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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302

and bulimia nervosa (BN). These patients show increased levels of

alexithymia, problems understanding one’s own emotion, which

has been simultaneously, associatedwith difficulties in recognizing

others emotions.


In this study, we were interested in the neuronal

mechanism of emotion processing from both, self and others per-

spective, andwe aimed to compare the underlying brain activations

in eating disorder patients and healthy controls.


A sample of 12 women with ED (10 AN, 2 BN) and

11 age and education matched healthy controls (HC) under-

went fMRI examination while performing emotion recognition

task, which requires either inferring mental states of depicted

figures, or assessing participant’s own feelings evoked by the



The task activated superior temporal sulcus bilaterally,

left temporo-parietal junction, and medial prefrontal cortex. Those

regions have been consistently identified in literature to be active

while thinking about other people. Interestingly, group differences

analysis revealed that ED patients group showed higher activations

in right supramarginal gyrus, compared to HC group. This struc-

ture is critical to overcome egocentricity bias in social judgment.

Contrary to ED patients, HC group showed greater activations in

cingulate gyrus and insula, regions involved in emotion formation

and processing.


We hypothesize that ED patients tend to suppress

their own perspectivewhile thinking about emotional states of oth-

ersmore strongly thanHC, probably due to alexithymia and the lack

of awareness of their mental states.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster Walk: Suicidology and suicide

prevention – part 1


A systematic review of suicide

prevention strategies

K. Aini

Widya Husada School of Health Sciences, Nursing, Semarang,



Suicide is one of the serious problems, whichbecome

ten causes of death in the world. An increased risk of suicide groups

stimulates researchers to undertake the development of suicide

prevention efforts with various approaches.


To examine evidence of suicide preventive interven-

tions and to make recommendation for the further programs and



Fifteen identified systematic review articles were taken

through an electronic search of the Cochrane library, McMaster

health forum, Google Scholar, PubMed, and Suicidology online.

They have been published betweenMarch 2008 until January 2015,

using the keyword “suicide”, “self-harm”, “suicide prevention”, and

“systematic review”. Criteria of this review include the type of

intervention, intervention category, group intervention and inter-

vention effectiveness.


The intervention was performed using a strategy of pro-

motion, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of the target

group of teenagers, sexual perversion, suicide risk groups, such

as drug abuse, mental illness patients, a group of health workers

and the general public. Effectiveness of therapy has different effects

and requires a combination of an intervention strategy with other

interventions to obtain optimal results.


The strategies of suicide prevention which were

identified by various intervention approaches given to the large

population require more stringent controls and difficulty in

performing evaluation. Furthermore, pharmacological and psycho-

logical therapies are recommended to reduce the suicide rate in

more specific setting such as a hospital or mental health clinic.


Review; Suicide prevention; Intervention; And the

results of intervention

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Anxiety, depression and suicidal

behavior among medical students

from the university of Valladolid

A. Alvarez Astorga

1 ,

, M.H. De la Red Gallego



A. Alonso Sánchez


, S. De la Fuente Ballesteros



T. Delgado Santillana


, R. Hernandez Anton


, M. Gómez García



M.M. De Lorenzo Calzón


, E. Mayor Toranzo



J.A. Blanco Garrote



HCU Valladolid, psychiatry, Valladolid, Spain


University of Valladolid, Psichiatry, Valladolid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Suicide is a major public health problem, especially

in young people. It is one of the most significant causes of mortality

and potential years of life lost. Medical students are a vulnerable

group presenting mental health problems.


To study the prevalence of common mental illnesses

among medical students from the university of Valladolid in order

to assess the need for intervention programs.


Cross-sectional study in which, 584 students partic-

ipated during the academic year 2015–2016 by completing an

online self-administered questionnaire. Mental health outcomes

were measured by different batteries of depression, anxiety and

suicide (BDI, GAD-7 and MINI). Information about possible related

risk factors was also obtained. Statistical Chi


and Student



were applied to estimate associations between socio-demographic,

socioeconomic data and clinical results.


We found a prevalence of 15.8% for depression, 11.6% for

ideation suicide and 38.5% for anxiety, with gender differences in

the latter case. Prevalence rates were higher than those described

in general population. Compared to other international studies,

prevalence estimates were also higher among our sample.


This study shows for the first time data of these three

psychiatric disorders among medical students in Spain. It suggests

the urge to implementing preventive activities to alleviate mal-

adaptive behaviors, academic stress, improve the quality of life and

adaptation of students to college life. Larger, prospective, multi-

centre studies are needed to draw conclusions about the causes

and consequences of students’ stress, since evidence shows that

mental health problems are perpetuated throughout professional


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Risk of suicide mortality among

cancer patients: A meta-analysis of

observational studies

R. Calati

1 ,

, V. Di Mattei


, P. Courtet



Inserm U 1061, Neuropsychiatry: Epidemiological and Clinical

Research, Montpellier, France


Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Clinical and Health Psychology

Unit, IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy