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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364


e-Poster Walk: Posttraumatic stress disorder;

Women, gender and mental health


The prevalence of post-traumatic

stress disorder (PTSD) in Korean

parents lost their children by the

tragic sinking of ferry Sewol

S.J. Kim

Ajou university school of medicine, department of psychiatry, Suwon,

Republic of Korea

A South Korean passenger ferry, the Sewol, carrying 476 people,

capsized and sank in 2014 resulting in 295 deaths and 9 mis-

sing. Most were high-school students on a school trip (246 deaths,

83.4%) and many parents who lost their children had suffered from

a wide range of mental and physical health consequences. This

research examines the extent and intensity of ongoing psycho-

logical distress and PTSD symptoms among the parents 2 years

after the disaster. The 141 parents of the high-school victims agree

with research participation were surveyed using a questionnaire

on sociodemographic data. We conducted the structured clinical

interview including PTSD and suicide assessment for them. Among

the 141 subjects, 56.0% (


= 79) meet the PTSD diagnostic criteria,

suggesting that, after two full years, more than a half of them are

still suffering from chronic psychological pains. This result is higher

than any other PTSD study about indirect victims. In particular,

42.6% (


= 60) reported suicidal ideation and 4.3% (


= 6) actually

attempted suicide but failed. These figures are on the order of 10

to 100 times higher than the national prevalence. This research is

characterized by homogeneity of the subjects in that they were all

the parents of young adolescent victims. After two years of trauma-

tic experiences, more than a half of the interviewed parents who

lost their children are still suffering from the PTSD. These findings

suggest that post-disaster PTSD can be larger and last longer when

the relationship was more intimate and the death of the victimwas

less expected.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


The effect of the mental health

improvement programs in firefighters

T.Y. Choi

1 ,

, J. Kim


, J. Lee


, S. Chang


, S. Jung



Catholic university, Daegu school of medicine, psychiatry, Daegu,

Republic of Korea


Kyungpook national university school of medicine, psychiatry,

Daegu, Republic of Korea


Keimyung university school of medicine, psychiatry, Daegu,

Republic of Korea

Corresponding author.


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effec-

tiveness of the mental health improvement programs in Korean

firefighters through cooperation with the urban fire station. And

we assessed the firefighter’s degree of traumatic events and psy-

chopathologies including depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and



Amental health improvement programwas provided to

502 firefighters working at Daegu, Gumi and Ulsan during 8-week

period. The program included not only an evaluation and treatment

of psychiatric symptoms through counseling but also a psychoedu-

cation for mental health awareness. The validated Questionnaires

to measure psychiatric symptoms were used; symptoms included

depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and insomnia. Subjects were

divided to two groups; PTSD high-risk group and non-high risk

group. Psychopathological levels were compared before and after

the program.


PTSD high-risk group included 57 subjects (11.35%) and

non-high risk group included 445 subjects (88.65%). Before the pro-

gram, PTSD high-risk group showed higher depression, anxiety,

insomnia scores statistically significant. Multiple logistic regres-

sion analysis with PTSD high-risk group as a dependent variable

showed depression as a factor for firefighters to become PTSD high-

risk group compared to those not depressed. Insomnia turned out

to be another variant. The program resulted in significant decrease

total scores of BDI and ISI for PTSD high-risk group.


The results on this study showed that higher levels

of depression and insomnia especially influenced themanifestation

of PTSD in firefighters. The evaluation and management of psycho-

pathologies including depression, insomnia with traumatic events

for firefighters can be helpful.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Perinatal dissociation during

premature childbirth: A comparative


S. Ellouze


, J. Aloulou


, A. Ben Thabet


, N. Halouani

1 ,


A. Gargouri


, O. Amami



Hedi Chaker university hospital, psychiatry “B”, Sfax, Tunisia


Hedi Chaker university hospital, neonatology department, Sfax,


Corresponding author.

Premature childbirth is sometimes perceived as a painful and

traumatic experience, in which mothers can manifest dissocia-

tive symptoms. Our study aims to evaluate dissociative symptoms

during premature childbirth compared with full-term delivery

and to identify predictors of perinatal dissociation. We conduc-

ted a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study, including

97 mothers of premature infants who presented to the outpa-

tient unit of neonatology at the UH Hedi Chaker of Sfax in Tunisia.

For each mother, we collected sociodemographic and obstetric

data. We used the peritraumatic dissociative experiences question-

naire (PDEQ) for screening dissociative symptoms during labor.

We assessed severity of prematurity by the perinatal risk inven-

tory (PERI). Responses were compared with a control group of 80

mothers of full-terminfants. Average age ofmotherswas 30.2 years.

Average gestational age was 32.82 weeks. Pregnancies were single

(83.5%) or twins. 77.3% of mothers gave birth by caesarean sec-

tion. Prematurity was unexpected by 56.7% of them. According to

the PERI, 47.4% of newborns were considered as high-risk pre-

term infants (PERI

4). The average score of PDEQ was 16. The

prevalence of perinatal dissociation for this sample (20.6%) was

significantly higher compared with the control group (


= 0.014).

It was also correlated to unexpected prematurity (


< 0.001) and a

PERI score

4 (


= 0,023). Our results show that perinatal dissocia-

tion is more frequently occurring in preterm childbirth, especially

when prematurity is severe and unexpected. Early interventions

providing adequate information and support during delivery for

mothers at risk of developing perinatal dissociation can alleviate

such distress and prevent the development of subsequent post-

traumatic stress disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.