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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S645–S709


Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Psychiatry, Kragujevac,



Ankara Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit education ve research hospital,

Psychiatry department, Ankara, Turkey


Setubal Hospital Centre, Department of Psychiatry and Mental

Health, Setubal, Portugal


University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Psychiatry Department

“Carol Davila“, Bucharest, Romania


Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of

Psychiatry, Ankara, Turkey


Mater Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Dublin, Iceland


European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees, EFPT, Brussel, Belgium

Corresponding author.


The interest for academic background and investi-

gational activities are essential in psychiatry. Several European-

wide, early career psychiatrists-driven studies have been carried

out completely independently, leading to high quality publications,

where all the co-authors are junior researchers.


To further elaborate the European federation of psy-

chiatric trainees (EFPT) platform of promoting the experience of

collaborative work and research lead by psychiatric trainees in dif-

ferent countries all over Europe.


A review of EFPT collaborative trainee-led research ini-

tiatives since the beginning with the focus on published articles

and their impact on psychiatric community in Europe.


Main topics of trainee research are related to postgrad-

uate psychiatric training schemes in Europe raising awareness on

enhancing and harmonizing standards of psychiatric education and

training across Europe. Other research topics are related to treat-

ment strategies while being a psychiatric in Europe, to migration

and “brain drain” phenomenon of psychiatric trainees in Europe, to

access to information in psychiatric training.


International cooperation’s in research should be

promoted since the training. Joining professional associations

provides opportunities for participating in research activities

and establishing networks with other colleagues. Collaboration

between psychiatric trainees ensures a more effective use of indi-

vidual talents and a quick way of accessing and transferring new

knowledge and research expertise. Moreover it provides a support-

ive framework for multi-center research.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The influence of the emotional

burnout on the relational

maintenance strategies

L. Kato

1 , O.


1 , S. T


2 ,




della Svizzera italiana, Institute of Communication and

Health, Lugano, Switzerland


National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, Department of Social

Communication, Department of Physiology of Brain and

Psychophysiology, Kiev, Ukraine

Corresponding author.

The syndrome of emotional burnout is developed in people whose

profession requires a lot of communication, and the effectiveness

of their work depends on its quality. The aim of our study was

to determine the influence of burnout on relational maintenance

strategies.8 professors of università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano,

Switzerlandparticipated in this



Inventory and The relational maintenance strategies scale. Mod-

erate level of emotional exhaustion was detected in the majority

of the participants. This condition is characterized by the urge

towards finding a place to stay alone and get some rest from

everything and everybody. It is accompanied by the feeling of

emptiness, depression, and apathy. These indicate pronounced

tiredness, disappointment, and unwillingness to work among our

participants. The high level of Lack of personal accomplishments

phase is being developed in all the participants. It indicates the pro-

nounced doubts in the necessity to keep performing thework and in

the fact that thework is needed and recognized by other people. We

demonstrated that among the professors with burnout such strate-

gies as conflict management, openness, assurances and positivism

are the most widespread. Our data indicate that the readiness to

work together on certain project or scientific problem (Openness),

the willingness to support a student (Advice Giving) and the help

to find necessary support outside of current academic environment

(Social Networks) decreases with the development of emotional

burnout. Understating the level of one’s self-appraisal, observed

during the development of burnout, ruins effective collaboration

between professors and their PhD students, and formalizes their

relationships. Thus, burnout is an important mediating variable

between interpersonal aspects of work environment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Adjustment of the German

prospective payment system for

psychiatric and psychosomatic

facilities: Does PEPP provides a

suitable basis? Results of a descriptive

comparative study

B.S. Voigtländer

, T. Barth

Klinikum Chemnitz gGmbH, Psychiatry, Behavioural Medicine and

Psychosomatics, Chemnitz, Germany

Corresponding author.


In Germany a consistent, performance-oriented,

flat-rate remuneration system based on per-day payments for

inpatient and day patient hospital services for psychiatric and

psychosomatic facilities (PEPP) is developed. The Klinikum Chem-

nitz gGmbH decided in 2013 to participate in the optional PEPP

introducing phase and acts as a PEPP cost accounting hospital.


Due to a controversial discussion by the psychiatric

experts, an adjustment of the hitherto only performance-based to

a budget-oriented system based on PEPP is planned in 2017.


This paper discusses if the current PEPP remuneration

system enables an appropriate recognition and measurement of



Descriptive analyses were performed by comparing

inpatient and day patient treatment at a therapy oriented psy-

chiatric unit and the emergency psychiatric unit in 2015. The

evaluation primarily focused on the criteria of “staffing level and

structure”, “imaging of services by German procedure classification

(OPS) according to PEPP”, “PEPP remuneration”.


Our findings

( Table 1 )

show that in 2015 the PEPP

remuneration system provided an appropriate recognition of unit-

specific services in emergency psychiatry (e.g., 1 to 1 care, intensive

care treatment), but services of board certified therapeutic staff

were recognized inadequately in consequence of the definition of

therapy by the OPS catalogue.


Further development of payment system should

implicate changes in the definition of therapy according to scientific

guidelines and the pay for performance concept.