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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S465–S520


To describe the comorbidity between PD and substance

abuse disorders.


Systematic review of the literature on the subject. The

databases consulted were Dialnet, Pubmed and Cochrane.


The various studies allow estimating that between 65%

and 90% of subjects treated for substance abuse or dependence

have at least one concomitant PT. Studies show a higher prevalence

of Cluster C for alcohol consumption and Histrionic, Narcissistic,

Boundary and Antisocial Disorders (Cluster B) for illegal drugs,

mainly cocaine. Cluster B is the one that the literature has most

related to substance use. It is also the group in which there is

a greater predominance of impulsivity, which would be worth

remembering its role as a vulnerability factor for addictions.


What the research has shown is that a good deal

of the problems that accompany substance use come from dys-

functional patterns of behavior that are maintained over time with

high stability and can justify, in part, both the persistence of The

addictive behavior as the difficulty of handling the patients who

present them. At present, although the high comorbidity between

TP and substance use is sufficiently documented, many questions

still remain to be solved.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Treatment difficulties in the

pathology of the frontal lobe

A. Isac

1 ,

, B. Cristina


, L. Viorel



Children’s Emergency Hospital, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania


“Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Cluj-Napoca, Neuroscience Department- Psychiatry and Child and

Adolescent Psychiatry Compartment, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Corresponding author.

Frontal lobe lesions may present as mood disorders, with apathy,

emotional flattening and indifference towards the environment,

refered to as “pseudodepression”. A 14-year-old adolescent is

transferred from a pediatric ward for frontal headaches, sleepi-

ness, apathy, food refusal, irritability and marked weight loss

(BMI = 14 kg/sqm). The patient has a history of Socialized Con-

duct Disorder, with extremely low compliance towards treatment.

When admitted he is cooperating partially, has an influenced gen-

eral state and refuses to drink liquids. He is sad, impulsive, with

low frustration tolerance, negativist, oppositionist, with voluntary

urine emissions and marked sleepiness. There are clinical signs

of dehydration and an intermittent convergent strabismus in the

left eye. Laboratory tests show an inflammatory syndrome, nitrate

retention, dyselectrolytemia. Neurologically: exaggerated tendon

reflexes, frust bipyramidal syndrome, slight ptosis of the left eye;

electroencephalogram–slow activity (lesion?) in left deviations. A

consult with the Infectious Disease unit renders a diagnosis of

headache syndrome and frontal sinusitis. The MRI is suggestive

for a left frontal infectious expansive process (abscess) and mas-

sive maxillary–ethmoidal–frontal sinusitis. Combined parenteral

antibiotics and pathogenetic treatment are initiated and the patient

undergoes neurosurgery with the evacuation of the tumor. A cystic

formation of 6/5/1, 5 cm, containing an opalescent yellow liquid is

found at the histopathological exam. Streptococcus spp. is iden-

tified by the bacteriological exam. The evolution is good under

treatment, with a slight accentuation of the behavioural symptoms.

This case illustrates the importance of correct differential diagnosis,

the psychiatric diagnosis being one of exclusion.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psychiatric comorbidities in temporal

lobe epilepsy: A case study

L. Jouini

, U. Ouali , R. Zaouche , R. Jomli , Y. Zgueb , F. Nacef

Razi hospital, “A” psychiatry department, Tunis, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Psychiatric disorders frequently occur in patients

with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) (70%). This combination further

reduces the quality of life of patients as diagnosis is difficult and

therapeutic opportunities are often missed.


The aimof this case study is to show the possible asso-

ciation between TLE and psychiatric semiology and its therapeutic



Presentation of the clinical case of Mr BH who experi-

enced psychosis like symptoms, was finally diagnosedwith TLE and

put under anti-epileptic drugs.


Mr BH, aged 22, with no family or personal history,

was admitted for aggressive behavior, self-harm, pyromania, and

depression. Three years prior to onset of psychiatric symptoms, he

reports episodes of pulsatile- left-temporal headache followed by

hypertonic movements of the neck. Symptoms were intermittently

followed by total amnesia or impaired consciousness. The patient

explained symptoms by an inner presence that he called “his twin”

and to whom he attributed those behaviors contrary to his will.

The discovery of bilateral hippocampal atrophy in magnetic reso-

nance imaging with a normal electroencephalography suggested

the diagnosis of TLE with post-ictal psychotic disorders. Patient

was put initially on diazepamand olanzapine with partial improve-

ment. Association of valproate led to progressive but then complete

disappearance of symptoms and so confirmed our diagnosis.


It is often difficult to attach psychiatric symptoms to

epilepsy. The diagnosis should be done on a set of clinical, radio-

logical and electrical arguments.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Clinical features of PTSD in patients

with TBI

O. Khaustova

1 ,

, O. Smashna



Bogomolets national medicai university, psychosomatic medicine

and psychotherapy, Kiev, Ukraine


SHEI Ternopil state medical university namede after


. Ya.

Gorbachevskyy MHC of Ukraine, psychiatry, Ternopil, Ukraine

Corresponding author.


Modern scientific researches about interaction

between TBI and PTSD are characterized by few amounts and

contradiction of conclusions.


Twenty-eight personswith TBI were examined bymeans

of questionnaires and structured clinical interviews. 17 patients

were suffering from PTSD. We compared clinical features in

patients with isolated TBI and group with both disorders.


Four groups of symptoms were analyzed–sleep, emo-

tions, cognition and personality features. Disorders of sleep were

presented with violation of REM cycle, nightmares, hyperexcita-

tion, increase watchfulness during the sleep. Emotional disorders

were expressed as labilitywithout external irritations; an excessive

emotional reaction is on small events, agitation, irritability, inade-

quacy of emotional reactions and apathy (loss of desire to think, to

feel, and/or to operate). Cognitive disorders included deceleration

of psychomotor reactions, difficulties of searching of words in com-

munication, problems of switching of attention, rigidity, difficulties

in planning, decision of multistage tasks, violation of operative

memory, executive dysfunction. Features of personality disorders

were loss of initiation and self-control, decline of spontaneity, sur-