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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364


of our patients developed depression, more in patients with major

neurological deficits.


Efforts must be done for primary prevention of

stroke, early detection of risk factors and correct treatment, and

for cessation of toxic habits. Treating associated depression may

improve patients’ quality of life and increase comfort for caregivers.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Inflammatory bowel disease

symptoms and cognitive fusion’s

impact on psychological health:

An 18-month prospective study

I.A. Trindade , C. Ferreira

, J. Pinto-Gouveia

Faculty of psychology and education sciences, university of Coimbra,

CINEICC, cognitive behavioural centre for research and intervention,

Coimbra, Portugal

Corresponding author.

Although inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is known to be asso-

ciated with lower psychological health, research regarding which

specific symptoms may lead to psychological dysfunction in IBD

patients is inexistent. Further, the role played by emotion regu-

lation, including the maladaptive process of cognitive fusion, in

IBD patients’ psychological functioning is also scarcely explored in

this population. The present study aimed at filling these research

gaps. Two hundred and sixteen patients diagnosed with IBD filled

self-report instruments on an online platform in three times. These

waves of assessment occurred at baseline, and 9 and 18 months

later. Results revealed that of the 10 measured IBD symptoms,

only fatigue, bloody stools and abdominal distension at baseline

were negatively associated patients’ level of psychological health

atWave 3. Nevertheless, a hierarchical regression analysis demons-

trated that none of these symptoms were significant predictors of

psychological health measured 18 months later. When cognitive

fusion at baseline was added to the model, it became the only signi-

ficant predictor of psychological health at Wave 3, with an effect of

0.34 (


< 0.001). These findings suggest that it is not the experience

of physical symptomatology that directly leads to lower psycholo-

gical health in IBD patients, but rather the way patients deal with

adverse internal experiences, i.e., the type of emotion regulation

involved. This study reveals cognitive fusion as a harmful process

for the determination of IBD patients’ psychological functioning.

Future studies should thus explore the meditational effect of cog-

nitive fusion in the association between IBD symptomatology and

decreased psychological health.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The presence of a subthreshold autism

spectrum is associated with greater

prevalence of mental disorders in

parents of children with autism

spectrum disorders

C.C.C. Gesi

, A. Lagomarsini , F.M. Barberi , A. Guzzetta ,

S. Calderone , G. Cioni , F. Muratori , L. Dell’Osso

Department of clinical and experimental medicine, university of Pisa,

Pisa, Italy

Corresponding author.


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are highly heri-

table and first degree relatives (especially fathers) of autistic

probands have been shown to often manifest a set of subthreshold

autistic features. It is not known, however, the clinical significance

of this subthreshold autism spectrum.


– to evaluate the prevalence of a subthreshold autism

spectrum respectively in fathers andmothers of childrenwith ASD;

– to describe clinical correlates of parents with and without a sub-

threshold autism spectrum respectively.


36 fathers and 39 mothers of preschoolers with ASD

were administered the autism-spectrum quotient (AQ), the adult

autism subthreshold spectrum (AdAS spectrum), the trauma and

loss spectrum (TALS), the SCID-5 and the social and occupational

functioning assessment scale (SOFAS).


Fathers and mothers did not differ for both AQ and AdAS

spectrum total and subscale scores. Overall, 13 parents (17.3%) sco-

red higher than 45 on the AdAS spectrum, as indicative of the

presence of a subthreshold autism spectrum. This group showed

greater prevalence of mood, anxiety and feeding/eating disorders,

greater utilization of antidepressants and higher scores on the TALS

and the SOFAS than the group scoring lower than 45 (all


< 0.05).


Fathers and mothers of children with ASD show

autistic traits in equal measure. The presence of a subthreshold

autism spectrum is associated to greater prevalence of mood,

anxiety and feeding/eating disorders, to greater susceptibility to

traumatic events and to lower levels of functioning.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Developing a test to assess social

cognition based on a real interaction

G. Benito


, C. Luzón


, J. Arillaga


, A. Fernández-Liria

3 , 4


G. Lahera

5 , 6 ,


INTRAS foundation, mental health, Burgos, Spain


Private practice, psychology, Madrid, Spain


Príncipe de Asturias university hospital, psychiatry, Alcalá Madrid,

Madrid, Spain


University of Alcalá, psychiatry, Alcalá Madrid, Madrid, Spain


University of Alcalá, psychiatry, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain


CIBERSAM, mental health, Madrid, Spain

Corresponding author.


Social cognition enables the processing of social

information and is needed to adapt one’s behaviour to the percei-

ved social scene. Its assessment is a very controversial issue, tests

currently available often use unhelpful stimuli from the ecological

point of view.


To develop a test based on genuine social stimuli–not on

their representations–and to do so, a controlled social situation is

created in which participants can be evaluated on their abilities to

perceive and process such information.


A script was prepared, consisting of several interactions

which are staged before the participants by two members of the

research team. The sample comprises 50 subjects, being on average

22 years old (56% women), who took this test, the MSCEIT and the



The application showed no incidence, no one detected

that it was a previously prepared situation and they were not upset

when this fact was revealed. A final selection of 18 items obtained

a reliability of 0.701. Multidimensional scaling, partly showed the

subdomains taken into account. The correlation matrix confirms

the validity of the instrument. (


= 0,465 alpha < 0,001 with MASC.


= 0,106 alpha > 0,05 with MSCEIT).


The instrument is applicable and tolerated by par-

ticipants being evaluated with it. It is feasible to use it as a test

to assess social cognition It is mid-high reliability allows its use

for research purposes. The correlation matrix confirmed validity,

showing a significant and moderate connection with MASC and no

association with any of the scales of MSCEIT.