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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S465–S520


very creative persons (VCP); mildly creative persons (MCP); slightly

creative persons (SCP). VCPs have a significantly lower level of

depression and have a better QoL compared to SCPs. MCPs have

a level of depression between the other groups and a similar level

of QoL than VCPs. These results suggest that creativity could have a

noticeable influence on how patients experience their cancer. Fur-

ther studies on this phenomenon will be necessary for creativity to

be taken into account for psychological follow-up in oncology.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Temporal tumor as a cause of

bipolar-like disorder?

S. Domingues

1 ,

, M. Cotter


, I. Amado


, R. Massano



Centro Hospitalar do Médio Tejo, Hospital de Tomar, Psiquiatria,

Leiria, Portugal


Centro Hospitalar do Médio Tejo, Hospital de Tomar, Psiquiatria,

Guimarães, Portugal


Centro Hospitalar do Médio Tejo, Hospital de Tomar, Psiquiatria,

Coimbra, Portugal


Centro Hospitalar do Médio Tejo, Hospital de Tomar, Psiquiatria,

Tomar, Portugal

Corresponding author.


The relationship between brain tumours, temporal

epilepsy and psychiatric symptoms are historically known.


To report a case of mania in a patient with previ-

ous diagnosis of bipolar disorder, temporal tumour and temporal



Clinical records. Research on PubMed, using “lateral

temporal epilepsy” or “brain tumour” and “mania”.


A 52 years old man was conducted to the emergency

department by the police. He was found with psychomotor agi-

tation at the Sanctuary of Fátima. He was apparently hyperthimic

with flight of ideas. He had a history of epilepsy and temporal

tumour and two previous manic episodes. It was assumed as a

maniac episode.

During inpatient evaluation, patient had memory for the occur-

rence. He described a sudden onset on the day before, after drinking

wine. He described delirant atmosphere, persecutory and mys-

tic delusional beliefs “this is the third secret of Fátima being

revealed”, followed by ecstasy and psychomotor agitation. Remis-

sion was obtained in one week on psychotropics. MRI documented

the lesion. Electroencephalography performed one month later

revealed “slow waves.”


Organic causes should be excluded before consider a

psychiatric disorder. The hypothesis of epilepsy-related psychosis

or mania and other effects of a temporal tumour should be con-

sidered in etiology. However, co morbidity with bipolar disorder

cannot be excluded.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Misophonia and affective disorders:

The relationship and clinical


M. Erfanian

1 ,

, J. Jo Brout


, A. Keshavarz



Maastricht University, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience,

Maastricht, The Netherlands


International Misophonia Research Network, Sensory Processing

Disorder, New York, USA


Azad University, Psychology, Torbat-e-Jam, Iran

Corresponding author.

Misophonia is characterized by aversive reactivity to repetitive

and pattern based auditory stimuli

[1] .

Misophonic sufferers

demonstrate autonomic nervous system arousal, accompanied

by heightened emotional distress. Sufferers describe extreme

irritation, anger, and aggressive urge with physiological reac-

tions including hypertonia, diaphoresis and tachycardia

[2] .

Some studies have found comorbidity with psychiatric dis-

orders. However, most of these studies used small samples

and few experimental methodologies

[3] .

This study identi-

fies the possible relationship between misophonia and affective

disorders, and any difference between the severity of miso-

phonia in male and female patients. Fifty misophonic patients

(female = 25, mean age = 46.28) were evaluated with Amsterdam

Misophonia Scale (A-MISO-S) for the diagnosis of misophonia

and with the M.I.N.I International Neuropsychiatric Interview for

the diagnosis of affective disorders. Among


= 50 misophonic

patients, we found major depression (MDD) = 11, melancholic

depression = 5, dysthymia = 11, suicidality = 10, manic = 3, panic dis-

order = 8, agoraphobia = , social phobia = , obsessive compulsive

disorder (OCD) = 14, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) = 15.

Misophonia was associated with MDD (


= 76,


= .001), suicidal-

ity (


= 67,


= .001), OCD (


= 115,


= .002) and PTSD (


= 142.5,


= .008). Therewas an indicationof a significant difference between

men and women in severity of misophonia (


= 160.5,


= .002). The

presence of these varying affective disorders suggests that the suf-

ferers are at high risk for affective disorders. Investigation of the

co-morbiditywill assist researchers to better understand the nature

of the symptoms and how they may be interacting.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


[1] Edelstein, Brang, Rouw, Ramachandran (2013).

[2] Cavanna, Seri (2015).

[3] Schröder, Vulink, Denys (2013).


Therapeutic patient education: A

solution to the treatment of obesity

and metabolic syndrome in psychiatry

A. Bailly , L. Fau , C. Lourioux , N. Gramaje , A. Mechain ,

A. Arnaud , F. Pillot-meunier

Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier, Pole Up Mopha, Bron, France

Corresponding author.


Obesity and overweight are major pub-

lic health issues. Obesity is a risk factor associated with many

non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, certain types of can-

cers, musculoskeletal disorders and cardiovascular, dermatological

or gastroenterological diseases. Patients with severe psychiatric

disorders have a higher risk of developing overweight or obesity

than the general population. The risk of obesity in schizophren-

ics patients can be multiplied by a factor ranging from 2.8 to 3.5.

Patients suffering from mood disorder have sightly lower risk of

obesity, however we still consider a factor ranging from 1.2 to 1.5.

This significant weight gain can be partly explained by medication.


The hospital centre Le Vinatier, in France, has devel-

oped a therapeutic patient education program in helping patients

to self-manage their preventable disease. In order to tackle themul-

tifaceted nature of obesity, the programused the expertise of many

different professionals: general practitioners, dieticians, dentists,

physical adapted education teachers, pharmacists, nurses and so

on. This programme is provided for patients suffering from obesity

or an overweight complicated by diabetes, or/and metabolic syn-

drome, and/or history of cardiovascular diseases or/and a failure

of a dietary monitoring. The program includes individual care and

collective workshops in nutrition, oral heath, body image, adapted

physical education, and roundtable.