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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S303–S364

they place on patients, may increase the rate of incidents within

the hospital. Despite comparable rates on admission, MI rehabili-

tation wards have far fewer incidents than PD rehab wards, which

may reflect the more intractable nature of PD versus MI. More work

is required to confirm these findings.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


An analysis of emergency leaves of

absence from a United Kingdom high

secure psychiatric hospital with a

view to identifying ways to reduce

their number

H. Blott

, C. Gordon , J. Bickford , C. Ross

West London mental health trust, forensic psychiatry, London, United


Corresponding author.


Emergency leaves of absence (ELOAs) from high

secure psychiatric care are both costly and increase the risk posed

to staff, patients and the general public. ELOAs were analysed to

identify whether greater on-site physical health provision could

reduce their number, and quantify the potential financial saving to

the trust to do so.


All ELOAs from Broadmoor hospital between

15.5.15–14.11.15 were assessed by a team of psychiatrists

and a GP to identify whether they were “avoidable”, “unavoidable”

or “potentially avoidable” if measures were taken. For the “poten-

tially avoidable” group, we then calculated the staffing cost of

these LoAs to help ascertain whether these measures would be

cost effective.


There were 30 ELOAs during the period assessed, costing



( Table 1 ).

The table also shows which additional on-site

services or training may have prevented these ELOAs, and the cost

saving to the trust if they had.


The number of ELOAs from the hospital could be

reduced by increased on-site physical health provision and trai-

ning. This would improve the quality of care patients receive, as

well as reducing both the cost to the trust and the risk posed to

staff, patients and the general public. We must also consider the

large potential cost and risks associated with a patient absconding

from an ELOA.

Table 1

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The relationship between grief

process and attachment styles in the

cases with the treatment of

complicated grief: A prospective study

H.P. Caglar Nazali

1 ,

, E .A

. Yildirim



Baltalimani Metin Sabanci bone and joint diseases education and

research hospita, psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey


Bakirkoy research and training for psychiatry neurology

neurosurgery, psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey

Corresponding author.

The attachment style is one of the significant factors affecting the

grief process and complicated grief. This study aims to research

the relation between the factors determining the sociodemogra-

phic features, the reactions of grief, the suicidal behaviour and the

grief process on the patients who are followed and treated with

the complicated grief diagnosis and the features of attachment.

The study includes 45 patients directed to a therapy unit and meet

the criterions of complicated grief diagnosis. 33 of those patients

have completed their treatment. Sociodemographic and clinical

data form applied to the patients at the beginning, to evaluate

for comorbid psychiatric disorders structured clinical interview

for DSM-IV axis I disorders, adult attachment style questionnaire

(AASQ), grief scale, hamilton rating scale for depression (HDRS), sui-

cide behaviors questionnaire (SBQ), suicide probability scale (SPS),

experiences in close relationships inventory (ECRI) are applied on

the participants and compared the results of the scales prior to and

following the treatment. In the dimensional evaluation of attach-

ment, ECRI avoidance score is high over the patients diagnosedwith

comorbid psychiatric disorders with complicated grief. During the

first application of the treatment, while evaluating the attachment

categorically, in the complicated grief patients attached with avoi-

dance grief scale, behavioural base scale and SPS negative self base

scale are higher compared to the group whose HDRS scores atta-

ched with secure. The results show that in complicated grief cases

the avoidance attachment is both dimensionally and categorically

relatedwith the strength of grief reaction and additional psychiatric


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Cognitive disturbances and mood

disorders in ischemic stroke

E.I. Davidescu

, D.A. Sasu , I. Buraga

UMF Carol Davila, neurology Colentina clinical hospital, Bucharest,


Corresponding author.


Ischemic stroke is in increasing incidence, so that

long term sequels are of great importance for management of qua-

lity of life and economics issues.


To determine risk factors associated with cognitive

disturbances, after ischemic stroke.


Assessment of social and medical risk factors in outcome of

cognitive disturbances.


During 6 months, 268 patients with antecedents of

ischemic stroke and associated cognitive disturbances installed in

first year after major stroke, were assessed in neurology depart-

ment. We performed neuropsychological tests as mini mental state

examination, sunderland clock test and beck depression inventory.

Patients and caregivers were also assessed for quality of life. 53%

were males, from urban areas (69%) and mean age was 72.2 years.


We found risk factors as hypertension (88%), dyslipide-

mia (63%), diabetes mellitus (22%), atrial fibrillation (11%), smoking

(35%) and drinking (55%). According to DSM-5 criteria, 62.5% of

our lot had major cognitive disorder and 37.5% had a minor one;

most of the patients with major dysfunction had ischemia in left

middle cerebral artery (31.71%) associated with language defi-

cits and executive dysfunctions, and on the second place was the

vertebro-basilar localization of stroke (29.86%). Ischemia in right

middle cerebral artery was present only in 20.52% of the lot. 27%