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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S772–S846


Factors of premorbid period

indicating the risk of medicated

noncompliance in patients with


E. Dmitrieva

, E. Kornetova

Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Endogenous Disorders

Department, Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


Methods of assessment of medicated compliance are

based upon preceding experience of taking therapy and cannot be

applied at the first admission.


To investigate premorbid characteristics in schizo-

phrenic patients and reveal the factors indicating noncompliance.


We used medical record background, interview, Med-

ical Compliance Prediction Scale for Psychiatry for evaluation of

the level of compliance, programSTATISTICA10 for identification of

the average level of compliance in the subgroups of each factor by

Kruskal–Wallis test and revealing those subgroups for each factor

where the average level of compliancewas statistically significantly

lower (


< 0.05).


We examined 120 patients (status corresponded to the

ICD-10 diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia, age–18 and older,

duration of the disease–5 years and more, patients taking typical

or atypical antipsychotics or combined therapy) according to fac-

tors of premorbid period such as gender, family history of mental

disorders, personality traits, nurture in the family, education level,

marital status; substance use, age at the onset of disease.


Level of compliance was lower in subgroups of men,

patients having several relatives with mental disorders, patients

having personality with predominance of irritable and impulsive

traits, patients with neglect in parental families, patients with edu-

cation level lower than high school and with education level higher

than bachelor; patients not working or studying to onset of disease;

patients who were divorced or widowed; patients living alone;

patients using psychoactive substances; patients aged 21 years and

older to the onset of disease.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Objectively measurable

equilibriometric locomotor ataxia in


G. Dzhupanov

, S. Haralanov , P. Terziivanova , E. Haralanova

Medical University, Sofia, Department of Psychiatry and Medical

Psychology, Sofia, Bulgaria

Corresponding author.


The basic role of cerebellar dysfunctions in

schizophrenia pathophysiology is already well-known. Impor-

tantly, cerebellar signs such as gait and balance coordination

deficits are objectively manifested and measurable. However, both

early detection and treatment monitoring of the illness are still-

based mainly on subjective psychopathological symptoms.


To introduce an objective and quantitative approach to the

cerebellar gait and balance disorders in schizophrenia.


An original (internationally patented) method for

objective equilibriometric quantification of stepping locomotion (a

kind of motion analysis system) was developed and then applied

repetitively in 230 schizophrenic patients and 230 well-matched

healthy controls.


Subclinical but objectively measurable equilibriometric

locomotor ataxia (ELA) was identified in a large proportion of

the investigated patients. Its severity fluctuated along with the

changes in the clinical state. As a rule, the degree of ELA transiently

increases during psychotic exacerbation and gradually returns to

its prepsychotic level during therapeutic remission. Data analy-

sis revealed that the basic (prepsychotic and postpsychotic) ELA

could be viewed as a new schizotaxic biomarker (trait-marker)

for schizophrenia, while the degree of its severity could serve as

a new objectively measurable state-marker for psychosis. Besides,

its dynamics during antipsychotic treatment might be used as an

objective measure of the therapeutic response (a kind of surrogate

pharmacodynamic biomarker).


Objective quantification of the ELA allows for early

detection of subclinical signs of cerebellar ataxia (or schizotaxia)

in individuals at high-risk for schizophrenia, whereas in psychotic

patients it permits their objective antipsychotic-treatment moni-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Metabolic health in patients with

schizophrenia – CVD risk in a

Norwegian outpatient population

J. Engh

1 ,

, E. Andersen


, E. Martinsen


, J. Egeland



T.L. Holmen


, T.T. Bigseth


, G. Bang-Kittilsen



Vestfold Hospital Trust, Mental Health and Addiction, Tønsberg,



Faculty of humanities and education, University College of South

East Norway, Department of practical, physical and aesthetic

education, Vestfold, Norway


Institute of clinical medicine, University of Oslo, Department of

neuroscience, Faculty of medicine, Oslo, Norway


Vestfold Hospital Trust, University of Oslo, Mental Health and

Addiction, Department of psychology, Tønsberg, Oslo, Norway

Corresponding author.

The mortality of schizophrenia patients is approximately twice

that of the general population and there is a 20% reduction in life

expectancy in this patient group. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is

responsible for as much as 50% of the excess mortality associ-

ated with schizophrenia. One important source of the high CVD

prevalence is the cluster of metabolic characteristics defining

the metabolic syndrome (MetS: 3 or more of the following fea-

tures: abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, elevated levels of

triglycerides and fasting glucose and low levels of high-density

lipoproteins). Patients with schizophrenia seem to be undertreated

for these vascular risk factors relative to the general population.

More knowledge is needed concerning broadened risk factors of

cardiovascular disease in a representative sample of schizophrenia

patients. We conducted preliminary cross sectional analyses in a

sample of 64 consecutive outpatients with schizophrenia with a

mean age of 37 years consisting of 59% men, who were enrolled in

a treatment study. All used antipsychotics, and 71% were smok-

ers. We found that (percentage of patients under treatment for

the respective somatic condition in parenthesis) 82% were over-

weight, 49% had hypertonia (17%), 24% hyperglycemia (3%), 48%

hypertriglyceridemia and 13% hyperlipidemia (10% triglycerid or

cholesterol loweringmedication). Forty percent hadmetabolic syn-

drome compared to 11% in the normal population (Norway, age

corrected). Additionally, estimates of insulin resistance will be con-

ducted. We found that the prevalence of MetS components was

high in outpatient schizophrenia. A substantial discrepancy was

found between metabolic ill health and medication treatment of

such conditions.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.