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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644

sphere: two equal in diameters circles are exhibited to respondent

for comparison. The amount of illusion in visualmodality is an index

of IAI features.


The fixed set method acquires a special relevant at

the modern stage of clinical psychology development, since the

IAI research seems to be important in psychiatric and neurological

diseases, related with brain integration disorders.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Emotional intelligence features at

a pathology of corpus callosum (CC)

M. Kovyazina

1 ,

, F. Ksenia


, N. Varako


, O. Dobrushina



S. Martynov



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of

Psychology – Chair of neuro - and abnormal psychology, Moscow

original-Mytishchi, Russia


Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of

Psychology – Chair of neuro – and abnormal psychology, Moscow,



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of

Psychology – Chair of methodology of psychology, Moscow, Russia


Moscow Institute of mental health, Moscow Institute of mental

health, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


Dependents of human behavior on the hemispheric

interaction quality is extremely interesting question. The CC

impairments are observed at schizophrenia, autism, Tourette

syndrome, ADHD, etc. Difficulties in the sphere of emotional intel-

ligence are typical at not only frontal zones disorders and right

hemisphere of brain.


Analyze the emotional intelligence of the patients with CC



Method for the recognition of facial expression (faces

and gestures); Video test “estimation of another person emotional

condition”; Survey for the estimation of emotional intelligence

(EmIn); ten people with different CC pathologies participated.


Results of the person with the CC pathologies were dif-

ferent from normative indexes of the first two methods. They did

not recognize the shown emotion: the sign of emotional expres-

sion was not identified, the gestures were not distinguished and

three positive characteristics out of 24 suggested for the designa-

tion of emotion modality were used. The emotions of heroes from

video test were recognized mistakenly. The indexes were normat-

ive for all scales of EmIn survey. However quite noticeable negative

correlation of

“emotion control” and “interpersonal emotional intelligence” sur-

vey indexes with the index of emotional recognition video test was



Weak emotional tone, leading to incorrect estima-

tion of the emotional sign, is observed at CC pathology. This doesn’t

exclude the violation of face emotional expressions analyze criteria.

The situational context does not help the another person condition

recognition. The answers on the EmIn test questions are based on

subjective visions of the patient about themselves, those witnesses

about the criticism reduction.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Illusion as a research tool for

inter-analyzer interaction (Iai)

characteristics in a psychiatric clinic

M. Kovyazina

, K. Fomina , N. Varako

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Psychology, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


IAI does not only play a functional role but also has

qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Biological significance

of IAI consists inmobilization of some sensory functions and demo-

bilization of others as a response to a stimulus signaling changes

in the environment. This constitutes one of the manifestations of

body’s preparatory reactions for action in the forthcoming situa-

tion. It has been established that in patients with psychic pathology

such preparation of the body systems is affected, which may man-

ifest through changes in illusion frequency.


To apply Charpentier illusion to research IAI charac-

teristics with the purpose of further detection of abnormalities in

the sphere of intermodal interaction.


One of the IAI research methods, is illusion research,

e.g. Charpentier illusion, since it is based on interaction between

visual and proprioceptive analyzers. Changes in preparatory reac-

tion in subjects with psychic pathology is characterized by decline

in illusion frequency, patients in these conditions should evaluate

stimuli more correctly than healthy participants. Pre-experimental

research design included two subjects: with white matter pathol-

ogy (patient G., male, 27, full agenesis of CC, based on MRI results)

and with IDD (subject A., male, 30).


Research subjects demonstrated absence of illusions,

which is indicative of functional weakness of IAI, which results in

inconsistency of sensory systems and meaningless perception. IAI

plays an important role in formation of human psyche by enabling

the development of significant patterns underlying human cogni-

tive activity.


Illusion research is relevant for clinical psychologi-

cal diagnosis of diseases associated with integrative brain activity


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Neuropsychiatric symptoms in Fahr’s


A. Lopes

, R. Trindade , A. Barcelos

Hospital Garcia de Orta, Psychiatry, Almada, Portugal

Corresponding author.

Objectives and methodology

To review the neuropsychiatric

symptoms of Fahr’s syndrome.


Fahr’s Syndrome is a rare degenerative neu-

ropsychiatric condition, characterized by bilateral and symmetrical

calcifications of the basal ganglia. It can be associated with several

metabolic, infectious or genetic conditions. It is clinically mani-

fested by movement disorders, psychosis, cognitive impairment,

mood disorders, personality dysfunction or obsessive-compulsive

spectrum disturbances. First presentation can be psychiatric in

approximately 40% of the cases. Cognitive dysfunction, mood dis-

orders and psychosis are the most common presentations. In the

present case, depression, dementia and movement disorders were

the main clinical pictures. This report alerts for the significance of

neuropsychiatric symptoms within this diagnosis, considering the

multisystemic approach of the illness.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.