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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237



[1] Paller KA, Creery JD, Florczak SM, Weintraub S, Mesulam M-

M, Reber PJ, et al. Benefits of mindfulness training for patients

with progressive cognitive decline and their caregivers. Am J

Alzheimer’s Dis Other Dementias [Internet] 2014 Aug 25 [cited

2014 Nov 6].


Economic recession and mental

health distress: Does age matter?

D. Frasquilho

, G. Cardoso , A. Ana , M. Silva ,

J.M. Caldas-de-Almeida

Cedoc, Chronic Diseases Research Center, Nova Medical School,

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


The association between economic crises and men-

tal health problems can be attributed to a number of factors. Among

these, age seems to be an important determinant.


The aim of this study was to assess whether mental

health of the Portuguese population following the onset of the 2008

recession, differs by age groups.


A follow-up study (2015) on the population aged 18 to

> 65 years old, using the National Mental Health Survey (


= 911).

The age-group prevalence of mental health distress assessed by the

ten-itemKessler’s Psychological Distress Scale (K10)was calculated

using Chi


statistics and mental distress as a categorical variable



< 0.05).


Mean mental distress score differed significantly accord-

ing to age group,


(3) = 10.684,


< = 0.05. The results showed

that the older groups (50–64 and 65 = years old) were more fre-

quently under mental distress (17–19%) compared to younger

people (18–49 = years old), which were less likely to report being

distressed (8–12%).


Age seems to be an important determinant of dis-

tress levels during the economic crisis in Portugal. Older adults

reported to be more distressed compared to younger individuals.

There are several hypotheses for a differential expression of psy-

chological distress between age groups such as working status

and retirement, which can express differential access to coping

resources under such contextual negative pressure of economic

recession. Further research on age groups is thus needed to bet-

ter understand how recession generates adverse effects on mental



Distress; Age; Mental health; Recession; Older adults

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effect of apolipoprotein E 4

(APOE E4) on visuospatial working

memory in healthy elders and

amnestic mild cognitive impairment

patients: An event-related potentials


L. Gu

Nanjing Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University, School of Medicine,

Department of Neuropsychiatry, Nanjing, China


Previous studies provided inconsistent evidences

for the effect of apolipoprotein E 4 (APOE 4) status on the

visuospatial working memory (VSWM). Our study was the first

investigation with event-related potential (ERP) to explore the

effect of APOE 4 on VSWM in healthy elders and aMCI patients.


The aim was to investigate the effect of APOE 4 on

VSWM with event-related potential (ERP) study in healthy elders

and aMCI patients.


Thirty-nine aMCI patients (27 APOE 4 non-carriers and

12 APOE 4 carriers) and 43 their matched control (25 APOE 4

non-carriers and 18 APOE 4 carriers) performed an N-back task,

a VSWM paradigm that manipulated the number of items to be

stored in memory.


Our study detected reduced accuracy and delayed mean

correct response time in aMCI patients than healthy elders. P300

was elicited by VSWMand its amplitudewas lower in aMCI patients

at the central-parietal and parietal electrodes than healthy controls.

In healthy elders, P300 amplitude declined prior to task perfor-

mance change in APOE 4 carriers than non-carriers. Regarding

aMCI patients, P300 amplitude result revealed exacerbated VSWM

deficits inAPOE 4 carriers thanAPOE 4 non-carriers. Additionally,

standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography

analysis (s-LORETA) result showed enhanced brain activation in

right parahippocampal gyrus during P300 time range in APOE 4

carriers than non-carriers in aMCI patients

( Fig. 1 , T ables 1 and 2 ).


It demonstrated that P300 amplitude might serve as

a biomarker for recognizing aMCI patients and contribute to early

detection of worse VSWM in APOE 4 carriers than non-carriers.

Fig. 1

The sLORETA images showing statistical differences

between aMCI– APOE 4

and aMCI– APOE 4+ group (3D-view

and slice-view) in the P300 time-range. The three slice-view images

below located the maximal difference between aMCI– APOE 4

and aMCI– APOE 4+ group (MNI coordinates






= 10,


0). Negative difference was in blue color with reference of aMCI–

APOE 4+ group Abbreviations: aMCI: amnestic mild cognitive

impairement; APOE: apoliprotein E; MNI: Montreal Neurological

Institute; sLoreta: standardized low-resolution brain electromag-

netic tomography analysis.