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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302



Overweight/obese patient referrals to

plastic surgery: Temperamental and

personality traits

C. Pavan

1 ,

, F. Bassetto


, V. Vindigni



University of Padova, Department of Medicine, Padova, Italy


University of Padova, Department of Neurosciences, Padova, Italy

Corresponding author.


Correlations between psychiatric disorders and

overweight/obesity are reported in the literature. The study aimed

at detecting correlations between psychiatric disorders, tempera-

mental traits and body image perception in overweight and obese

patients who seek surgical lipostructuring treatments.


28 overweight/obese patients (age 18–60 yrs, BMI 25

to 34.9 at recruitment) were enrolled in the period March

2008–June 2011 between those referring to the outpatient ser-

vice for Obesity-related lipodystrophisms of the Institute of Plastic

Surgery. Presence of psychiatric disorders, temperamental traits

and body image perception were evaluated, and compared to

a control group (


= 25) from general population sharing clini-

cal/demographic features. Psychiatric evaluation was based on

acquisition of clinical history, Mini-International Neuropsychiatric

Interview, Beck Depression Inventory, Yale Brown Scale (YBOCS),

Paykel Life Events Scale, NEO Five Factory Inventory, Tridimen-

sional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), Body Shape Questionnaire



The patients group presented higher scoring in lifetime

depression and BSQwithmoderate/mild concernwith body shapes.

With regard to personality traits, TPQ revealed higher score in

subscale RD4 (dependence/independence) in the patients, while

controls scored higher in “openness to experience” NEO-FFI sub-

scale. At YBOCS obese patients presented higher prevalence of

obsessive characters.


The affective sphere is a relevant feature in obese

patients, but also obsessive traits, as negative body shape percep-

tion and temperamental and personality characteristics appear to

be involved in leading patients to seek surgical consultation. These

aspects are implicated inmedical/surgical outcome and compliance

to treatments.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychological defense mechanisms in

patients with different forms of

essential hypertension

E. Pervichko

, Y. Zinchenko

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow,


Corresponding author.


Essential hypertension (EH) is one of the most

common diseases of the cardiovascular system. Today scientists

discover more andmore patients whose blood pressure values dur-

ing work appear to be higher than those values during free time.

This form of EH is called “hypertension at work”.


To indicate psychological defense mechanisms in

patients with “hypertension at work”, as compared with ‘classical’

EH and healthy individuals.

Materials and methods

Defense mechanisms were evaluated by

the survey “The Life Style Index”. Eighty-five patients with ‘Hyper-

tension at work’ (mean age was 45.9


2.8) and 85 patients with

‘classical’ EH (mean age was 47.4


4.5 years) took part in the study.


The results showed the dominance of low level psy-

chological defences. The most common mechanisms were denial,

projection and regression. Moremature defense processes included

reaction formation and rationalization. The patients with ‘Hyper-

tension at work’ significantly (


< 0.05) differs from second group

by more frequent representation of displacement, denial, projec-

tion and reaction formation. Comprehensive interpretation of our

findings suggested that affection of EHpatients (specifically ‘Hyper-

tension at work’) can be characterized by dominance of negative

emotions and aggressive tendencies which would be projected,

denied or suppressed. Such a complex of defense mechanisms

is typical for those, who knows, based on own experience, that

uncontrolled negative emotional reactions could be unsafe in social



Our findings can be considered as a basis to define

a “risk group” amongst EH patients by an attribute of “emotional

well-being” disorder and to develop psychological recommenda-

tions for them.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The factor structure of the Portuguese

version of the personality inventory

for DSM-5 (PID-5)

R. Pires

1 ,

, A. Sousa Ferreira


, B. Gonc¸ alves



Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, Lisboa, Portugal


Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Business

Research Unit BRU-IUL, Faculdade de Psicologia, Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


The DSM-5 Section III proposes a dimensional-

categorical model of conceptualizing personality and its disorders,

which includes assessment of impairments in personality function-

ing (criterion A) and maladaptive personality traits (criterion B).

The Personality Inventory for DSM-5 (PID-5) is a self-report, com-

posed of 220 items, organized into 25 facets nested in five domains

of personality differences, and was developed to operationalize cri-

terion B.


This study explores the factor structure of the Por-

tuguese adaptation of the PID-5.


The five-factor structure that has emerged in previous

studies with the PID-5 (cf. Krueger & Markon) is expected to be

replicated in the current study.


Exploratory factor analyses with varimax oblique rota-

tion were conducted on a sample of Portuguese adults from the

general population (


= 379,



= 31.49,


= 14.16, 25.3% males,

74.7% females).


A six factor structure was retained in which the first 5

factors resemble the PID-5 domains. The model showed good fit

indices (KMO = 0.897). The total explained variance was 68.25%. All

the facets but four had primary loadings on the expected factor.


The similarity of results across studies and nation-

alities contributes to the validation of the Portuguese translation

of the PID-5 and highlights the structural resemblance among the

DSM-5 model and the five factor model (FFM) and the personal-

ity psychopathology-five model (PSY-5), drawing attention to the

relevance of thesemodels for the diagnosis of PersonalityDisorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Real life consequences of

stigmatization, misdiagnosis,

misunderstanding, and mistreatment

of borderline personality disorder

V. Porr