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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169



Semi-structured interviews with eight responsible clini-

cians and four focus-group interviews with 20 ACT providers were

recorded and transcribed. We also read case files and observed

selected treatment planning meetings. The data were analyzed

with a modified grounded theory approach.


The ACT teams provided high-intensive services over

longer periods of time, which gave the teams important knowl-

edge about the patients, reduced clinical uncertainty, and allowed

for well-informed decisions about the need for coercive interven-

tions. The treatment criterion was typically used to justify the need

for CTOs. However, the danger criterion was in some cases used

when patients had to be readmitted to hospital.


According to the clinicians that were interviewed,

patients’ need for treatment wasmost often used to justify the CTOs

in the Norwegian ACT teams.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster walk: Epidemiology and social

psychiatry; intellectual disability


Postpartum depression in a public

hospital in Cyprus. Prevalence,

risk factors

K. Argyropoulos


, G. Andreou


, D. Avramidis

1 ,

, P. Gourzis



G. Charalambous


, E. Jelastopulu



Medical School, University of Patras, Public Health, Patras, Greece


Frederick University, Postgraduate Program Health Management,

Nicosia, Cyprus


Medical School, University of Patras, Psychiatry, Patras, Greece

Corresponding author.


Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious mental

health condition. Untreated PPD places the mother and infant at

risk and is associated with significant long-term effects on child

development and behavior.


Appropriate screening for and prompt recognition and

treatment of depression after the birth of a child are essential for

maternal and child well-being.


The purpose of the present studywas to estimate the preva-

lence of PPD in the first 5 days after the birth of a neonate and to

investigate associations with several risk factors.


A cross-sectional study was conducted among 150

mothers, in a public obstetric hospital in Nicosia, Cyprus. A

questionnaire was administered including socio-demographic

characteristics. The Greek version of the Edinburgh postnatal

depression scale (EPDS), a 10–item questionnaire to identifying

women who are at risk of PPD, was used to estimate depression

among the participants.


According to EPDS, 42% of the mothers screened positive

for risk of developing PPD. Higher risk was observed in very young

mothers (<20 years) (66.6% vs 15%), in women with history of psy-

chological disorders (86.95% vs 33.85%), in single mothers (71.69%

vs 22.8%), in women with serious problems during the pregnancy

(74% vs 23.95%) and in mothers with not healthy neonate (75.7% vs



The study reveals a high prevalence of PPD and iden-

tifies various risk factors associated with developing PPD. The use

of maternal depression screening programs such as the EPDS may

help to recognize an elevated risk of postpartum depression and to

ensure a healthier mother-child relationship.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Antidepressant use during pregnancy

and the risk of major congenital

malformations in a cohort of

depressed pregnant women:

A re-analysis of the Quebec pregnancy


A. Bérard

1 , 2 ,

, J.P. Zhao


, O. Sheehy



CHU Sainte-Justine, Research Center, Montréal, Canada


University of Montreal, Faculty of Pharmacy, Montréal, Canada

Corresponding author.


To quantify the association between first-trimester

antidepressant exposure and the risk of major congenital malfor-

mations (MCM) in a cohort of depressed women.


Data were obtained from the Quebec pregnancy cohort.

All pregnancies with a diagnosis of depression or anxiety, or

exposed to antidepressants in the 12months before pregnancy,

and ending with a live-born singleton were included. Antide-

pressant classes (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI),

serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), tricyclic

antidepressants (TCA), and other antidepressants), and types were

individually compared to non-exposure during the first-trimester

(depressed untreated). MCM overall and organ-specific malforma-

tions in the first year of life were identified.


Eighteen thousand four hundred and eighty-seven

depressed pregnant women were included. Citalopram use dur-

ing the first-trimester was increasing the risk of MCM (aOR 1.36,

95%CI 1.08, 1.73; 88 exposed cases). Antidepressants with sero-

tonin reuptake inhibition effect (SSRI, SNRI, amitriptyline (themost

used TCA))were increasing the risk of certain organ specific defects:

paroxetine was increasing the risk of cardiac defects (aOR 1.45,

95%CI 1.12, 1.88), and ventricular/atrial septal defects (aOR 1.39,

95%CI 1.00. 1.93); citalopram was increasing the risk of muscu-

loskeletal defects (aOR1.92, 95%CI 1.40. 2.62), and cranyosynostosis

(aOR 3.95, 95%CI 2.08, 7.52); TCA was associated with eye, ear, face

and neck defects (aOR 2.45, 95%CI 1.05, 5.72), and digestive defects

(aOR 2.55, 95%CI 1.40. 4.66); and venlafaxine was associated with

respiratory defects (aOR 2.17, 95%CI 1.07, 4.38).


Antidepressants with effects on serotonin reuptake

during embryogenesis are increasing the risk of some organ specific

malformations in a cohort of pregnant women with depression.

Disclosure of interest

COI: Disclosures and acknowledgments: AB

is a consultant for plaintiffs in litigations involving antidepressants

and birth defects. All other authors report no financial relationships

with commercial interests. All authors have completed the ICMJE

uniform disclosure form.


Dealing with specific cognitive

dysfunctions associated with

psychiatric vulnerability in

intellectual developmental disorders

D. Scuticchio , A. Bianco

, M. Rossi , M. Piva Merli , M.O. Bertelli

CREA Research and Clinical Center, San Sebastiano Foundation,

Misericordia Di Firenze, Florence, Italy

Corresponding author.


Despite the increasing evidence of common neu-

rodevelopmental alterations and high simultaneous or sequential

co-occurrence, the relationship between specific cognitive dys-