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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169


assessment of both premature mortality (years of life lost–YLLs)

and nonfatal outcomes (years lived with disability–YLDs). DALYs

are computed by adding YLLs and YLDs for each age-sex-

country group. In 2013, mental disorders contributed to 5.6% of

total disease burden in EMR (1894 DALYS/100,000 population):

2519 DALYS/100,000 (2590/100,000 males, 2426/100,000 females)

in high-income countries, 1884 DALYS/100,000 (1618/100,000

males, 2157/100,000 females) in middle-income countries, 1607

DALYS/100,000 (1500/100,000 males, 1717/100,000 females) in

low-income countries. Females had a greater proportion of bur-

den due to mental disorders than did males of equivalent ages,

except for those under 15 years. The highest proportion of DALYs

occurred in the 25–49 age group. The burden of mental dis-

orders in EMR increased from 1726 DALYs/100,000 in 1990 to

1912DALYs/100,000 in 2013 (10.8% increase). Depressive disorders

accounted for most DALYs, followed by anxiety disorders. Pales-

tine had the largest burden of mental disorders. Nearly all EMR

countries had a higher mental disorder burden compared to global

level. Our findings call for EMR health ministries to increase provi-

sion of mental health services and to address stigma of mental ill-

ness. Our results showing the accelerating burden of mental health

are alarming as the region is seeing an increased level of instability.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Facial emotion recognition ability in

psychiatrists, psychologist and

psychological counselors

M. Dalkiran

1 ,

, E. Yuksek


, O. Karamustafalioglu



Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Hospital, Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey


Viransehir public hospital, Psychiatry, Sanliurfa, Turkey

Corresponding author.


Although, emotional cues like facial emotion expres-

sions seem to be important in social interaction, there is limited

specific training about emotional cues for psychology professions.


Here, we aimed to evaluate psychologist’, psychological

counselors’ and psychiatrists’ ability of facial emotion recognition

and compare these groups.


One hundred and forty-one master degree students of

clinical psychology and 105 psychiatrists who identified them-

selves as psychopharmacologists were asked to perform facial

emotion recognition test after filling out socio-demographic ques-

tionnaire. The facial emotion recognition test was constructed by

using a set of photographs (happy, sad, fearful, angry, surprised,

disgusted, and neutral faces) from Ekman and Friesen’s.


Psychologists were significantly better in recogniz-

ing sad facial emotion than psychopharmacologists (6.23



vs 5.80


1.34 and


= 0.041). Psychological counselors were

significantly better in recognizing sad facial emotion than psy-

chopharmacologists (6.24


1.01 vs 5.80


1.34 and


= 0.054).

Psychologists were significantly better in recognizing angry facial

emotion than psychopharmacologists (6.54


0.73 vs 6.08





= 0.002). Psychological counselors were significantly better

in recognizing angry facial emotion than psychopharmacologists



0.73 vs 6.08


1.06 and


= 0.14).


We have revealed that the pyschologist and psycho-

logical counselors weremore accurate in recognizing sad and angry

facial emotions than psychopharmacologists. We considered that

more accurate recognition of emotional cues may have important

influences on patient doctor relationship. It would be valuable to

investigate how these differences or training the ability of facial

emotion recognition would affect the quality of patient–clinician



Facial emotion recognition; Psychiatrist;

Psychologist; Psychological counselors

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Family functioning, trauma exposure

and PTSD in a middle-income

community sample

S. Dorrington

, H.

Zavos , H. Ball , P. McGuffin , A. Sumathipala ,

S. Siribaddana , F. Rijsdijk , S.L. Hatch , M. Hotopf

King’s College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, United


Corresponding author.


Only a minority of trauma-exposed individuals go

on to develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Previous

studies in high-income countries suggest that maladaptive family

functioning adversities (MFFA) in childhood may partially ex-plain

individual variation in vulnerability to PTSD following trauma. We

test in a lower middle income setting (Sri Lanka) whether: (1) MFFA

moderates the association between exposure to trauma and later

(a) PTSD (b) other psychiatric diagnoses; (2) any moderation by

MFFA is explained by experiences of interpersonal violence, cumu-

lative trauma exposure or other psychopathology.


We conducted a population study of 3995 twins and

2019 singletons residing in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Participants com-

pleted the composite international diagnostic interview, including

nine traumatic exposures and a questionnaire on MFFA.


In total, 23.4% of participants reported exposure to MFFA.

We found that (1)MFFAmoderates the association between trauma

exposure and both (a) PTSD and (b) non-PTSD diagnosis. (2) This

was not explained by interpersonal violence, cumulative trauma

exposure or other psychopathology.


In our sample MFFA moderates the association

between trauma and PTSD, and the association between trauma

and non-PTSD psychopathology.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Kbg syndrome and the establishment

of its neuropsychological phenotype

J. Egger

1 ,

, L. Van Dongen


, C. Stumpel


, E. Wingbermuehle



T. Kleefstra



Vincent van Gogh Institute, Centre of Excellence for

Neuropsychiatry, Venray, The Netherlands


Maastricht University Medical Centre, Department of Genetics,

Maastricht, The Netherlands


Radboud University Medical Centre, Department of Genetics,

Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Corresponding author.


KBG syndrome is caused by a mutation in the


gene, characterized by short stature and specific dental, craniofacial

and skeletal anomalies. Scarce literature on the phenotypical pre-

sentation mention delayed speech and motor development as well

asmild tomoderate intellectual disabilities. As to psychopathology,

often, autism and ADHD are mentioned but not yet substantiated

in terms of neurocognitive variables.


Aim of the current study was to investigate neurocognitive

aspects of KBG syndrome.

Participants and Methods Seventeen patients (aged 6–66 years;

ten females) with a proven ANKRD11 mutation were compared

with two different groups of patients with a genetic disorder and

similar developmental ages (


= 14 and


= 10). Neuropsychologi-

cal assessment was performed focusing on the level of intellectual