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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910

Target substances of the request of weaning are respectively:

the buprenorphin (58.87%), benzodiazepines (12.63%), the tri-

hexyphenidyl (7.71%), the alcohol (5.61%), the cannabis (5.26%).

A pathological personality was raised in 17.5%.

A psychiatric comorbidity was found to 8% of the patients.

The coverage is made on 3 shutters: biological by the symptomatic

treatment of the weaning and the comorbidities, psychological and

social by the social and occupational reintegration thanks to non-

governmental organizations.


Addictology is a stigmatized speciality in Tunisia, by

the peculiarity of the patients and the slowness of the results. Nev-

ertheless the number of consultants does not stop increasingwhere

from the interest to create more specialized services and structures

of rehabilitation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Nalmefene against alcohol use

disorder: A report of one case

M. Juncal Ruiz

1 ,

, O. Porta Olivares


, L. Sánchez Blanco



R. Landera Rodríguez


, M. Gómez Revuelta



G. Pardo de Santayana Jenaro


, R. Martín Gutiérrez



E. López García


, R. Medina Blanco


, L. García Ayala



Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Psychiatry,

Santander, Spain


Hospital Universitario de Álava-Sede Santiago, Psychiatry,

Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

Corresponding author.


Alcohol consumption represents a significant factor

for mortality in the world: 6.3% in men and 1.1% in women. Alcohol

use disorder is also very common: 5.4% in men and 1.5% in women.

Despite its high frequency and the seriousness of this disorder,

only 8% of all alcohol-dependents are ever treated. One potentially

interesting treatment option is oriented toward reducing alcohol



To describe one case who has improved his alcohol con-

sumption after starting treatment with nalmefene, an opioid

receptor antagonist related to naltrexone.


A35-year-oldmalewith alcohol use disorder since 2001

came to our consult in November 2015. He was in trouble with his

family and he had a liver failure. We offer a new treatment option

with nalmefene 18mg to reduce alcohol consumption.


Before to start nalmefene he drank 21 drinks/week. Six-

month later, he decreased alcohol intake until 5 drinks/week with

better family relationship and liver function. After starting nalme-

fene he complained of nausea, sowe recommend to take themiddle

of the pill for next 7 days. After this time he returned to take one

pill with good tolerance and no more side effects or withdrawal



Nalmefene appears to be effective and safe in reduc-

ing heavy drinking and in preventing alcohol withdrawal syndrome

due to its opioid receptor antagonism. This case suggests nalmefene

is a potential option to help patients, who do not want or cannot

get the abstinence, in reducing their alcohol consumption.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The royal road to the obesity: A case

report of food addiction

A. Kandeger

1 ,

, H. Bozkurt



Selcuk University, Department of Psychiatry, Konya, Turkey


Gaziosmanpasa University, Department of Child and Adolescent

Psychiatry, Tokat, Turkey

Corresponding author.

Increasing prevalence of obesity in the world and increasing role

of processed foods in daily life has led to become the focal point of

food addiction. In recent years, the animal studies and human brain

imaging studies demonstrated the neurobiological and behavioral

similarities between drug addiction and food addiction. Here, we

aim to present a 13-year-old, female, adolescent who applied with

complaints of anger and irritability and shows serious addictive

behaviors of chocolate. Our patient with increasing chocolate con-

sumption in the last two years was using atomoxetine 60mg/day

with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). She gradu-

ally needs more chocolate to be satisfied. She has complained of

nervousness, irritability and serious chocolate-seeking behavior

during chocolate deprivation. She gained weight in proportion to

the increase in chocolate consumption. Her daily diet was increas-

ingly deteriorated. We used behavioral approach and sertraline in

her treatment and were observed that partially benefit from treat-

ment. Combined data from retrospective accounts of adults and

prospective observations of youth indicates that juveniles with

ADHD are at increased risk for cigarette smoking and substance

abuse and behavioral addiction such as Internet addiction, gam-

bling and sex addiction during adolescence. Recognition of the food

addiction is important to fight against obesity, strengthening the

treatment of choice in the food addiction and take political mea-

sures against food addiction are becoming inevitable.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Chronic methiopropamine modifies

preference of choice in rat gambling


H.S. Yoon , W.Y. Kim , M.J. Ku , B.R. Cho , M.J. Kwak , J.H. Kim

Yonsei University College of Medicine, Physiology, Seoul, Republic of


Corresponding author.

Introduction and aims

Rat gambling task (rGT) is a recently

developed animal model making translational research possible in

psychiatric disorders related to decision-making deficits. Methio-

propamine (MPA) is a structural analog to methamphetamine and

a temporary controlled substance. Although increasing concerns

have been raised regarding MPA’s abuse, few sources of informa-

tion exist regarding its psychopharmacology. Thus, we investigated

whether MPA produces any changes in the choice of preference in



Rats were trained in a touch screen chamber to learn

the relationships between 4 different light signals on the screen

and accompanied reward outcomes and punishments set up with

different schedules, for one session of 30min each day. Once ani-

mals showed a stabilized pattern of preference, they were given a

total of 5 IP injections (a single injection per day, every other day)

with saline or MPA followed by 2 weeks of withdrawal. Upon MPA

challenge injection, their preference of choice was re-tested in rGT



Depending upon their preference of choice, rats were

separated as risk-averse or risk-seeking groups. When they were

pre-exposed to and challenged with MPA, rats in the risk-averse

group significantly changed their preference toward more disad-

vantageous choices. These effects were not shown when they were

pre-exposed to saline and challenged with MPA.


These results indicate that MPA badly influences

decision-making behavior as in gambling task, implying that it

may aggravate pathological symptoms of bad choices, resulting in