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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302



Department of Human Sciences, European University of Rome,

Roma, Italy


Section of Psychiatry Department of Neuroscience Ophthalmology

Genetics and Infant Maternal Science, University of Genoa, Genova,


Corresponding author.


Suicide is a major public health issue.


Mentalization is a form of imaginative mental activity

about others or oneself that may shed light on the phenomenology

of suicide.


To assess the role of a number of variables in suicide risk.


Participants were 156 (73 men and 83 women) adult

psychiatric inpatients (age range = 18/74 year). Most of the patients

had a major mood disorder (26.3% BD-I, 3.2% BD-II, and 11.5 MDD),

psychosis (16.7%), or a schizoaffective disorder (20.5%). All the

patients were administered the Mini International Neuropsychi-

atric Interview (MINI) for assessing diagnosis and suicide risk,

and the Impact of event scale, Mentalization Questionnaire, Child-

hood Trauma Questionnaire. Some patients (18.6%) were admitted

for a recent suicide attempt and 34.6% had attempted suicide in

the past.


At the MINI, 44.9% of the patients resulted at a moder-

ate to high risk of suicide, and 55.1% at no or low risk of suicide

with no difference for sociodemographic variables (sex and age)

and diagnosis, but they differed for mentalization and symptoms

of intrusions and avoidance caused by a traumatic event. Groups

also did not differ for self-reported childhood trauma. Only men-

talization was independently associated with higher suicide risk,

and patients with moderate to severe risk of suicide were 1.7 times

more likely to report more mentalization deficits than those with

no or low risk of suicide.


Our study supports the notion that the investigation

of mentalization among patients may help in proper assessment of

suicide risk.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Effectiveness of treatment of young

psychotic patients on

psychotherapeutic inpatient unit

B. Restek-Petrovic

, A. Bogovic , G. Majda , M. Nina , F. Igor

Psychiatric hospital, Sveti Ivan Psychotherapeutic unit, Zagreb,


Corresponding author.


The psychotherapeutic unit for psychotic patients

in Psychiatric hospital Sveti Ivan, Zagreb, Croatia provides psy-

chotherapeutic and psychosocial treatment for mostly young

psychotic patients. Psychotherapeutic program has basically

psychodynamic frame and patients participate in small and

medium groups. Also, they participate in workshops based

on cognitive behavioral principles (anti-stigma, self-concept,

emotion, relationships, goals, stress), psycho-education, thera-

peutic community, work and occupational therapy, recreational



The aim of this study was to determine effectiveness of this

comprehensive program during hospitalization of individuals with

first psychotic episode on psychotherapeutic ward. We evaluated

the possible changes during treatment in attitudes towards drugs,

in quality of life, insight and self-esteem.


Participants were 37 individuals with first psychotic

episode, average age: 25.1. They fulfilled: Drug attitude inventory

(DAI-10), TheWorldHealthOrganizationQuality of Life (WHOQOL),

Insight scale and Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale at the beginning of

treatment and at discharge from the hospital.


Results show tendency of more positive attitude towards

drugs at discharge, as well as tendency of better self-esteem, statis-

tically significant more satisfactionwith physical health (


= 0.004),

psychological health (


= 0.004) and with environment (


= 0.001),

and statistically significant better quality of life (


= 0.000). There

was no significant difference in insight.


During psychotherapeutic treatment of individuals

with first psychotic episode, positive changes were observed. So,

our findings indicate importance of implementing such a compre-

hensive program in treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Change in attitude towards

psychotherapy in the course of

clinical practice: Qualitative analysis

of experience of students from

various health care fields

L. Sapezinskiene

1 ,

, L. Jukstaite-Pacesiene


, A. Vagonis



S. Liutkus


, N. Mickuviene



Psychosomatic Research Laboratory, Lithuanian University of

Health Sciences Behavioral Medicine Institute, Palanga, Lithuania


Clinics Stress Diseases inpatient and day patient department,

Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Behavioral Medicine

Institute, Palanga, Lithuania

Corresponding author.


A stigmatizing attitude towards psychiatry and psy-

chotherapy still prevails in Lithuania. It is evidenced by a variety of

patterns, especially by a controversial social opinion about a person

suffering from mental disorders.


To investigate the experiences of students in Psy-

chiatry and General Practitioner Residency studies and those in

Bachelor’s andMaster’s degree programs of Psychologywho during

their clinical psychiatric practice joined a multi-professional team

at the Stress RelatedDisorders Department as temporarymembers;

and to analyse how their attitude towards psychotherapy changed

in the process.


To analyse students’ feedback about their experiences and

involvement into the activity of the multi-professional team at the

Stress RelatedDisorders Department (day care) during their clinical

psychiatric practice.


Qualitative researchmethods based on phenomenolog-

ical sociology were employed in the study. Students responded

to five questions in writing during interview. Collected quali-

tative research material was analysed while applying content



Eighteen subthemes were obtained and they were

matched with the following nine main thematic codes: (1) past,

present, future; (2) difficult beginning: “birth”; (3) childbirth pain;

(4) childhood challenges; (5) birthing team; (6) adulthood; (7)

mourning; (8) joining the team; and (9) future prospect.


Clinical psychiatric practice develops a multidisci-

plinary attitude towards psychiatry including both pharmaceutical

and non-pharmaceutical treatment while using individual and

group psychotherapy. Significant experience and attitude of health

care students changed during clinical psychiatric practice as they

acquired deeper understanding of the meaningfulness of psy-


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.