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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S521–S582


larmajor depression, among psoriatic patients. Depressive disorder

with the presence of psoriasis may constitute a separate etiology

with a greater contribution of early environment.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Shea et al. (2005).

[2] Pariante and Lightman (2008).

[3] Hall et al. (2012).


Modifications of depression-like

behavior in the adult ovariectomized

female rats treated with different

doses of cholecalciferol

J. Fedotova

1 , 2 ,

, T. Dudnichenko



I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology RASci, Laboratory of

Neuroendocrinology, St. Petersburg, Russia


I.M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry

of RASci, Laboratory of Comparative Somnology and

Neuroendocrinology, St. Petersburg, Russia


North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov,

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after S.N. Davydov,

St. Petersburg, Russia

Corresponding author.

The aim of the preclinical study was to examine the effects of

chronic the effects of chronic cholecalciferol administration (1.0,

2.5 or 5.0mg/kg/day, s.c., once daily, for 14 days) on depression-like

behavior following ovariectomy in rats. Cholecalciferol was admin-

istered to the ovariectomized (OVX) rats and OVX rats treated

with 17 -estradiol (17 -E


, 0.5 g/rat, s.c., once daily, for 14 days).

Depression-like behavior was assessed in the forced swimming test

(FST) and the spontaneous locomotor activity was assessed using

the open field test (OFT). Treatment with cholecalciferol in high

dose (5.0mg/kg/day, s.c.) significantly decreased immobility time

of OVX rats in the FST. Co-administration of cholecalciferol in high

dose with 17 -E


exerted a markedly synergistic antidepressant-

like effect in the OVX rats on the same model of depression-like

behavior testing. Cholecalciferol in high dose administered alone or

together with 17 -E


significantly enhanced frequency of groom-

ing of theOVX rats in theOFT. Moreover, cholecalciferol inhighdose

administered alone or togetherwith 17 -E


significantly decreased

the elevated corticosterone levels in the blood serum of OVX rats

following the FST. These results indicate that cholecalciferol in high

dose has a marked antidepressant-like effect in the adult female

rats with low levels of estrogen. The data also indicate that the

combination of cholecalciferol in high dose and 17 -E


is more

effective than 17 -E


alone in OVX rats inducing a more profound

antidepressant-like effect in the FST.

Russian Science Foundation (RSF) funded the reported study

accordingly to the research project


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Does committed action act as a buffer

against the impact of shame on


C. Ferreira

, J. Marta-Simões , I.A. Trindade , A.L. Mendes

Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences University of Coimbra,

CINEICC, Cognitive Behavioural Centre for Research and Intervention,

Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.

Committed action is defined as the ability to take action guided by

personal life values, i.e., to be persistent in valued behaviours even

when such pursuit implicates facing setbacks and experiencing

discomfort. This is a key process for acceptance and commitment

therapy, and is linked to several positive mental health outcomes.

Although current literature has stressed the pervasive impact of

shame on psychopathology, especially on depression, data con-

cerning the role of committed action on the impact of shame on

depression is considered insufficient. Considering these premises,

the current study intended to explore the moderator role of com-

mitted action in the relationship between external shame and

depressive symptomatology, in an adult sample of 178 participants

of both sexes. Path analysis’ results showed that shame holds a pos-

itive effect on depression (


= 1.19,


< .001), and that committed

action serves as a moderator of the effect of shame on depression



= –.63,


< .010). The tested model accounted for 45% of the vari-

ance of depression symptoms. A graphical representation allowed

to observe that committed action presents a buffer effect for the

harmful impact of shame on symptoms of depression. That is, at

any level of shame experienced, those individuals who revealed

higher levels of committed action showed less depression symp-

toms. This study has corroborated the powerful effect of external

shame on depression symptoms, which was found to be buffered

by committed action. The present findings thus highlight the perti-

nence of identifying personal life values andmotivating committed

action, particularly in prevention and intervention programs for


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Depression and chronic immune

system dysfunction–a longitudinal

study in patients with lupus

M. Figueiredo-Braga

1 ,

, M .


2 , M.


1 ,

G. Terroso

2 , B. P




Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Clinical Neurosciences and

Mental Health, Porto, Portugal


Hospital of São João EPE, Rheumatology Department, Porto,



Brigham Young University, Department of Microbiology and

Molecular Biology, Provo, USA

Corresponding author.


Depression is a common companion of systemic

lupus erythematosus that substantially contribute to patient’s suf-

fering and a decreased quality of life. The relationship between

depressive symptoms and disease immune processes is not well



To further understand the relationship between lupus

and depression, a patient cohort was examined for correlations

between clinical presentation, biological parameters and psychoso-

cial evaluation.


Seventy-two lupus patients were screened for depres-

sive symptoms, clinically and psychologically characterized using a

battery of instruments, including assessments for depression, anxi-

ety, fatigue, pain and overall health. Scores from these assessments

were correlated with lupus clinical profile and biological parame-

ters namely the immune profile.


Forty-two percent of the patients had scores indicative

of depression using the HADS Depression scale. Strong correlation

was found between pain and depression. Moderate correlation was

found between several lupus symptoms, such asmouth ulcers, rash,

and arthritis, and psychological evaluation. There was low to mod-

erate correlation between complement levels, C-reactive protein

and psychological indicators, but no other lab tests correlated well

with the psychological tests.