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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910



Efficacy of rational emotive therapy

among substance users

T. Dutta

Department of Psychology, Asutosh College, University of Calcutta,

Psychology, Kolkata, India


Rational emotive behavior therapy refers to a real-

istic time bound therapeutic approach, starting with activated

concern model of emotional disturbance and change.


To set short-termgoal and long-termgoal for substance

users by rational emotive behavior therapy.


The present study aims at ameliorating emotional distur-

bance among addicts.


A purposive sampling method was adopted. Therapy

was administered on 50 substance users admitted in recovery

hospital running by pioneer organization Human Development

and Research Institute. Each day morning meeting was orga-

nized consisting of creed, narration from day by day; personal

and interpersonal pull up, acknowledgement, newspaper reading,

recreational activities, and serenity prayer. Quantitative and qual-

itative analysis was recorded.


Inferential statistics have shown that statistically sig-

nificant differences were found among them those who have

undergone counselling processes. They have found a proper orien-

tation and significant qualities of life. Such therapy enabled them

to find sobriety.


In conclusion, it could be stated that Rational Emo-

tive Behaviour therapy was found to be effective among substance

users. We can utter with Walen et al. that rational emotive

behaviour therapy is ‘not merely working to dispel misery, but

actively promoting happiness’.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Reasoning, critical thinking and

attitudes toward substance abuse in

adolescence: Explaining the mediator

role of emotional intelligence

H. Rezaei

1 ,

, A. Shafiabady


, Y. Ghaedi


, A. Delavar



M. Esmaeili


, L. Fattah Moghaddam



Allameh Tabatabaeei University Tehran, Counselling Department,

Tehran, Iran


Allameh Tabatabaeei University Tehran, Psychology and Education

Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Tehran Kharazmi University, Educational Philosophy Department,

Tehran, Iran


Tehran Medical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University,

Department of Psychiatric Nursing, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding author.


Adolescence is frequently described as a golden

time for prevention of substance abuse.


This study is aimed at determining the fit of structural equa-

tion modeling for change of attitude toward substance abuse based

on the components of emotional intelligence (intrapersonal aware-

ness, interpersonal awareness, adaptation, stressmanagement, and

general mood) and reasoning, critical thinking in female adoles-


Objectives and methods

The data were collected in random mul-

tistage sampling from800 senior high school students at 4 different

regions of Tehran by using the Bar-on Emotional Intelligence Inven-

tory, the adolescent-special revised inventory, Ricketts Critical

Thinking Questionnaire, New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills and

Nazari’s Questionnaire for Attitude toward Substance Abuse. In the

618 valid questionnaires were statistically analyzed.


Path analysis and path coefficients in the structural equa-

tion model suggested that the strongest relation belongs to the

reasoning skill, directly predicting attitude with a 61% level and

also, has indirect, significant impacts on attitude through intraper-

sonal awareness, adaptation and stress management. The weakest

relation belongs to general mood which, with a 21% level, predicts

attitude toward substance abuse. Results of the fit indices in the

final model also indicate that all indices are at a desirable level

and the model has good fit to the data, implying that there is a

linear relation between independent variables and between the

moderating variables and a dependent variable.


It is reasonable to show the importance of attitude

toward substance abuse in prevention programs for students.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Efficacy of vortioxetine for patients

with dual pathology

L. Fernández Mayo

, E. Barbero García , D. Ba˜no Rodrigo ,

M. Agujetas Rodríguez , A. García Sanchez , V. De Antonio Pérez

CAID Majadahonda, Drug Addiction Attention Center, Majadahonda,

Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Patients with dual pathology have worse clini-

cal evolution and worse therapeutic response. Drugs modify

the functioning of certain neurocerebral transmission systems,

producing cognitive, emotional and behavioral changes. Vortiox-

etine (Brintellix


) is used as a treatment for major depressive

disorder (MDD) and it is considered a new multimodal antide-

pressant. Preclinical data suggest that the effects on numerous

serotonin receptors result in regional increases in noradrenaline

and dopamine as well as glutamatergic transmission.


This analysis assessed the efficacy of vortioxetine



) in patients with affective disorders and abuse drugs

(dual pathology).


Efficacy was assessed with a study of patients who

were recruited in a qualitative and observational study. They

were treated with vortioxetine (Brintellix


). Outcome measures

included changes from baseline to endpoint in Hamilton Depre-

sion Rating Scale (HDRS). They were also interviewed weekly about

craving and substance use. Urine test controls were done to corrob-

orate results.


A total of 11 vortioxetine-treated patients improved their

depressive and anxiety symptomatology. Seven of them (64%) were

males and four of them (36%) were women. Cocaine was the

main drug of abuse (


= 9, 82%). The doses were between 5 and

20mg/day. After the clinical evaluation and 12 weeks of treatment,

they achieved to reduce significantly the drug use and verbalized a

decrease in craving. Two patients dropped out of the study.


Vortioxetine (Brintellix


) was shown as efficacious

in reducing depressive and anxiety symptoms in patients with dual


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Alcoholic hallucinosis after chronic

alcohol abuse: A case report

J.J. Fernandez Miranda

1 ,

, D.F. Frías Ortiz


, F.C. Maria Francina



P. Rossi


, O.W. Muquebil Ali Al Shaban Rodríguez



AGC SM-V-SESPA Asturian Mental Health Service, Psychiatry and

Mental Health, Gijón, Spain