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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S405–S464



The identifying of depression’ risk in

students with impaired hearing and


I. Kupriyanova

Mental Health Research Institute SB RAMSci, Department of Border

States, Tomsk, Russia


The depressive states in adolescents have their

specificity: they are often poorly understood by the children them-

selves as reduced mood and can be expressed in the growth of

aggressive behaviour, stubbornness, oppositional behavior, care.

Even the pre-clinical level of depression can have a significant neg-

ative impact on the lives of adolescents.


One hundred and seventy-three visually and 139 hear-

ing impaired students of correctional boarding schools, 7–18 years



Children’s Depression Inventory (CDI) M. Kovacs, sta-

tistical (nonparametric test Mann–Whitney).


At 20.8% the increased and at 3.1% the high risk of depres-

sion was identified. For students with visual impairments often

were characterized by significantly higher scores on a scale of

“anhedonia” and “incompetence”. The girls revealed significantly

higher scores for total scale depression, the scale “negative mood”,

“interpersonal problems” and “negative self-esteem”.

A comparative analysis of data, obtained by different researchers

was held. There were no literature sources, which would have pro-

vided data about the level of depression of children with sensory



Children with sensory impairments have a greater

risk of developing depression in comparison with pupils of general

education schools. Therefore, a screening of children in this cate-

gory on the level of depression should be obligatory in addition to

clinical examination. The detected data must be taken into account

in psychotherapeutic and preventive measures.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Behavioral problems in Silver–Russell

syndrome – Case report

K. Karher

, I. Banda

General Hospital Sombor, Department of Psychiatry, Sombor, Serbia

Corresponding author.


The aim of this study is to present two cases of

Silver–Russel Syndrome patients with behavioural problems. The

male is diagnosed with ADHD, and the female shows antisocial



Russell–Silver syndrome (RSS) is a rare disorder

characterized by intrauterine growth retardation and postnatal

growth deficiency along with a handful of common physical char-

acteristics and a range of other symptoms.


Clinical observation, tests (EEG, psychological tests – IQ

scale, JEPQ, Projective techniques) and interviews with the patients

and their parents and foster parents.


S.H. (20 years) – is opponent, aggressive, refuses every

kind of cooperation with delayed mental development.

V.M. (10 years) – premature baby (born in the sixth month) in a

40 years old mother (second pregnancy); blind on right eye and

very low vision on the left eye; lost both of his parents at the age

of 1.6 in a car accident; had several operations and is always under

some treatments. V.M. had low school performance. The foster par-

ent noticed that he has an attention deficit. Besides, he is very

aggressive verbally and physically, has low frustration tolerance,

borderline intelligence.


According to several studies that claims that patients

with Silver–Russel syndrome have behavioural problems and

among them, the most common are attention deficit problems; our

study improves that hypothesis. Both of our patients have attention

deficit problems.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The neurocognitive development of

premature infants at 5 months

corrected age

S. Kiselev

1 ,

, O. Lvova


, E. Suleimanova



Ural Federal University, Clinical Psychology, Ekaterinburg, Russia


Ural Federal University, Laboratory for Brain and Neurocognitive

Development, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Corresponding author.

It is known that prematurity is a risk for neurodevelopmental dis-

orders, particularly for ADHD and autism. However, the impact

of prematurity on neurocognitive functions in the early stages of

development is not investigated thoroughly.

The aim of research was to reveal the differences in neurocogni-

tive development in premature infants and full-term infants at 5

months age.

The participants were 26 premature infants and 26 gendermatched

healthy full-term infants. The gestational age of preterm infants

was between 29 and 35 weeks.

The Bayley Scales of Infant Development were used to evaluate the

neurocognitive abilities in infants.

The one-way ANOVA has revealed that premature infants per-

formed significantly (


0.05) more poorly than the full-term

infants on cognitive scale, receptive language and gross motor. No

significant differences were found between preterm and full-term

infants on expressive language and fine motor.

Two-way ANOVA has revealed no significant (


0.05) differences

between female premature infants and full-term female infants on

gross motor in comparison to male infants.

It was proposed that the prematurity has specific (not global) neg-

ative effect on neurocognitive development at 5 months age with

gender effect on development of gross motor.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


The research was supported by grant of the

Russian Science Foundation No. 6-18-10371.


Visual delayed memory in ADHD


S. Kiselev

Ural Federal University, Clinical Psychology, Ekaterinburg, Russia

It was shown that children with ADHD have deficit in cognitive

abilities. Particularly, in our previous research we have revealed

that children with ADHD have weakness have deficit in memory

for faces and for names in delayed recall condition.

The goal of this research was to examine the hypothesis that chil-

dren with ADHD have weakness in visual memory in delayed recall


The experimental group included 19 childrenwith ADHD at age 6–7

years. The control group included 19 typically developing children.

The children from experimental and control group were matched

for IQ, gender and age.

Children from both groups were assessed with visual memory

subtest from Luria’s neuropsychological assessment battery. This

subtest is designed to assess the ability to perform the visual