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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S521–S582


adjustment for covariates (including sex, maternal education, fam-

ily social class, parental conflict, bullying andmaternal depression).


After adjusting for potential confounders, we found no

evidence for an association between screen time and anxiety

(OR = 1.02; 95% CI 0.95–1.09). Therewasweak evidence that greater

screen timewas associatedwith a small increased risk of depression

(OR = 1.05, 95% CI 0.98–1.13).


Our results suggest that young people who spend

more time on screen-based activities may have a small increased

risk of developing depression but not anxiety. Reducing youth

screen time may lower the prevalence of depression. The study

was limited by screen time being self-reported, a small sample size

due to attrition and non-response, and the possibility of residual

confounding. Reverse causation cannot be ruled out.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] PMID: 26303369.

[2] PMID: 21807669.


Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability,

and validity of the revised Korean

version of Ruminative Response Scale

W. Kim

Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital, Psychiatry, Seoul, Republic of



Rumination is a negative coping strategy defined as

repetitive and passive focusing on negative feelings such as depres-

sion. The Ruminative Response Scale (RRS) is a widely used

instrument to measure rumination, but there is continuing argu-

ment about the construct validity of the RRS, because of probable

overlap between the measurement of depression and that of rumi-

nation. The RRS-Revised, which removed 12 items of the RRS,

is suggested as a more valid instrument for measuring rumina-

tion. Therefore, we translated RRS-R into Korean and explored

the reliability, validity and factor structure in patients with major

depressive disorders.


Seventy-nine patients with major depressive disor-

der took the Korean version of RRS, RRS-R, State Trait Anxiety

Inventory, Beck Depression Inventory and Penn State Worry Ques-

tionnaire. We performed exploratory factor analysis of RRS-R, and

tested construct validity, internal reliability and test-retest reliabil-



The internal and test-retest reliability of RRS-R was high.

Factor analysis revealed that RRS-R is composed of two factors.

“Brooding” factor explained 56.6% and “Reflection” factor explained

12.5%. RRS-R, especially “Brooding” factor, was highly correlated

with other clinical symptoms such as depression, anxiety and



In this study, we find out the RRS-R is more reliable

and valid than the original RRS in Korean patients with depression

because the RRS-R is free from the debate about the overlap of item

with BDI. We also revealed that “Brooding” is highly correlatedwith

depressive symptoms. RRS-Rmay be a useful instrument to explore

the implication of “Brooding” in depression.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


The role of disturbed circadian clocks

in the development of depression-like

behavior and metabolic comorbidity

in mice

D. Landgraf

1 ,

, R. Barandas


, J.E. Long


, C.D. Proulx



M.J. McCarthy


, R. Malinow


, D.K. Welsh



University of California- San Diego, Department of Psychiatry and

Center for Circadian Biology, San Diego, USA


Hospital de Santa Maria- Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte,

Department of Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal


University of California- San Diego, Department of Neurosciences,

San Diego, USA

Corresponding author.

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is often associatedwith disturbed

circadian rhythms. However, a definitive causal role for functioning

circadian clocks in mood regulation has not been established. We

stereotactically injected viral vectors encoding short hairpin RNA to

knock down expression of the essential clock gene


into the

brain’s master circadian pacemaker, the suprachiasmatic nucleus

(SCN). In these SCN-specific


-knockdown (SCN-



mice, circadian rhythms were greatly attenuated in the SCN. In

the learned helplessness paradigm, the SCN-


-KD mice were

slower to escape, even before exposure to inescapable stress. They

also spent more time immobile in the tail suspension test and less

time in the lighted section of a light/dark box. The SCN-



mice also showed an abnormal circadian pattern of corticosterone,

and an attenuated increase of corticosterone in response to stress.

Furthermore, they displayed greater weight gain, which is fre-

quently observed in MDD patients. Since the circadian system

controls important brain systems that regulate affective, cognitive,

and metabolic functions, and neuropsychiatric and metabolic dis-

eases are often correlated with disturbances of circadian rhythms,

we hypothesize that dysregulation of circadian clocks plays a cen-

tral role in metabolic comorbidity in psychiatric disorders. In fact,

circadian rhythm disturbances have been linked to individual psy-

chiatric and metabolic disorders, but circadian aspects of such

disorders have not been considered previously in an integrated

manner. Treating and preventing disturbances of circadian clocks

in patients suffering psychiatric and metabolic symptoms may be

a central element for therapies targeting both disorders concur-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Cerebral correlates of emotional

interference processing in the elderly

with subthreshold depression:

A functional fMRI study

J. Li

, H. Zhou

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Beijing, China

Corresponding author.


Compared to healthy controls, adults with major

depressive disorder (MDD) showed stronger activation in dorsolat-

eral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)

in resolving emotional conflict. Whether subthreshold depression

(StD) at an advanced age is also accompanied by similar changes

in brain activation in coping with emotional conflict remained



By using face-word Stroop task, the current study

explored the neural correlates of emotional interference processing

in old adults with StD.