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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169



This study suggests that attachment organization

may be a fundamental element to be assessed in the evaluation

of disruptive behavior disorders in children and adolescents. Nev-

ertheless, traumatic experiences do not seem expressed through

psychic symptoms. The clinical implications are discussed.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Impulsivity in adolescent with

depressive disorders

K. Khemakhem , J. Boudabous , L. Cherif , H. Ayadi

, A. Walha ,

Y. Moalla , I. Hadjkacem , F. Ghribi

Hedi chaker Hospital, child psychiatry, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


However, impulsivity is more likely to be present in

externalizing disorders, little focus seems to have been made on

the research of impulsivity in depression.


On this study, we sought to investigate impulsivity

among adolescent with Depressive disorder compared to a control


Subjects and methods

Employing a matched case-control study,

participants included 100 adolescents divided into two groups: 30

adolescents (12 to 17 years) with depressive disorder and a con-

trol sample of 70 adolescents. Participants were recruited during

a period of 2 years (2015, 2016). Depressive disorder patient were

drawn from the consultation unit or inpatient unit of the depart-

ment of child psychiatry in Sfax, Tunisia. Controls were recruited

from two secondary schools and they haven’t depressive symp-

toms according to the child depression inventory (CDI). Impulsivity

was evaluated in the two groups by the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale

(BIS-11), an instrument designed to measure trait impulsivity.


Adolescents with depressive disorder displayed sig-

nificantly higher total BIS-11 impulsivity scores than controls



16 vs 61.6




= 0.003). They scored significantly higher

than the controls on motor (


= 0.0001) and attentional impulsivity



= 0.006). There was no difference in non-planning Impulsivity

between the two groups. Motor impulsivitywas high in adolescents

with history of suicide attempt.


Our findings suggest that trait impulsivity is

increased among adolescents with depressive disorder. Impulsi-

vity seems to be a risk factor for suicide attempts, so it that should

be systematically evaluated in depressive disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Aerobic exercise training in children

and adolescents with inflammatory

bowel disease: Influence on

psychological functioning, sleep and

physical performance

L. Maehlmann

1 , M.


2 , R.I

. Furlano

3 , C. L


3 , N.


1 ,

D. Sadeghi Bahmani

1 , E. H


1 , S. B


1 ,


Psychiatric University Hospital, Center for Affective- Stress and

Sleep Disorders, Basel, Switzerland


University of Basel, Department of Sport, Exercise and Health,

Division of Sport and Psychosocial Health, Basel, Switzerland


University Children’s Hospital Basel, Paediatric Gastroenterology &

Nutrition, Basel, Switzerland

Corresponding author.

Background and aims

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease

(IBD) report increased mental health issues, poorer sleep quality

and less engagement in physical activity (PA). Standard treatment

consists of immune modulating pharmaceuticals, though evidence

is growing that aerobic exercise training (AET) might serve as

adjuvant option to reduce disease symptoms and improve mental

health. The aimof the present study was to investigate possible AET

effects on psychological functioning, depressive symptoms, sleep

and PA behavior in paediatric patients with IBD.


Twenty-one paediatric patients with IBD and 23 gen-

der and age-matched healthy controls (HC) were assessed. The IBD

group was split into a “remission-group” (IBD-RE;


= 14) and an

“active disease group” (IBD-AD;


= 7). All participants completed

an 8-week AET exergame intervention reaching 60–80% of maximal

heart rate for 5 days per week. At baseline and after 8 weeks, psy-

chological functioning, depressive symptoms, objective sleep EEG,

subjective sleep and objective and subjective PA were assessed.


AET significantly improved the exercise capacity of all

participants. Self-reported fitness and daily PA behavior sig-

nificantly increased in IBD-AD, but not in IBD-RE and HC.

No improvements were observed for psychological functioning,

depressive symptoms and subjective or objective sleep dimensions.

Descriptively, the IBD-ADgroup reported lower psychological func-

tioning and poorer subjective sleep quality.


Results suggest that children and adolescents in an

active disease state were at increased risk to descriptively report

lower scores of psychological functioning and sleep. Further, an

exergaming intervention has the potential to improve exercise

capacity, self-reported fitness and daily PA.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Disturbed sleep and activity in

toddlers with early signs of ADHD

A.K. Bundgaard

, N. B

ilenberg , J. Asmussen ,

N. Vigeholm Stokbæk

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Odense, University of Southern

Denmark, Odense C, Denmark

Corresponding author.


Attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder (ADHD) is

a frequent psychiatric disorder present in childhood, where sleep-

problems are a prominent, pervasive and clinically important

feature. However, our understanding of whether sleep-problems

mimic or exacerbate daytime ADHD-symptom expression remains



Research examining sleep and daily activity in toddlers

with early signs of ADHD might help identify early risk factors.


To investigate whether disturbed sleep patterns and daily

activity level is associated with early signs of ADHD in toddlers.


Twenty-four toddlers from the Danish Odense Child

Cohort scoring above the 93rd percentile on the ADHD scale of

the Child Behaviour Checklist for ages 1½–5 were categorized as

cases and compared to 25 age and gender-matched controls sco-

ring below the 50th percentile. Daytime and nocturnal activity for

49 toddlers were assessed through seven days of actigraphy. Par-

ents completed Children’s Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) and

the ADHD Rating Scale IV Preschool Version (ADHD-RS).


Actigraphic data revealed an increased night-to-night

variability, prolonged total sleep time, fewer sleep interrup-

tions and fewer minutes in moderate-to-vigorous-physical activity

(MVPA) in cases compared to controls. Increased night-to-night

variability was found significantly associated with higher total

scores on both the CSHQ and ADHD-RS. Further, fewer minutes in

MVPA were associated with a higher parent-reported motor activ-

ity on the ADHD-RS.


Findings show that early signs of ADHD are associated

with irregular sleep patterns and lower daytime activity, as illus-