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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169



Studies have shown that people with Intellectual

Disabilities (ID) develop mental illness at rates similar to or higher

than general population1.


There is no previous study on mental health of adults

with ID in Turkey.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence

and associated factors of mental disorders in adults with ID in



151 participants with ID aged 18 and over were

recruited from care homes, rehabilitation centers and from people

attending to psychiatry outpatients for the first time. Every partici-

pant underwent face to face assessment by a psychiatrist supported

by an informant and previous notes. A structured purpose designed

socio-demographic form was used. Diagnoses were drawn accord-

ing to DSM-5. Point prevalence of disorders was calculated and

associated factors were investigated.


63.5% of the participants met criteria for one psychiatric

disorder, 21% hadmore than one disorder. Themost common disor-

ders were: challenging behavior (34%), autism spectrum disorders

(%13.9), and anxiety disorders (13.9%) and attention deficit hyper-

activity disorder (10.6%). Living in a care home and being young

were associated with mental ill health (


< 0.05)

[1] .


This study demonstrates high psychiatric comorbid-

ity in adults with ID. Young age and care homes were the associated

factors in this sample. These results are important to raise aware-

ness of professionals and service providers about mental health of

adults with ID.

Disclosure of interest

This project was funded by the Scientific

and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with a

project number of B ˙IDEB 115C015. The funding body did not have

any involvement with data collection, analysis or writing up.


[1] Buckles J, Luckasson R, Keefe EA. Systematic review of the

prevalence of psychiatric disorders in adults with intellectual

disability. J MentHealthResIntellectDisabil 2013;6(3):181–207.


Using quality improvement

methodology to achieve NICE

compliant care for people with

intellectual disabilities whose

behavior challenges

N. O’Kane

, I. Hall

East London NHS Foundation Trust, Community Learning Disability

Service, London, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


In May 2015, NICE published guidelines for people

with intellectual disabilities whose behavior challenges (NG11).

Eight quality standards were subsequently developed by NICE to

help service providers, health and social care practitioners and

commissioners implement the necessary recommendations within

the new NG11 guidelines.


We used a Quality Improvement (QI) methodology

including process mapping, driver diagrams, and fortnightly QI

team meetings. We conducted a baseline audit of the quality

standards and used Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to pilot inter-

ventions generated by the team to improve compliance with the



Baseline compliance with the quality standards was low.

We identified four priority areas for intervention: annual physical

health checks, recording the indication of medication, multidisci-

plinary case discussion and concurrent psychosocial interventions

for those prescribed medications for challenging behavior. Using a

PDSA cycle for each intervention, we have demonstrated improved

compliance with the NG11 guidelines. Compliance for the recor-

ding of indication of medication for all case reviews was previously

0% and now 100%. At least one target case is discussed at each MDT

team meeting. Full results for annual health checks are awaited,

but intervention has already shown an improvement in the uptake

from 40% to 70%. Staff and carers knowledge of psychosocial

interventions for people with challenging behavior showed an

improvement after training.


Quality Improvement methodology was successful

in improving adherence to NG11 guidelines. We are currently

assessing whether this is leading to reductions in challenging

behavior and improvements to people’s well-being.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


An online survey of the stigma

attached to psychiatry and

psychiatrists in India

P. Jadhav

1 ,

, A. Dhandapani


, S. Hatti


, S. Armugam



S. Chaturvedi



National Institute of mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Psychiatry,

Bangalore- Karnataka, India


Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Psychiatry, Gadag, India

Corresponding author.


Stigma in psychiatry is pervasive, it does not stop

at illness and marks all those who are ill, their families across gen-

erations, institutions that provide treatment, psychotropics’, and

mental health professionals. Stigma directed towards psychiatry as

a branch & psychiatrists in particular has not been systematically

studied in the Indian context.


To study the Indian psychiatrists perspective of stigma

directed towards psychiatry & psychiatrists.


An online survey containing “The World Psychiatric

Association Stigma Questionnaire” was sent to the members of the

Indian Psychiatric Society. Two hundred and three Indian psychia-

trists filled out the questionnaire which assesses the stigmatization

of psychiatry and psychiatrist as perceived by the psychiatrists



One hundred and thirty-two psychiatrists completed the

survey with a completion rate of 65%, 75% of the respondents were

male and most of their clientele was from urban catchment area.

Sixty percent of the psychiatrists were either working in a psy-

chiatry hospital or a psychiatry unit in a general hospital setting.

More than a third had high-perceived stigma but had a very low

stereotype agreement. Discrimination experiences were noted by

more than 75% of psychiatrists, however less than 8% had a negative

stigma outcome.


Though most of the Indian psychiatrists perceive

themselves as being stigmatized, the stereotype agreement was

found to be low and the discrimination experiences did not have

significant impact on job performance. Though this might reflect

resilience, we must attempt to improve the image of psychiatry

and strive towards achieving a larger public acceptance of mental

health services in India.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Changes in utilization of psychiatric

hospital facilities in Denmark by

patients diagnosed with

Schizophrenia from 1970 through

2012: The advent of ‘revolving door’
