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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709


Factors associated with job

satisfaction among physicians in a

university hospital

C. Derbel

, A. Braham , A. Souilem , A. Ben Romdhane , R. gallala ,

S. Ben Nasr , A.S. Bannour , B. Ben Hadj Ali

CHU Farhat Hached, Psychiatry, Sousse, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Several professional and personal factors determine

the degree of job satisfaction (JS) which is a necessary condition

to ensure good quality work, especially for physicians working in

university hospitals (UH).


To determine the degree of JS in a population of physicians

working in UH and to determine the factors associated with the JS.


Cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study involv-

ing 96 physicians with different grades in Farhat Hached University

Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia. We used Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS) to

assess the degree of JS, Hospital Anxiety And Depression Scale to

assess anxiety and depression, Maslach Burnout Inventory to deter-

mine burnout (BT).


The average age was 28.15


4.10 years. Doctors with

medical specialty were the majority (65.6%). Most doctors were

dissatisfied with their work (67.7%). The socio-demographic fac-

tor associated with ST was the young age (


= 0.00). Occupational

factors associated with JS were: shorter time worked in the depart-

ment (


= 0.02), lack of outpatient day (


= 0.01), a lower number of

outpatient day (


= 0.02), dissatisfactionwith thework schedule (



0.004), lack of safety (


= 0.00), salary (


= 0.00), non-operating skills



= 0.00), the distribution of tasks (


= 0.00), the conditions of the

guards (


= 0.00), ignorance of the laws governing the department



= 0.00), BT (


= 0.01) and depression (


= 0.00).


The majority of our subjects were dissatisfied with

their work. Several factors, especially the professional ones con-

tribute to this state. It is necessary to take steps on these factors to

improve the performance of doctorsworking inuniversity hospitals

to provide better care for patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Oxytocine and early and current

trauma: A systematic review and


M. Donadon

1 ,

, R. Martin Santos


, F. De Lima Osório



Medical School at Ribeirao Preto, Neuroscience and Behavior,

Ribeirao Preto, Brazil


Universidade Autonoma de Barcelona, Universidade Autonoma de

Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain


Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Neurosciências e Ciências

do comportamento, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Corresponding author.


Oxytocin has been related to traumas and sociabil-



To do a systematic review on the relationship between

oxytocin and early (ET), current trauma (CT) and PTSD.


The Pubmed, Psycinfo, Web of Science, Lilacs and

Scielo database were researched until to April 2016, using the

keywords: oxytocin, early trauma, childhood maltreatment, emo-

tional trauma, emotional stress, neglect, adversity, sexual abuse,

emotional abuse, physical abuse and PTSD, and Boolean operators.

We used a priori protocol based on PRISMA to select observational

and quasi/experimental studies in both gender subjects, who

suffer ET, CT, or PSTD. A full review was done, and meta-analysis

was carried out when possible to estimate the strength of the

association. Strobe, trend and consort statements were used for

qualitative assessment.


Twenty-eight studies where included:15 observational,

3 quasi/experimental and 10 RCT. Quality assessment was 60–70%.

Due heterogeneity between studies we analysed them in four

groups. Meta/analysis of studies of oxytocin endogenous con-

centration showed a negative correlation with ET (


= -0.35;

95%CI = -0.46/–0.22). Association studies of genetic polymorphism

of oxytocin gene receptor (rs53576) showed that subjects with

ET, CT and GG genotype had higher vulnerability to develop later

psychopathology (

P <

0.05). Quasi/experimental studies measuring

pre/post oxytocin concentration after a stress reactivity test

in subject with ET, CT or PTSD showed any significant results.

Finally, RCT studies showed that acute administration of oxytocin

increased the levels of anxiety and flashback in subjects with CT;

and decreased in PTSD or ET. These results were in parallel with

brain and connectivity activation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Political abuse and forensic psychiatry

in communist Romania

S. Hostiuc


, O. Buda


, E. Drima

3 ,


Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Legal Medicine

and Bioethics, Bucharest, Romania


Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, History of

Medicine, Bucharest, Romania


Clinical Hospital Of Psychiatry “Elisabeta Doamna”, Psychiatry,

Galati, Romania

Corresponding author.

Psychiatry was often used for political reasons in the second half

of the 20th century, especially in the former communist countries.

According to the global initiative on psychiatry, political abuse of

psychiatry is defined as the incorrect usage of diagnoses, treat-

ments, or psychiatry admissions in order to limits fundamental

rights of persons or population groups in certain countries. Most

studies regarding political abuse as a repressive measure analysed

it in either USSR or China. Romania is one of the countries from

the former communist block in which psychiatry was proven to

be used as a form of repression against political dissidents. One

of the psychiatry “tools” used against political dissidents was the

widespread usage of mandatory, non-voluntary admissions. They

were seen as preventive measures, whose purpose was to prevent

an individual to act antisocially. The purpose of this article is to ana-

lyse the characteristics of the patients that were non-voluntarily

admitted in psychiatry hospitals, based on studies published by

the forensic psychiatry researchers in the communist period. The

main conclusions of this study are: (1) the presence of a dis-

proportionate number of patients admitted with schizophrenia,

especially the paranoid type; (2) patients that performed acts

against the state were more often diagnosed with schizophrenia;

(3) patients that performed acts against the state were more often

considered to have no judicial responsibility; (4) the non-voluntary

admission/treatment were more often removed for crimes against

persons, and less often in crimes against the state.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.