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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S8–S52



E-Mental health interventions for the

treatment of gambling

G. Dom

1 ,

, L. Snippe


, R. Willemen


, R. Wiers


, M. Boffo



Antwerp University UA and Hospital UZA, Collaborative Psychiatric

Research Institute, Boechout, Belgium


Universiteit van Amsterdam, Psychology, Amsterdam, The



CAD Limburg, CAD Limburg, Hasselt, Belgium

Corresponding author.

Gambling Disorder (GD) is a complex psychopathological phe-

nomenon, characterized by the interaction of multiple etiological

factors and a very heterogeneous symptomatological expression.

Currently many questions remain concerning the best way of

treating GD. Indeed, the traditional used (cognitive) behavioral

interventions have at best a modest effect size. In addiction, there

remains a large treatment gap, i.e. less than 10% of pathological

gamblers ever seek help and enter treatment. E-health inter-

ventions could potentially help to close this gap. Cognitive bias

modification (CBM) refers to a class of cognitive training paradigms

that target specific automatic attentional, behavioral or evalua-

tive biases triggered by addiction-related cues. These biases have

repeatedly been shown to play an important role in addiction.

Recently a number of studies have shown that modifying these

biases has been effective in the treatment of different types of

addictions, e.g. alcohol use disorders. An online Approach BiasMod-

ification program, testing both Attention Bias Modification (ABM)

and Approach Bias Modification (AppBM), is currently tested with

Belgian and Dutch problem and disordered gamblers. Personalized

motivational feedback has been added to the training program,

to increase training adherence and prevent dropout. The same

research group is also launching a second web-based study com-

bining online AppBMwith an online standard, protocoled, cognitive

behavioral Therapy (CBT) programwith guidance of a trained ther-

apist. Participants receive nine CBT sessions through online chat

with the therapist and, concurrently, nine sessions of AppBM. Pre-

liminary results will be discussed.

Disclosure of interest

Member Advisory board Lundbeck-


Received grant from LOTTO- Belgium to conduct behavioural study

that will be discussed in presentation


E-Mental health in health care

systems–a global perspective

J. Wise

CNWL, London, United Kingdom

eMental Health is the use of information technology (ICT) to sup-

port and improvemental health; it includes online resources, social

media and smartphone applications, as well as videotelephony.

It used to be the new frontier, ungoverned but time has led to a

maturity such that the novel is now commonplace and what was

once Tomorrow’s World is here today. From the experience of the

networked Scandinavian countries, to the populations that novel

techniques are reaching out to; QR codes in the UK, teens in Aus-

tralia; from determining levels of Internet Addiction in Poland, to

the use of that medium to treat anxiety disorders.

An innovation from Law Enforcement has massive implications for

patients recording consultations. Other experimentswith riskman-

agement led to the failure of ‘Radar’, but paved the way for social

care providers to develop safer systems that can care for large popu-

lations with few therapists.

It is this use of Artificial Intelligence that may be the most challeng-

ing. Over 90 companies are developing the use of AI in diagnostics

and related fields, with 14 US and Canadian hospitals involved

with IBM’s Watson. Will Drs become unnecessary? However the

most innovative aspect of ICT in medicine is in research whether to

greatly accelerate the process, or to ensure that educational tools

genuinely answer patients’ questions.

eHealth is an expanding field, that holds new promise, and opens

question about who we are, what is our role, who do we care for

and how; that today, ‘No man is an Island’, everyone should be


Disclosure of interest

The author declares that he has no compet-

ing interest.

Symposium: European Perspective on Challenges

and Opportunities of the Transition from Child &

Adolescent to Adult Psychiatric Services


Developing Joint Approaches to

Transition Strategy Between Child and

Adolescent Psychiatrists and Adult

Psychiatrists in the UK

B. Jacobs

United Kingdom

Transition for young people from Child and Adolescent Mental

Health Services (CAMHS) to Adult Mental Health Services often

creates considerable disquiet for young people and their families

in the United Kingdom. There are examples of good services. How-

ever, this is a longstanding problem. Professionals knowwhat to do

but solutions have been difficult to implement. There is no single

solution because services differ across the country. The question

becomes how to understand the difficulties of establishing good

transition services. What needs to change to achieve this? This

presentation will try to address some of these issues.

Disclosure of interest

The author declares that he has no compet-

ing interest.

Symposium: Dissecting heterogeneity in

psychiatric disorders using imaging and genetic



Association of inter-individual

differences in imaging markers with

schizophrenia phenotypes

G. Pergola

1 ,

, T. Quarto


, M. Papalino


, P. Di Carlo



P. Selvaggi

1 , 2

, B. Gelao


, G. Blasi

1 , 3

, A. Bertolino

1 , 3


Institute of Psychiatry, Basic Medical Science- Neuroscience and

Sense Organs, Bari, Italy


Institute of Psychiatry- Psychology- and Neuroscience, Department

of Neuroimaging, London, United Kingdom


Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Neuroscience- Sense Organs-

and Locomotive System, Bari, Italy

Corresponding author.


Neuroimaging studies have identified several can-

didate biomarkers of schizophrenia. However, it is unclear whether