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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709


wide economic crisis. There exists a positive correlation between

the evolution of homelessness in Girona and unemployment both

in Spain (


= 9.4,

P <

.001) and in Girona (


= 9.5,

P <



The effect of the economic crisis affects the people

who are socially excluded in a direct way. These results prompt the

investigation of the causes of homelessness, which in many cases

are attributed to the responsibility of the individuals.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


“It is safer to sell marihuana than

heroin or cocaine and you make more

money” qualitative study about drug

traffic and consumption in Girona

(eastern sector)

F. Calvo

, C. Giralt

Institut D’assistencia Sanitaria, Cas Girona, Girona, Spain

Corresponding author.


Font de la Pólvora is a neighbourhood located on

Catalonia, which has been one of the most important points of sale

of heroin and cocaine in the country. The sale of drugs was also

affected by the economic crisis, changing the behaviour pattern of

patients with drug dependence.


To describe the changes in drug trafficking in this

region and how these influence their consumption.


The investigation is carried out by the harm reduction

outreach team, who selected, with a non-probabilistic method, a

sample of 6 drug users. An in-depth semi-structured interviewwas



From 2006 to 2012, there existed up to 19 points of drug

sale of heroin and cocaine. There are currently 2. The reasons behind

the decrease are:

–the demand for cocaine decreases;

–the sporadic consumption of heroin decreases;

–with the decrease in demand, drugs lose quality.

With the housing bubble in Spain and the rise in foreclosures on

behalf of banks, empty flats proliferated in the area, which were

eventually occupied illegally. This fact prompts the production of



Many of the strictly punitive actions in the control of

narcotics lead to the dealers coming up with new ideas and new

patterns of consumption which complicate the intervention of the

teams working in the territory.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

The inverted commas refer to a sentence uttered by an interviewee

during the investigation.


Characteristics of 23 cases of animal

hoarding in Catalonia (Spain)

C. González

1 , P. C


1 ,

, J. B


2 , A.


1 , R. C


1 ,

A. Holloway

1 , J. F




Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Psychiatry and Forensic

Medicine, Barcelona, Spain


Royal Veterinary College, Behavioural Medicine, London, United


Corresponding author.


Animal hoarding is considered an under-reported

problem, which affects the welfare of both people and animals.

Few reports on animal hoarding are available in scientific literature,

particularly outside North America.


We designed a study to analyse cases of animal hoard-

ing in Catalonia.


We wanted to expose the presence and consequences of

this disorder in our area and to check for cross-cultural similarities

with previous studies in other countries.


Data was obtained retrospectively from 23 case reports

of animal hoarding in Catalonia collected by city councils and the

Catalonian police from 1992 to 2015.


Thirty-three people (20 women and 13 men) and 1521

animals, mainly dogs and cats, were involved. Most cases (


= 13)

involved a sole animal hoarder. Most cases (


= 14) were chronic

(lasting longer than 5 years). Object hoarding co-morbidity was

found in most cases (


= 17). All hoarders were over 40-years-old,

with half of them aged over 65. Only in 4 cases was an interven-

tion by the healthcare system reported. Most of the hoarders (9 out

of 13) actively opposed animal removal. In more than 50% of cases,

the hoarder’s personal care, health and financial situationwere pre-

carious. No awareness of the impaired welfare of the animals was

found in most cases.


To the author’s knowledge, this is the first study on

animal hoarding in Catalonia and one of the fewavailable in Europe.

Our results are aligned with previous research, adding evidence of

cross-cultural common elements of animal hoarding.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Huntington disease, to have or not to

have: That is the question – the

importance of psychiatric symptoms

L. Carvalhão Gil

, M. Lázaro , L. Queiroz

Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Psychiatry, Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Huntington’s disease (HD) is an autosomal dom-

inant inherited neurodegenerative disorder, beginning in adult-

hood. HD represents the majority of patients who present the triad

of motor, cognitive and psychiatric symptoms. The last two may be

early manifestations, but the clinical diagnosis is based on motor

symptoms and a positive genetic test for CAG repeat extension. The

remaining patients that are negative for the HD genetic mutation

may have HD phenocopies.


Illustrate the role of psychiatric assessment, discuss

the psychiatric and behavioural manifestations, and management.


Illustrate the challenge of diagnosing HD in psychiatry.


A literature searchwas performed on PubMed database.

The patient clinical record was reviewed.


We report a case of a 49-year-old male with a family

history of HD (mother, uncle, cousin). He was diagnosedwith a psy-

chotic disorder fifteen years ago, hospitalised twice and thereafter

treated as an outpatient with fluphenazine long-acting injection.

He was a symptomatic for ten years. During the last year, he started

showing dysphoria, marked irritability, stammering, inappropri-

ate behaviour, poorly structured paranoid delusions, mild cognitive

impairment and lack of insight. This was correlated with the begin-

ning of functional impairment, both professionally and socially.

Further assessment was performed: neurological evaluation, head

CT scan and the genetic test was negative. He is clinically stable

under haloperidol long-acting injection.


HD is a rare condition which is frequently under

diagnosed, especially in early stages, due to lack of recognition of

psychiatric symptoms. HD-like disorders should be considered if

the clinical picture is obvious, but HD gene test result is negative.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.