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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169

tive functioning which has become disorganised, aiding a gradual

return of the cohesion of ego and self and in some cases, cessation

of psychotic symptoms.


An observational study of one year on a group of ten

adolescents aged 17 to 20 in institutional and private settings with

psychotic manifestations and functioning. The group were tested

at the start and end of the study using WAIS-IV and MMPI-A.


The adolescents recruited showed a faster recovery of the

cohesive processes of their fragmented ego as well as a quicker

resumption of social relations. Our model provided an organis-

ing function and a flexible yet secure ‘container’ (Bion, 1988) for

the young people’s psychic structure. The tests showed a demon-

strable improvement in their verbal comprehension, visual-spazial

reasoning, fluid reasoning, working memory and processing speed.


Psychotic manifestations occurring in adolescence

may decrease with an immediate integrated and rehabilitative

intervention, without need of an institutional psychiatric setting. In

conclusion, we find that “psychosis” in adolescence is a prognosis

and not a diagnosis.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Pregnancy and cord vitamin D status

and symptoms of autism spectrum

disorders in toddlers: An Odense child

cohort study

S.S.B. Clausen

1 ,

, H.T. Christesen


, C. Dalgård


, S. Lykkedegn



P. Munk-Jørgensen


, N. Bilenberg



Institute of Clinical Research- University of Southern Denmark,

Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department, Odense C, Denmark


Hans Christian Andersen Children’s Hospital, Odense University

Hospital, Odense, Denmark


Environmental Medicine, University of Southern Denmark,

Department of Public Health, Odense, Denmark


Psychiatric Department, Odense University Hospital, Odense,



Institute of Clinical Research, Child and Adolescent Psychiatric

Department, Odense, Denmark

Corresponding author.


Vitamin D deficiency is widespread globally in

pregnant women and is suggested to contribute to offspring risk

of symptoms of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), but findings are



To investigate whether low prenatal 25OHD exposure

and 25OHD status in early life increase risk of early symptoms of



To investigate early signs of ASD.


From the prospective birth cohort, Odense child cohort



= 2.549), Denmark, we included singletons with their mothers

with available serum concentrations of 25OHD at early pregnancy



= 1.231), late pregnancy (


= 1.361), and birth (


= 2.082). ASD

symptoms were rated by parents on the pervasive developmen-

tal problem (PDP) scale of the Child behavior checklist for ages

1½-5 (CBCL 1½-5). Associations between 25OHD and PDP score

were analyzed by multiple linear and logistic regression models.

A priori included covariates were gestational age, child gender,

birth weight, season of birth, parity, parental psychiatric diagnoses,

maternal age, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, education

level, vitamin D supplementation, and pre-gestational BMI.


Means (SD) of 25OHD for early pregnancy, late preg-

nancy, and cord were 65.5 (21.5), 78.7 (27.0), and 47.0 (21.7)

nmol/L, respectively. PDP data were obtained at a mean (SD) of 2.7

(0.6) years of age. Data from the regression analyses are pending.


In this well-off cohort with relatively high levels of

cord 25OHD, power calculations allows us to detect a true change

of 0.02 PDP scores per 10 nmol/L change in 25OHD. Further studies

will clarify whether early PDP scores track later ASD diagnosis.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychiatric assessment of cases with

self-inflicted poisoning in a sample of

Egyptian children and adolescents

H. El Rafei

, M.

Ghanem , H. Gamaluddin , M.M. Mohamed ,

A.M. Abdel Samiee’ , N. Shaker

Psyhciatry Institute, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, Psychiatry

Department, Cairo, Egypt

Corresponding author.


Suicide in children and adolescents is commonly

underreported and studied. It is an interplay area of multiple static

(sociodemographic), and modifiable (impulsivity, psychiatric mor-

bidities, adverse life events (ALE), abuse, bullying) variables.

Objectives and aim

To assess and identify relative significance of

dependent and independent risk factors in youngsters attempting

self-inflicted poisoning.


Consecutive recruitment of patients aged 7–18, with

normal IQ, admitted to poison control centre over 13 continu-

ous months, with self-induced poisoning. All were assessed after

guardians’ written informed consent for different risk factors iden-

tified for suicidal behavior using appropriate scales (PPS, SRRS-Y,

FSSCS, BIS-11, J-TCI, Mini-Kid). Controls with no history of suicidal

attempt were matched for age, sex and sociodemographics among

their families.


One hundred and twenty cases (16.7 years


1.6 SD, 91%

females) and 100 controls (age 16.4 years


1.7 SD, 90.8% females)

were assessed. In cases, 90.8% were of low/middle socioeconomic

status, 73.5% had previous attempt, average within 10 months,

17.5% planned their attempt, 10.8% had a witnessed attempt.

Stressor within 2 days was reported in 75.9%, severe in 40%. Impuls-

ivity was more in its cognitive, planning and motor components



= 0.001 in each) among attempters. Cases scored more on Nov-

elty seeking, harmavoidance and reward dependence than controls

who had more persistence, self-directedness and cooperativeness.

Attempters had significantlymore pastmedical and psychiatric his-

tory (


= 0.001, 0.05 respectively), 77.5% had a working psychiatric

illness, 2% in controls.


Repeated suicidal attempts were the majority, with

impulsivity as a predictive risk, especially if psychiatric morbidity

or ALE in youths were encountered.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Families of children with autism

spectrum disorders: Communication

and mental health

F.D. Fernandes

, S. L


University of São Paulo, FMUSP, Cotia-SP, Brazil

Corresponding author.

Persons with autism need special care during all life and therefore

the caretakers need attention too. Parental stress in families with

children with autism is significantly higher than the observed in

families with children with other disorders or with typical devel-

opment. Communication is specially affected in autism, is one of

parent’s first concerns and may increase stress. This study asked if

parents of non-verbal children with autism have higher levels of

stress than parents of verbal children with autism. The purpose