25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S53–S68
is expected that frequency of depression, neurocognitive disorders
and effective antidepressant treatment will be found to correlate
to the profile of immune biomarkers. These findings might help to
understand the etiology of depression in HIV, and specifically the
role of inflammation and immunological changes.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Psychosocial screening of alcohol liver
disease patients before liver
D. Telles-correia
Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon, Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal
In Europe, 30% to 50% of liver transplantations are currently due
to alcoholic liver disease (ALD). In the United States, this per-
centage is 17.2%. Post-transplant survival and other predictors
of clinical course do not differ significantly from those in other
types of transplanted patients, as long as there is no relapse of
drinking. However, 20%–25% of these patients lapse or relapse to
heavy drinking post-operatively, whichhas been associatedwith an
increased risk of liver damage and mortality. It is therefore crucial
to design specific selection and follow-up strategies aimed at this
particular type of patient. Several good and poor prognosis factors
that could help to predict a relapse have been suggested, among
them the duration of abstinence, social support, a family history
of alcoholism, abuse diagnosis versus alcohol dependence, non-
acceptance of diagnosis related to alcohol use, presence of severe
mental illness, non-adherence in a broad sense, number of years
of alcoholism, and daily quantity of alcohol consumption. In this
article, we discuss these and other, more controversial factors in
selecting ALD patients for liver transplantation. Abstinence should
be themain goal after transplantation in an ALD patient. In this arti-
cle, we review the several definitions of post-transplant relapse, its
monitoring and the psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his declaration
of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.027Workshop: Women in psychiatry: Mind the
gender gap
The current status of women in
psychiatry in Europe
S. Frangou
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Psychiatry, New York, USA
For more than two decades, psychiatry has retained its position
amongst the medical specialties with the highest proportion of
women entering residency programs. The percentage of women
in junior academic positions in psychiatry is also high and consis-
tently higher than that of men. However, the number of women
in positions of leadership remains disproportionally low at around
5% with no evidence of improvement over time. The phenomenon
of female under-representation is not unique to psychiatry or
academia. Women are under-represented in all fields of leadership
and this is a matter of wider societal concern. In this presentation,
I will discuss external and internal barriers that women face and
detail positive actions that canhelpwomen succeed in their careers.
Disclosure of interest
The author has edited and co-authored a
book on “Women in Academic Psychiatry: A mind to Succeed”
Barriers to gender equality in career
advancement and leadership
D. Wasserman
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Life as a researcher includes a large amount of competition and
a heavy workload. Professor’s tasks comprise, besides their own
research, to lead your research team, to have the responsibility
for higher education, expertise in diverse contexts, review of sci-
entific articles, to seek financial support, to work with national
and international committees, to serve in administrative posts at
the university and in international associations, to write articles,
books and book chapters, to attend meetings and conferences, and
to address the many other tasks that may arise throughout one’s
career. This makes one dependent on skillful co-workers, which
should not be taken for granted. Given the constant flow of incom-
ing requests, one has to think and choose before agreeing to commit
to a task at hand, in order to not set aside your own research. This
demands a high capability to prioritize. The choice of a life partner
who can share both professional and private interests, a partner
who understands, encourages and supports, while at the same time
gives the necessary critical feedback, is a treasure. Freud said “love
and work are the cornerstones of our humanness”, but work must
be pleasurable thus try to combine work, love, and play.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his declaration
of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2017.01.029Workshop: Mental health impact of SUDS on
neurodevelopmental mental disorders
Neuroimage studies: The effect of
methylphenidate in cocaine users
with ADHD
C. Crunelle
Overijse, Belgium
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is
an important contributing factor in the pathophysiology of sub-
stance use disorders (SUD), and ADHD occurs more often in
populations with SUD compared to the general population. This
high prevalence rate and comorbidity may relate to a shared neu-
robiological vulnerability, including a deregulation of the brain’s
dopamine system. This comorbidity directly impacts the treat-
ment of ADHD: treatment with methylphenidate is less effective in
patients with ADHD and SUD compared to ADHD patients without
We investigate the underlying neurobiological back-
ground of reduced treatment effectiveness for adult ADHD patients
with comorbid SUD.
We observed lower available dopamine transporters, as
well as a reduced binding of methylphenidate to these transporters,
andmore neurocognitive dysfunction in adults ADHD patients with
SUD compared to ADHD patients without SUD.
Comorbid ADHD and SUD has a high prevalence
rate and reduces ADHD treatment effectiveness, which makes
it necessary to screen for the presence of ADHD in patients