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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910


negative consequences, observed in the patients with behavioral


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Identifying the relationship between

marital adjustment and, sex roles and

burnout rather than dependence

features of the patient in wives of the

patients with AUD

A. Kokurcan

1 ,

, K. Nazan


, ˙I.Ö. ˙Ilhan



Dıskapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Education and Research Hospital,

Psychiatry, Ankara, Turkey


Ankara University, Psychiatry, Ankara, Turkey

Corresponding author.


To identify the relationship between marital adjust-

ment and, sex roles and burnout rather than dependence features

of the patient in wives of the patients with AUD.


The study sample consisted of 33 wives of AUD patients

(according to DSM-IV-TR criteria) who were applied to a Uni-

versity Hospital Alcohol Dependence Clinic to leave alcohol use.

Sociodemographic questionnaire, Marital Adjustment Scale (MAS),

Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), Bem Sex Role Inventory-Short

Form (BSRI) and, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) were applied to

the wives of ADD patients.


Mean MAS score was under cut-off score (29.63



and it shows that marital adjustment is lower in wives of ADD

patients. It was shown that marriages longer than ten years, and

higher emotional exhaustion scores were associated with lower

marital adjustment in our study. Masculinity scores were higher

in wives who perceived their income status higher. In contrast to

previous studies, which examined marital adjustment, masculinity

role was found to be associated with higher marital adjustment in

our study.


Emotional exhaustion and depression are common

in spouses of the patients with ADD in our study. There may

be a distortion in expected roles of the spouses which cause

a disequilibrium on the family relationship. Lower income sta-

tus, having increased number of children was associated with

severe depression in wives which found to reduce marital adjust-

ment scores. Finally, most of the wives of ADD patients will need

psychotherapeutic treatments during addiction period. So incor-

porating spouses into treatment of ADD patients is a necessity to

improve marital adjustment and burnout.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Interventions to improve lifestyle and

quality of life in patients with

concurrent mental illness and

substance use

A. Juel

1 , C.B

. Kristiansen

2 ,

, P . M


2 , P. H




Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Affective Disorders,

Randers NO, Denmark


Southern University of Denmark, Department of Psychiatry, Odense,



Psychiatric Hospital Randers, Mental Health Center, Randers,


Corresponding author.


Patients with co-existence of psychiatric disorders

and substance use have an increased risk of premature death. This

is attributable to a higher prevalence of physical comorbidities and

the lifestyle related to substance use. Furthermore, they experience

low quality of life (QoL). Studies addressing lifestyle interventions

for these patients are warranted.


To investigate the physical health and QoL in patients with

co-existence of psychiatric disorders and substance use, and to

analyse for changes in their (a) health, (b) substance use and (c)

QoL after a 24-month health-promotion programme. Further aims

were to investigate associations between (a) QoL and number of

interventions, (b) QoL and patient characteristics and (c) QoL and

length of participation in the intervention.


In this naturalistic cohort study, 64 non-selected

patients were engaged in health-promoting interventions added

to contemporary treatments. QoL and clinical variables were mea-

sured at the beginning of and continuously during the programme

by means of the WHOQoL-Bref questionnaire.


At enrolment, the patients’ intake of cannabis and

alcohol was high. During follow-up, patients consumed signifi-

cantly fewer caffeinated beverages (


= 0.038) and fast-food meals



= 0.018), and slept significantly less (


= 0.032). The average

dose of antipsychoticmedication increased significantly (


= 0.015).

QoL was low at enrolment but improved significantly overall



= 0.009) and in the psychological (


= 0.020) and environmen-

tal domains (


= 0.012) at follow-up. The difference in total

QoL was positively associated with the number of interventions



This programme shows promise in addressing health

promotion for these patients and can easily be integrated into con-

temporary treatments.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Clock genes SNP array identifies a key

role of the PER1/HES7 gene in the risk

of cannabis addiction and psychiatric


G. Lafaye

, A. Benyamina

Hôpital Paul-Brousse, Addictologie, Villejuif, France

Corresponding author.

The existence of biological rhythms disruption in addicted sub-

jects has been described including disturbances in their sleep-wake

pattern, rest-activity rhythms, and feeding schedules. Circadian

rhythms have also been related to psychiatric diseases, including

mood and anxiety disorders and the regulation of dopaminergic

transmission, especially in reward circuitry in substance abusers.

The relationship between them remained enigmatic and no data on

the role of clock genes variants on cannabis dependence have been

documented. We aimed at exploring the role of clock gene geno-

types as potential predisposing factor to cannabis addiction, using

a high throughput mass spectrometry methodology that enables

the large-scale analysis of all the known clinically-relevant poly-

morphisms of the core human clock genes. We have conducted

a case-control study on 177 Caucasians categorizing between

cannabis-addicted subjects (


= 83) and casual cannabis consumers



= 94). We report here a strong association between the TT* geno-

type RS1442849 in


gene and a significantly higher risk of

vulnerability to be dependent to cannabis. Moreover, this SNP was

overrepresented in the subsets of cannabis users with more severe

characteristics like personal psychiatric history, unemployed sta-

tus, and beginning of cannabis use early in lifetime as well as

large weekly consumption.


gene is a newly described gene

with a circadian expression regulated by reactive oxygen species in

many cell types including neural stem cells. The HES7 TT* genotype


gene could intervene on the dopamine reward systems.

This genotype thus represents the first potential biomarker for