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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464



Are sleeping problems as measured by the use of hypnotics

in toddlers a risk factor for ADHD?


Prescription database information data was collected

for 47,413 children participating in the Norwegian Mother and

Child Cohort, where mothers report on toddler drug use. These two

datasets were used as predictors of diagnoses of ADHD as seen in

the Norwegian Patients Registry in a 7-year follow up period.


Agreement between mother-reported drug use and hyp-

notics use as measuredwas less than 50% for all hypnotics (min 19%

and max 48%). The two datasets will be further used to investigate

the relationship between toddler drug use and a later childhood

diagnosis of ADHD.


Considering the low to moderate agreement

between mother-reported survey data and data from prescription

databases it is of value to use both data sources in a study looking

at the predictive value of sleeping problems and hypnotics use in

toddlers on later development of ADHD.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms

and psychosocial well-being in

adolescents – an epidemiological

study in the Northern Finland Birth

Cohort 1986

T. Hurtig

, J. Veijola

University of Oulu, Department of Psychiatry, Oulu, Finland

Corresponding author.


The investigation of sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT)

concept has renewed interest in recent years. Apart from pre-

vious studies linking SCT items to ADHD, current research now

shows further evidence for the relationship between SCT items and

impairment in several domains. Despite it is not a clinical entity,

SCT items are often seen in clinical child and adolescent psychiatric

populations and, thus, further investigation of these symptoms is

clearly needed both in clinical and in community samples.


Our aim was to investigate the relations between

SCT items and psychiatric symptoms, as well as psychosocial and

academic functioning in a large general population sample of ado-



Fifteen-year old adolescents from the Northern Finland

Birth Cohort 1986 (


= 9432) completed a postal questionnaire on

their health and well-being with a participation rate of 80%. The

questionnaire included the Youth Self Report (YSR) which has the

following SCT items: I feel confused or in a fog, I daydreama lot, and,

I don’t have much energy, as well as items constructing the sub-

scales depressed/anxious, withdrawn, somatic complains, social

problems, thought problems, attention problems, rule-breaking

behavior, and aggressive behavior.

Preliminary results

Around 8% of adolescents rated themselves

above the 90% cut-off in the sum score of SCT items. They also

reported more symptoms in all YSR subscales, lower grade marks

in academic field, less friends, and lower life satisfaction than ado-

lescents scoring below the 90% cut-off.


SCT may relate to various psychiatric problems and

reduced psychosocial well-being.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Atypical onset of a manic episode in

adolescence – case report

A. Isac

1 ,

, P. Bianca



Children’s Emergency Hospital, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


“Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Cluj-Napoca, Neuroscience Department, Psychiatry and Child and

Adolescent Psychiatry Compartment, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Corresponding author.


The clinical practice and available literature attest

the presence of affective symptoms in psychosis and affective dis-

orders with psychotic elements, allowing their conceptualization

as entities of the same nosologic spectrum.


The description of a clinical picture that is part of the

aforementioned pathology, installed under a treatment that has

indication in the spectrum, which leads to supporting different

pathophysiological mechanisms of those pathologies.


Presentation of an atypical onset of a manic episode in ado-



At the age of 14, amale adolescent had an acute psychotic

episode, in complete remission after three months of treatment

with risperidone. The antipsychotic treatment continued for seven

months, when the adolescent had a decompensation consisting in

a manic episode.


Considering the mode of onset of the manic episode, we

have assumed a lack of compliance with the antipsychotic medi-

cation. The mother denies this possibility. We have continued the

treatment with risperidone, which had no effect over the manic

clinical picture, and we added valproic acid, failing to alleviate the

symptoms. The clinical picture improved, with complete remis-

sion, under treatment with aripiprazole and valproic acid. After a

month in which he refused to take the medication, the patient had

another decompensation in the form of a manic episode with psy-

chotic symptoms. This time we have decided to start long-acting

injectable antipsychotic medication.


Through this case study, the authors wish to bring

into notice the surprises that the clinical practice still offers and the

necessity to research the underlining pathophysiological aspects of

the disorder.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Determining the relation between the

internet addiction in Turkish

secondary school students and the

perceived family support

I. Is¸ ık

1 ,

, G. Ergün



Yeditepe University, Health Sciences Faculty, Nursing Department,

Istanbul, Turkey


Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Health Vocational High School,

Emergency and Disaster Management Department, Burdur, Turkey

Corresponding author.


The purpose of this study is to determine the relation

between the internet addiction levels of secondary school students

and the perceived family support.


The study was conducted in the cross-sectional and

descriptive design, and the data were collected from 3391 students

who were studying at 5th and 7th grades at 23 secondary schools in

the city of Burdur and its central villages. The Personal Information

Form, the Internet Addiction Scale, and the Social Support Received

from the Family Scale were used to collect the data. The data were

collected between the dates 15.11.2013 and 15.01.2014. After the

necessary explanations were made to the students, the informed