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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364



Impact of emotional and cognitive

saliency on visual search in

post-traumatic stress disorder

E. Kiesmann

1 , 2 , 3 ,

, P. Grandgenèvre

1 , 2 , 3

, J. Mallet

2 , 4


C. Dubertret

2 , 3 , 4

, G. Vaiva

1 , 2 , 3


SCALab, UMR CNRS 9193, university of Lille, department of

psychiatry, CHRU de Lille, Lille, France


Universitary hospital Louis-Mourier, Colombes, France


Unversity Paris Diderot, department of psychiatry, Lille, France


Inserm U894, center of psychiatry and neurosciences, department of

psychiatry, Paris, France

Corresponding author.


Patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

have shown disturbances in visual information treatment. Howe-

ver, most of studies demonstrated attentional bias towards

emotional stimuli by using non-ecological paradigm. The paradigm

of change blindness offers the possibility of studying sensitivity to

the sudden irruption of visual information with ecological stimuli.


To compare the explicit detectionwith the impli-

cit detection by using respectivelymotor response and eye tracking

in patients with PSTD and controls.


Fifteen patients with PTSD and fifteen healthy controls

had to detect changes in 96 scenes with (1) no change, (2) one neu-

tral change or (3) one emotional pleasant or unpleasant change.

We measured the participant’s speed and accuracy in explicitly

reporting the changes via motor responses, and their capacity to

implicitly detect changes via eye movements.


The patients showed a trend towards slower explicit

detection for the emotional change (


= 0.06) and more specifically

for unpleasant change (


= 0.054). The two groups did not differ for

implicit detection.


Patients tend to explicitly detect more slowly emo-

tional change (but not neutral), especially for unpleasant change.

This could be the result of a lack of access to consciousness of

the emotional information. The emotional visual information treat-

ment in PSTD could require more attentional processes than the

non-emotional visual information and then lead to a decrease of

the available attentional resources for the explicit task.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Comparison of ten-years risk of fatal

cardiovascular events calculated by

heartscore in diabetic patients with

and without post-traumatic stress

disorder (PTSD) comorbidity

N. Lucev

1 ,

, A. Vuk


, I. Simunovic Filipcic


, I. Filipcic



Psychiatric hospital Sveti Ivan, department of psychiatry, Zagreb,



The university hospital centre Zagreb KBC Zagreb, department of

psychological medicine, Zagreb, Croatia

Corresponding author.


Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause

of death and disability-adjusted life years lost globally. Recent

studies have shown that post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

predicts higher risk of cardiometabolic diseases, specifically car-

diovascular disease and diabetes type 2.


To assess cardiovascular event risk differences between

diabetic patients with and without PTSD comorbidity.


To explore a ten-year risk of fatal CVD events in dia-

betic patients with and without PTSD; to gain better insight in

potential different functioning patterns in these patient subgroups.


We investigated a cross-sectional sample consisting of

390 psychiatric inpatients and outpatients. Ten-years risk of fatal

CVD events calculated by HeartScore, European society of cardio-

logy. Europe high-risk version was used. The risk estimation is

made based on: gender, age, smoking, systolic blood pressure and

total cholesterol.


By analysis of covariance, we controlled possible

confounding effects of gender, age, education, marital status, num-

ber of household members, work status, average monthly income

per householdmember, bodymass index (kg/m


), number of soma-

tic comorbidities, number of psychiatric comorbidities, duration of

PTSD, clinical global impression scale–severity of PTSD at diagno-

sis. After the adjustment for all these variables, interaction of PTSD

and T2DM was significantly associated with CVD risk (


< 0.001;

Eta2 = 0.04).


A significant fatal CVD event risk differences between

diabetic patients with and without PTSD comorbidity were found.

Better awareness of possible underlying determinants provides

better optimal individual approachplanning, likewise effective pre-

vention and control of cardiovascular diseases.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Benefits of EMDR therapy on the

memory in the treatment of PTSD

S. Sassi Andrade Vieira , M. Di Giorgio , E. Cohen , M. Caurand ,

A. Manchon , A. Quaderi , J. Palazzolo

Université de Nice, psychology, Nice, France

Corresponding author.

According to some studies, 80% of subjects suffering from

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) present twice the risk of

developing an insanity as they age because of the high level of

stress that has been induced. Indeed, the triggered trauma has

a deleterious effect on the establishment of the stress’ axis (the

hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis) which is then not able to

regulate itself. As a consequence, the hippocampal neurons will

be attacked by an excess of cortisol. Memory’s dysfunction is cen-

tral in the symptomatology of PTSD, particularly in respect to

encoding and recall. The hippocampus is able to transfer informa-

tion to the prefrontal cortex. Actually, subjects with PTSD present

less activity in the prefrontal cortex triggered by a decrease of

encoding and recall capacities. EMDR therapy (eye movement

desensitization and recruitment) allow for a fast relief of symp-

toms by a bilateral alternate stimulation (SBA). Indeed, saccadic

eye movements stem affect related to the traumatic event and pro-

cess the associated cognitions. During the desensitization phase in

EMDR, we noticed an increase in activity of the brain’s prefrontal,

ventromedial, amygdala and thalamic regions. Indeed, the recall

of traumatic memories goes through implicit emotional valence

regions and associative areas for which the experience is already

deeply integrated. After comparing cerebral activity before and

after the therapy, researches on EMDR shows that a reduction of

stress’ symptoms has some sensitive link to PTSD (in prevention to


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Embitterment in war veterans with

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

D. Sabic

1 ,

, A. Sabic



Psychiatric association of Bosnia-Herzegovina, health centre

Zivinice, Tuzla, Bosnia, Herzegovina