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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S772–S846



The CESQ Portuguese version demonstrated good

validity and reliability, replicating research using the original

version and adding to the documentation of its psychometric prop-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Help-seeking behavior among

patients and their relatives presenting

to psychiatric unit in southern Sri


K.D.D.R. Goonawardena

, S.W. Kotalawala , R. Ruban

Teaching Hospital Karapitiya, Psychiatry, Galle, Sri Lanka

Corresponding author.


Early recognition of the signs and symptoms of psy-

chiatric illnesses is important as the delay would predict worse



To study the help-seeking behavior and sociodemographic

factors of psychiatric patients presenting to Psychiatric Unit Teach-

ing Hospital, Karapitiya.


A descriptive cross sectional study. Sample drawn from

patients presenting for the first time to Psychiatric Unit Teaching

Hospital, Karapitiya. An interviewer administered questionnaire

was used to collect data.


Age ranged from 13 to 76 years (


= 50). Males 34

(68%). Duration from onset of symptoms to first presentation

ranged from 2 days to nine years, mean 2 years. Twenty-five

(50%) had symptoms for more than one year. Sixteen (32%)

stated to have attributed illness to supernatural courses as the

reason to delay seeking medical help. None gave difficulty in

accessing a psychiatric unit as reason for the delay. Twenty-six

(52%) referred by nonpsychiatric medical professionals. Regarding

alternative treatment engaged in prior to presentation to a psy-

chiatric unit, eighteen (36%) tried to dispose of evil spirits with

the help of yakaduru or kattadi, seven (14%) sought help from

indigenous medical practitioners and twenty (40%) engaged in

religious rituals. Thirteen (26%) sought nonpsychiatric medical



A substantial number of patients suffering from psy-

chiatric disorders present to psychiatric units delayed. As the

majority were referred by nonpsychiatric medical professionals,

alerting them regarding importance of early identification of psy-

chiatric illnesses could help in reducing the delay.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Associations between cognition in

parents with schizophrenia or bipolar

disorder and their 7-year old high-risk


A.N. Greve

1 ,

, J. R.

M. Jepsen

2 , V.


1 , E.L

. Rasmussen

3 ,

D. Gantrii

s 1 , B.K

. Burton

4 , D.


5 , C.J.


5 ,

K. Spang

4 , N.


5 , A. T


5 , M.


5 ,

K.J. Plessen

4 , O.




Aarhus University Hospital, Psychosis Research Unit, Risskov,



Copenhagen University Hospital, Centre for Neuropsychiatric

Schizophrenia Research & Centre for Clinical Intervention and

Neuropsychiatric Schizophrenia Research, Copenhagen, Denmark


University of Copenhagen, Department of Public Health and Center

for healthy Aging, Copenhagen, Denmark


Copenhagen University Hospital, Child and Adolescent Mental

Health Centre- Mental Health Services Capital Region, Research Unit,

Copenhagen, Denmark


Copenhagen University Hospital, Mental Health Centre

Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Corresponding author.


Neurocognitive and social cognitive impairments

are central characteristics of schizophrenia and, to a lesser extent,

of bipolar disorder. Birth cohorts and familial high risk studies

have described cognitive impairments in subjects before onset of

diagnosis as well as in children with increased genetic risk for

development of the disorders.


To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate

the correlations between neurocogntion and social cognition in

parents and offspring simultaneously and with the same method-

ology. We will divide the parents into subgroups (cognitive

impairment and good cognitive functioning) and use these sub-

groups to describe correlations with their offspring. Identifying

associations between parents and offspring can add important

clues to risk factors for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and, on

the long-term, help the development of more effective and poten-

tially preventive treatments.


This study is part of the Danish high risk and resilience

study–VIA7. The VIA7 cohort consists of 522 children age 7 with

zero, 1 or 2 parents diagnosed with schizophrenia or bipolar

disorder and both of their biological parents. We assessed neu-

rocognition and social cognition with a comprehensive test battery

including: intelligence (RIST), executive functions (WAIS-IV, D-

KEFS, CANTAB), verbal memory (TOMAL2), attention, emotion

recognition, decision making and response control (CANTAB), the-

ory of mind (animated triangles) and social perception (TASIT).

Parental subgroups were based on the 95% CI of the controls (cogni-

tive impairment < 95%CI and good cognitive functioning > 95% CI).


Data analysis is ongoing and results will be presented at

the conference.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Gynecological consultations during

the period of untreated psychosis

C.M. Carrillo de Albornoz Calahorro


, M. Guerrero Jiménez

1 ,


J.E. Mu˜noz Negro



Santa Ana Hospital, Mental Health Unit, Motril, Spain


University Hospital Complex of Granada, Psychiatry, Granada, Spain

Corresponding author.


Twenty-one percent of women with first episode of

psychosis in the south Granada between 2008 and 2014 went to

hospital emergency during the duration of untreated psychosis

(DUP) aiming a gynecological consultation caused by psychotic

symptoms. Only one in five was referred to mental health services.


To improve difficulties detecting cases during the prodro-

mal phase, we aim to analyze the patient’s profile and reasons for

consultation and study whether there are variables that facilitate

referral to specialist intervention.


A retrospective clinical–cases review of medical his-

tories was made searching for sociodemographic variables, drug

consumption, emergency services consultations and psychotic pro-

dromal outcomes.


They were single women between 18–32 years. Sixty

percent reported cannabis consumption. All of them live with fam-

ily. Eighty percent were studying or unemployed. Three types of

emergency consultations were reported with a similar incidences:

order the emergency-contraception-pill, a pregnancy test or “a

scan to check virginity/a nonconsensual relationship”. During the

initial exploration, about 40% were under the influence of drugs.