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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S170–S237


The present study describes the frequency of QTc

prolongation in real-world clinical practice. Before prescribing a

psychotropic drug, the physician should carefully assess its risks

and benefits to avoid this type of adverse reaction, particularly

when additional risk factors are present. The potential role of alco-

hol and substances on QTc length could be particularly useful in

emergency settings.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Clinical features and diagnosis of

alcoholic hallucinosis

N. De Uribe-viloria

, A. Alonso Sanchez , M. De Lorenzo Calzon ,

M. Gomez Garcia , A. Alvarez Astorga , H. De La Red Gallego ,

R. Hernandez Anton , S. Gomez Sanchez , C. Noval Canga ,

G. Medina Ojeda , F. De Uribe Ladron De Cegama

Hospital Clinico Universitario De Valladolid, Psychiatry, Valladolid,


Corresponding author.


Alcoholic hallucinosis is a rare complication of

chronic alcohol abuse, characterized by acoustic verbal hallucina-

tions and delusions, mainly of a menacing content, arising in clear

consciousness, that appear during or shortly after a period of heavy

alcohol consumption.

Objectives and aims

To outline the key clinical features of alco-

holic hallucinosis in order to improve differential diagnosis with

other entities.


We studied the evolution of an outpatient followed in

a Mental Health Centre of Valladolid and compared it with present

data about the condition, found in a bibliographic search of articles

no older than 10 years about the topic.


Partial insight about the experience, alongwith clear con-

sciousness, was key to discard other psychiatric diagnosis that also

present acoustic hallucinations. Neuroimagining and functional

tests in our patient showed moderate cognitive impairment and

cortical atrophy, which contradicts other studies which claim that

an acceptable level of cognition must be present in order to gain

the necessary insight to meet the diagnostic criteria.


Alcoholic hallucinosis is a rare form of subacute

encephalopathy, secondary to an abrupt stop in a previously

chronic and heavy alcohol consumption. Its diagnosis is mainly

clinical, and neuroleptics are the most used drug, being abstinence

essential for an adequate evolution. The course is usually benign,

although the acoustic phenomena may not disappear completely.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Resilience and psychological

correlates in a group of patients

affected by dual diagnosis

C. Delicato

, E. G

attoni , S. Di Marco , C. Vecchi , A. Venesia ,

P. Zeppegno , C. Gramaglia

Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “A.Avogadro”,

Translational Medicine, Novara, Italy

Corresponding author.


Although several authors found a strong association

between childhood trauma and substance abuse disorder, many

other suggest that specific personological aspects and resilience

may contribute to the development of this disease.


To compare the characteristics of psychiatric patients

with and without dual diagnosis assessing differences in psycho-

logical correlates, such as resilience, coping strategies, self-esteem,

temperament, character traits and childhood trauma.


From November 2015 to May 2016, we recruited all

patients aged between 18 to 65 years referred to the Psychiatry

Ward of “Maggiore della Carità” Hospital in Novara, Italy. Diagno-

sis of psychiatric disorder was made according to DSM-5 diagnostic

criteria. Exclusion criteria were: inability to express a valid inform

consent, a personality disorder or mental retardation diagnosis.

We administered to each patient: Resilience Scale for Adult (RSA),

Brief Cope, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES), Childhood Trauma

Questionnaire (CTQ), Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI).

Patients were subdivided for the analysis into two groups: dual

diagnosis and no dual diagnosis (or single diagnosis) group.


Data show that dual-diagnosis patients (


= 40) had lower

global levels of resilience (RSA) and cooperativeness (TCI). Higher

novelty seeking and reward dependence traits (TCI) were found as

well. Moreover, the lower Cope-Avoidance (Brief Cope) was statis-

tically different among patients with dual diagnosis compared to

single diagnosis ones.


Identified differences between these two groups

could suggest targets to manage during the treatments in order

to optimise dual diagnosis patients’ outcomes.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Recovery orientation as a key element

in addiction treatment: Preliminary

results of a patient’s survey

G. Eikmeier

, R. von Heugel , A. Lacroix , I. Molkentin ,

T. Rosenbrock , R. Böttcher , A. Paul , J. Nachtigall

Psychiatry, Klinikum Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven, Germany

Corresponding author.

“Recovery” in addiction treatment goes far beyond abstinence,

but means a self-determined and meaningful life. Although this

approach has been implemented in a number of programs, only lit-

tle research has been carried out on this issue. Within the context

of focusing our treatment program for addictive disorders more

strongly according to recovery principles, we studied the base-

line situation with the Bremerhavener Questionnaire of Treatment

Satisfaction (BFPZ). Sixteen items cover different aspects of our

traditional qualified inpatient detoxification program as well as

recovery principles. Each item can be rated from 0 (strongly dis-

agree) to 3 (strongly agree). BetweenDecember 1st 2015 andMarch

31st 2016, all in house patients with a substance abuse treated

for more than 24 hours in the psychiatric department of Klinikum

Bremerhaven Reinkenheide were asked to fill in the questionnaire



= 201). Response rate was 35% (


= 70). Overall treatment sat-

isfaction was high (mean: 2,57


0.65). On the single item level,

aspects of empathy and openness were rated best (mean > 2.3),

while special aspects of personal recovery (choice, hope, life goals,

diversity of treatment options) were rated worst (mean < 2.3).

Eighty-nine percent of the patients wanted to stop their alcohol

consumption completely, 2% wanted to break their consumption

temporarily and 9% wanted to consume less. Thirty-four percent

were interested in additional therapy offers for controlled sub-

stance use. The results will be presented in detail and discussed

with regard to the implications for recovery-oriented addiction


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.