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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302


Electric indoor lighting can disturb sleep and

increase depressive symptoms; both common complaints in psy-

chiatric inpatients.


To improve quality of sleep in patients using an indoor hos-

pital lighting environment simulating nature in intensity, color, and

circadian timing.


Investigator-blinded parallel group randomized con-

trolled effectiveness trial supplied with qualitative interviews in

an inpatient psychiatric ward with fully automatic and adjustable

lighting. Admitted patients received a room with a naturalistic

lighting environment (intervention group) or lighting as usual (con-

trol group). The primary outcome was the Pittsburg Sleep Quality

Index and secondary outcomes included the Major Depression

Inventory and WHO-five Well- Being Index.


In this ongoing trial, we included 28 patients (16 treated

and 12 controls). Patients in the intervention group reported higher

subjective sleep quality and sleep efficiency, lower use of sleep

medication (mean difference, 4.68mg; 95% CI, 0.54; 53.5), fewer

depressive symptoms (mean difference, 5; 95% CI,–2; 13), but lower

well-being (difference,–4 percentage points; 95% CI,–20; 16), com-

pared with the control group. At discharge, fewer patients in the

intervention group had experienced use of involuntary treatment.

Qualitative data indicated no side effects apart from issues in per-

forming indoor leisure activities in dim light.


A naturalistic lighting environment was safe and

improved sleep and mood in our small patient sample. The trial

integrated well with routine clinical care and our sample reflected

the heterogeneity of the target population (Funded by Region

Midtjylland and others; number, NCT02653040)

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychological and

psychophysiological mechanisms of

mental stress reaction in patients

with ‘hypertension at work’, as

compared with ‘classical’ version of

essential hypertension

E. Pervichko

1 ,

, Y. Zinchenko


, O. Ostroumova



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Psychology,

Moscow, Russia


Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Faculty of

General Medicine, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


‘Hypertension at work’ today is found one of the

most frequent forms of stress-induced hypertension.


To inquire into the specifics of psychological and

psychophysiological mechanisms of stress reaction in patients

with ‘hypertension at work’, as compared with ‘classical’ essential

hypertension (EH).

Materials and methods

The study developed simulation of emo-

tional stress with the aspiration level (AL) modeling. The level of

state anxiety (SA), BP values, urine catecholamine levels and lev-

els of renin and angiotonin I in blood plasma were taken before

and after the experiment. Eighty-five patients with ‘hypertension

at work’ (mean age was 45.9


2.8) and 85 patients with ‘classical’

EH (mean age was 47.4


4.5 years) took part in the study.


Rates of ‘hypertension at work’ patients, when com-

pared with second group patients, revealed a significant increase



< 0.001) of systolic BP in response to stress loads (on average,

for 16.1


1.9mmHg and 4.1


0.7mmHg, respectively). Initially

‘hypertension at work’ patients had significantly lower levels of cat-

echolamines, than the second group, while the levels of renin and

angiotensin Iwere comparable. During the experiment, the patients

in the first group showed a significant decrease in all parameters.

After the experiment, the patients with ‘HTN at work’ did not show

increase of SA, but revealed more frequent inadequacy (69.4%) and

instability (56.5%) on the AL. Patients with ‘classical’ EHmore often

demonstrate adequate AL and lower growth of BP after the exper-



Patients with ‘hypertension at work’ are more prone

to repress their emotions. They reveal physiological features of

chronic stress and psychophysiological exhaustion, if compared

with second group patients.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Longitudinal changes in sleep

disturbances, mental toughness, and

physical activity in patients with

multiple sclerosis

D. Sadeghi Bahmani

1 ,

, L. Esmaeili


, M. Gerber


, S. Lemola



P.J. Clough


, E. Holsboer-Trachsler


, S. Brand



University of Basel Psychiatric Hospital, Center for Affective, Stress

and Sleep Disorders ZASS, Basel, Switzerland


University of Isfahan, Department of Psychology, Educational &

Psychology Faculty, Isfahan, Iran


University of Basel, Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, Sport

Science Section, Basel, Switzerland


University of Warwick, Department of Psychology, Coventry, United



Manchester Metropolitan University, Department of Psychology,

Manchester, United Kingdom

Corresponding author.


Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic progressive

autoimmune disease. Fatigue, depression and cognitive impair-

ments are the most common symptoms of patients with MS.

Whereas there is extant research on fatigue, depression, and cogni-

tive impairment of patients with MS during the clinical course, no

research focused on the long term changes of psychological func-

tioning, sleep problems, and physical activity on these patients. The

aims of the present study were therefore to examine changes in

physical activity, sleep disturbances, and mental toughness over a

1.5-year period of time in people with multiple sclerosis after the

onset their MS.


A total of 18 patients with diagnosed MS (mean age:


= 33.61 years) took part in this study. They completed a booklet

of questionnaires covering socio-demographic data, mental tough-

ness, sleep disturbances, and physical activity, at the onset of

disease and 1.5 years later.


In total, 1.5 years after the onset of MS, patients had lower

levels of vigorous physical activity, but not statistically significant

change in moderate physical activity. Patients with sleep distur-

bances at the onset of disease had statistically significant sleep

disturbances also 1.5 years later.


Compared to the onset of disease, 1.5 years later,

patients with MS reported similar mental toughness traits, sleep

disturbances and levels of moderate physical activity. The pattern

of results of the present pilot study suggests that the onset of MS is

not an obstacle for doing moderate physical activity. Based on the

result of this study, sleep disturbances remains stable by time.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.