentary Assessment (EMA) provides the opportunity to inves-

tigate the relationship between social stressors in daily life and the

occurrence of negative thoughts leading to suicidal ideation. fMRI

showed that a neural network supports the sensitivity to social

stressors in suicide attempters.


A joint fMRI/EMA study investigated whether individ-

ual differences in brain reactivity to scanner-based social rejection

was related to social rejection during real-world social interactions.


Sixty women were included: euthymic women with

a history of depression with or without suicidal behavior and

healthy controls. The Cyberball Game was used as a social exclu-

sion paradigm. Following the fMRI, subjects used EMA for seven

days, providing data on environmental, contextual and emotional



In the fMRI study, in comparison to patients without any

history of suicide attempt and healthy controls, suicide attempters

showed decreased activation in the posterior cingulate cortex,

insula and superior temporal gyrus during the exclusion vs. inclu-

sion condition. In the EMA study, social stressors were specific

predictors of suicidal ideation in suicide attempters. We will exam-

ine here if individuals who show greater activity in specific brain

regions during scanner-based social rejection reported a greater

social distress during their daily social interactions.


this study used a combined technique to assess

whether neural reactivity to experimental social rejection in the

scanner is related to real-world social experience, and if it may help

to understand the sensitivity to social stress in suicidal behavior.

Disclosure of interest

The authors declare that they have no com-

peting interest.


A review of advances in social sciences

and their application for research in

suicidal behavior

J. Lopez Castroman

Nîmes University Hospital, Gard, Nimes, France

Suicidal behavior and its prevention constitute a major public

health issue, and the moderating effect of sociodemographic fac-

tors has been studied for more than a century. In the last years it

has become evident that the relationship between social factors

and suicidal behavior is complex and highly dependent on the con-

text. For instance, minorities suffering marginalization, such as the

Inuit in Canada or the aborigines in Australia, present high rates of

suicide. However, other minorities, such as immigrants arriving to

tightened communities, can be protected from suicide compared to

the social majority. Other contradictory effects have been reported

concerning income per capita and the evolution of the economy.

Unfortunately, the interplay of social factors in suicidal behavior

and the social consequences of suicide attempts are rarely rep-

resented in theoretical models of suicidal behavior, despite their

importance to adapt suicide prevention policies to social groups at

risk. In this presentation, recent advances and new and integrative

avenues for future research in the social aspects of suicidal behavior

will be summarized.

Disclosure of interest

The author declares that he has no compet-

ing interest.


MicroRNA profiling in postmortem

brain and plasma exosomes:

Biomarker perspective of suicidality

Y. Dwivedi

University of Alabama at Birmingham, Psychiatry and Behavioral

Neurobiology, Birmingham, USA


Suicide is a leading cause of death. Although

research on the biological aspects of suicide is accumulating, there

is no testable biomarker to assess suicidality. miRNAs, small non-

coding RNAs, have been implicated in synaptic plasticity, genetic

susceptibility to stress and coping to stress response. Because of

the presence of microRNAs in circulating body fluids, miRNAs can

not only be used as regulators of disease pathologies but also in

prognosis and treatment response.


Whether miRNAs can be used as biomarker for suici-
