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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302

Chronotype is defined as individual circadian preference, most

often represented on the continuum between two extremes:

morningness and eveningness. Growing number of studies show

associations between circadian preference and various psy-

chopathological symptoms. Eveningness has been shown to be

related with depressiveness in non-clinical population, while

mornigness has been presented as protective factor. Schizotypy

is a schizophrenic-spectrum personality trait linked with a ten-

dency to eccentricity, magical thinking and unusual experiences.

Features of schizotypy has been identified in patients with mood

disorders i.e bipolar disorder. While there is growing number of

studies evaluating associations between chronotype and affective

symptons, to our best knowledge there are no studies adressing the

issue of association between schizotypy and circadian preferences.

A total of 887 healthy individuals took part in the web-based study.

Chronotype has been assessed with the use of Composite Scale of

Morningness. Schizotypy has been measured with the use of the

enlarged version of The Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and

Experiences (O-LIFE). Analysis revealed significant positive corre-

lations between cognitive disorganization, introvertive/anhedonia,

implusiveness/nonconformity and eveningness. To our best knowl-

edge, results indicate for the first time relationship between

eveningness and schizotypy, measured by O-LIFE.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effect of treatment recognition

based on mental conscious on

decreasing depression and stress on

those affected by lupus disease and by

3 months follow up

N. Farrokhi

1 ,

, A . G


2 , S. G




Young reseachers club of Islamic Azad University, Roudehen Branch,

Clinical Psychology, Tehran, Iran


Faculty of Psychology, University of Isfahan, Clinical Psychology,

Eisfahan, Iran


Assistant professor of Mental Health, University of Medical Sciences

IUMS. Center of Excellence in psychiatry, School of Behavioral

Sciences and Mental Health, Clinical Psychology, Tehran, Iran

Corresponding author.


Systemic lupus erythemataus is a chronic inflam-

matory disease of the multimedia system that appear on renal

involvement, cortical-mucous, bloody, and neurotic.


The target of this study is to examine the effect of treatment

recognition based on mental conscious on decreasing depression

intensity on lupus disease and three month follow up.


The method of study is semi test by targeted random

selection in access in which we have used of pre-test by observe

group. Volume of sample includes 200 women afflicted by lupus

and among them about 20 ones were ready to cooperate and in

study duration were in related improvement situation and has

been evaluated. They have been grouped in the two test group

(ten persons) and observe one (10 persons) in which two persons

has been excluded from test group and we have excluded two

persons from observe group, too. Test group have received eight

MBCT treatment sessions but observe group has not received any

treatment. Beck depression questionnaire (BDI-II) and brief signs

of psychology questionnaire (BSI-53) has been performed as pre-

test and after clinical test, post-test and three-month-follow up has

been done. We have used of descriptive statics and co-variance for



Findings has shown that treatment recognition based on

mental consciousness, meaningfully have an effect on decreasing

remained signs of depression.


Three-month-follow up has shown that treatment

recognition based on mental consciousness, had an effect on

depression disorder, anxiety disorder, and lupus patients.


Treatment recognition based on mental

consciousness; Depression; Erytmatosus systematic Lupus

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The effectiveness of multi-systemic

family therapy in bullying behavior of


D. Gashi Bytyc¸ i

Community Based Mental Health Center and House for Integration,

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit, Prizren, Kosovo


Multi-systemic family therapy is a type of psy-

chotherapy that base on the assumption that all kinds of difficulties

in individuals are at least partly explained by dysfunctions in the

family system and other systems to which the individual belongs.


This study examined associations between bullying

behavior and family ethos, and provides data for changes after

treatment with Multi-systemic family therapy-Integrative model,

as a culturally sensitive approach.


Thirty-six adolescents with bullying behavior and their

families were evaluated. Participants were randomly assigned into

two groups: Family therapy group (FT-G) and Control group (CG).

The FT-G was treated with integrative model for 6 months; the

focus of FT sessions was on proximity-control goals and plans, bugs

in the plans, emotive, and types of relations between family mem-

bers programs. The CG was treated with the same frequency as

the FT-G, but with interventions consisting of a detailed survey of

their mental health, adolescents’ feelings, daily routines and life

events. Everymonth, datawere collected through interviews, ques-

tionnaires, observation facilitating techniques and observations of

a family play therapy.


In the study participated 36 outpatient adolescents ages

14–16. Seventeen adolescents were male and 19 female

( Fig. 1 ).


At baseline, 70 percent of participants met criteria

for more than one of the following disorders, by ICD-10: conduct

disorder, substance use, bulimia, borderline personality disorder,

and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Six months after the

baseline measurement, there was a significant decrease in bullying

behavior, substance use, smoking, excessive social media use, and

anger control for the FT-G compared with the CG.

Fig. 1

Groups by gender in variable: How often does your parent

tell you to do something, with an irritated or angry tone of voice?

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.