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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910



Self-care concept developed by drug


S. Antonia Oliveira

1 ,

, S.C. Vasconcelos


, C.S.L.D. Piagge



D.L. Veras


, F.P. Souza


, I.S. Frazão


, K.L. Alves


, M.R.R. Alves



V.P. Ramos



Federal University of Paraíba UFPB, Public Health Nursing, João

Pessoa, Brazil


Federal University of Paraíba UFPB, Dentistry, João Pessoa, Brazil


Federal University of Pernambuco, Nursing, Recife, Brazil

Corresponding author.


The care to the alcohol and/or other drugs’ user

focuses on the logic of care for extended clinical and harm reduc-

tion, under the focus of the user and his family co-responsibility

towards treatment.


This study aimed to understand the concept of self-care

developed by drug users.


It is about a descriptive exploratory study with a

qualitative approach. It was conducted in a center of psycho-

social attention (CPSA), in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. The study

participants were alcohol and/or other drugs users, over the

age of 18 years, both sexes and were in treatment in the

mentioned service in morning, afternoon and evening shifts.

Data collection occurred in consultation records and individual

interviews for the sample characterization, and three operating

group sessions, one per shift, guided by the question: “what

is self-care for you?” The interviews and sessions were audio-

recorded, transcribed and submitted to analysis by ALCESTE



It was noted that self-care was conceptualized by the

drug users from different points of view. For some, self-care is to

self-protect, for others it means taking medications. The family,

religion and CPSA were identified as a support network for the

self-care maintenance. Furthermore, the self-care was related to

the desire to recover losses.


This study provided the understanding improvement

of the self-care concept, supporting the care practice for the inter-

ventions planning, targeting the co-responsibility of the alcohol

and/or other drugs users.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Regional features of prevalence of

cannabinoid dependence in children

in Siberia

I. Artemyev

1 ,

, S. Vladimirova



Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center of RAS, Addictive States Department, Tomsk, Russia


Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical

Center of RAS, Department of Coordination of Scientific

Investigations, Tomsk, Russia

Corresponding author.


To distinguish socio-cultural predictors of cannabinoid

dependence of child population in Siberia.


Clinical verification of dependence, due to cannabinoid

use in the age group “0–14 years” across 22 administrative terri-

tories of Siberia and the far east. Review, of statistical materials of

regional narcological institutions.


Cannabinoid dependency in children has been revealed

in 8 of 22 territories–intensive indices per 10,000 of the population

of the matched age were in two territories–0.2, one territory–0.4,

in two–0.7, and in three–2.1, 3.2, 14.0, respectively. In the related

territories, the specific weight of cannabinoid dependence in total

structure of substance dependence for population as a whole

(children, adolescents, and adults) was as follows: 0.7%, 0.8%, 2.7%,

3.5%, 27.2%, 67.6% and 76.9%. Therefore, for those territories where

ill children are under observation their number per 10,000 of the

population is closely associated with structural size of addictions:

high level of cannabinoid dependence, formed in the territory,

is interrelated with greater number of children, dependent on

cannabinoids in this territory. With account for made corrections

it should be recognized that “saturation level” of the territories, in

particular, with cannabinoids results in higher indices of substance

dependence among child population.


It should be considered that calculation of intensive

indices is conducted for the age group “0–14 years”while diagnosed

age range includes children aged 9–14 years, therefore, real indices

of dependence, with account for this hypothetical correction, are

three times higher as a minimum.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Selincro use in a patient diagnosed

with dependence to stimulants,

alcohol abuse and hyper-sexuality

A. Ballesteros

, Á.S. Rosero , F. Inchausti , E. Manrique , H. Sáiz ,

C. Carrión

Red de Salud Mental de Navarra, Psychiatry, Pamplona, Spain

Corresponding author.


Hyper-sexuality is an increased sexual activity that

causes stress the individual at social levels. There are studies

that support the theory that neurophysiological abnormalities of

individuals appear in this disorder and do not overlap with the

alterations found in substance addictions. However, it is doubtful

whether addiction to other substances can trigger behavior in the

sexual sphere.


To report a case of abuse of alcohol as a trigger relapse

in terms of sexual alterations in a patient diagnosed with alcohol

abuse, stimulants dependence and hyper-sexuality.

Case description

Here we report a married gentleman in the

fourth decade of his life that presents behavior and sexual

activity level compatible with a case of hyper-sexuality. After

conducting motivational interviews with the psychologist to aim

a sustained abstinence of amphetamines and a lack of alter-

ations on the sexual sphere, the patient achieved clinical stability

over several years. However, it is referred for psychiatric con-

sultation as he presented recently abusive alcohol consumption

associated with Speed. He relapsed in the sexual sphere by

increasing sexual desire and impulsiveness. It was decided to pre-

scribe oral nalmefene (1 tablet daily) for two months and then

stop treatment regularly (taken PRN in case of high risk sit-

uations). As a result, he has had sustained remission for over



Although, there are studies suggesting that neurobio-

logical changes among the pathologies described are different, the

treatment of alcohol abuse can be beneficial in other diseases such

as hyper-sexuality as disinhibition associated with alcohol intoxi-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.