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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Is methylone a new public health

threat in Spain?

E. Monteagudo

1 ,

, M .

de Dios

1 , A. T


1 , M.


1 ,

L. Galindo

1 , P. Q


2 , A. P


1 , M.


2 ,

D. Sanagustín


, S. Pérez


, M. Torrens



Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Addiccions, Parc de Salut Mar,

Neuropsiquiatria i Addiccions, Barcelona, Spain


Energy Control, Asociación Bienestar y Desarrollo., Energy Control,

Barcelona, Spain

Corresponding author.


Due to the continuous search for new, legal, less

expensive, and more powerful highs by drug users, the synthesis

of novel cathinone derivatives has become a fruitful industry, lead-

ing to a fast emergence of new alternative substances every year.

Methylone (3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylcathinone) is one of the

substances that rapidly emerged as the main ingredient of “bath

salts”, becoming readily accessible on the Internet. This fact has

raised concerns about its potential harmfulness.


The aimof the present study is to analyze the presence

of methylone in samples delivered to energy control from 2014 to

2015 in Spain.


A total of 8324 sampleswere assessed from June 2014 to

May 2015. Only those samples acquired asmethylonewere studied.

They were analyzed by energy control, a Spanish harm reduction

NGO that offers the possibility of analyzing the substances that

users report. Analysis was done by gas chromatography-mass spec-



Ten users reported to have acquired methylone (0.12%).

The most used source for acquiring it was the Internet (60%). Other

sources included a friend or relative (10%), home-delivered (10%)

or undetermined (20%). There was no peak of consume as 50% were

acquired in 2014 and 50% in 2015.


According to the results, the presence of methylone

in our samples is extremely low. Therefore, despite the fact that

methylone monitorization is ought to be carried out, this substance

is not expected to be an emerging issue concerning Public Health

and no further clinical research should be done.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Substance use among youth

psychiatric outpatients

S. Morais

1 , 2 ,

, J. Silva Ribeiro


, P. Oliveira


, E. Mendes



A. Botelho


, H. Godinho


, L. Vale


, A. Bessa


, P. Renca



V. Santos

1 , N.


1 , 2


Coimbra Hospital and University Centre (CHUC), Psychiatry

Department, Coimbra, Portugal


University of Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine, Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Portuguese young adults (15–34 years old) were

more frequent engaged in substance abuse (1.2%) than the gen-

eral population, according to the Portuguese substance use annual

report (2014). Alcohol was the most frequent substance use on

youth adults. Cannabis was the most frequent illicit substance used

(23.9% of users were considered dependent), with higher preva-

lence than previously reported. LSD (0.4%) use was also higher

among young adults than in previous studies. Cocaine (0.4%), hero-

ine/opiates (0.4%), ecstasy (0.3%), and hallucinogenic mushrooms

(1.1%) had their consumption lowered among young adults.


To characterize a population of young adult psy-

chiatric outpatients, regarding substance use and associated risk.


Socio-demographic characterization of our young adult

unit outpatient users between 1st January 2015–31st July 2016.

Substance use was assessed with the Portuguese version of

Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test



A total of 255 outpatients were observed during the

timeframe; 58 outpatients were assessed with ASSIST: 44 females

(75.9%) and 14 males (24.1%), aged between 16–33 years old

(average: 20.95; median: 19.50). For tobacco, 3.5% had high

risk, 37.9% moderate risk and 58.6% low risk; 22.4% had moder-

ate risk of alcohol, 13.8% moderate risk of cannabis, and 20.7%

moderate risk of tranquilizers. For others substances (cocaine,

stimulants, inhalants, hallucinogens, and opiates) the risk was



In our sample, alcohol and cannabis use had the

highest risk, as reported in the National Annual Report; however,

we observed a moderate risk for tranquilizers use. In future care

planning, youth mental health should address tobacco and alcohol

abstinence, and preventive measures regarding anxiolytics should

be undertaken, such as banning sale without medical prescription.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Comparative examination of the

differences between cannabis

psychosis and methamphetamine

psychosis in a psychological state

A. Oda

National Hospital Organaization, Simofusa Psychiatric Center,

Psychiatry, Chiba, Japan


With the rapid and intensive spread of marihuana

abuse among youth, Japanese society is focusing on law enforce-

ment against drug abusers. In 2016, a mass killing allegedly

committed by a marihuana abuser was reported in Japan.


To consider that common recognition of the diverse

process and potential risks of cannabis psychosis should be shared

among psychiatrists.


Elicit differences between cannabis psychosis and

methamphetamine psychosis, and determine whether specific

guidelines for treatment of cannabis psychosis are required.


Intensive retrospective review of distinctive metham-

phetamine and cannabis psychosis through case studies in our



Major symptoms of methamphetamine psychosis include

auditory hallucination and paranoia, however recovery is achieved

soon after undertaking treatment. In cannabis psychosis, distinctive

features are megalomania and by a pseud-enlightenment expe-

rience of supernatural existence, abusers stick to an unrealistic

self-estimate of omnipotent, which leads them to refuse the fading

away of this feeling and repeat abuse.


Psychological substances have strong suggestibil-

ity so abusers’ symptoms are easily modified by their mental

state. Involvement of syndicate or perception of illegality reflects

abusers’ drastic symptoms, but after dehospitalisation, recur-

rences are relatively fewer. Cannabis, however, grows wild and

is admitted legally in some countries, so abusers lack awareness

of guilt by mistaken perception of omnipotence and unrealistic

optimism. Due to addiction and depersonalization, they rather

enjoy gaining contact with supernatural power and fall into

social withdrawal and are implicated to social problems. Con-

sidering the difficulty of rehabilitating and returning abusers to

the community, we should not disregard the risks of cannabis
