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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S583–S644


ficulties in ambulation, increment of falls, and lack of hygiene

and dietary transgression. Complementary explorations blood

test: hemogram and biochemical unaltered, hypertriglyceridemia,

syphilis, HIV serology negative. Diagnosis stable PSP, behavioral

disorders are objectified within his personality disorder. Pharma-

cological approach. In case levodopa causes clinical symptoms of

postural hypotension, stalevo is decreased and sinemet is removed.

Slight improvement is noticed. Case review PSP is an uncommon

brain disorder that affects movement, control of walking and bal-

ance, vision, cognitive impairment and neuropsychiatric disorders.

It is associated with the deposition of hyperphosphorylated, tau,

in the pallidum, subthalamic nucleus, red nucleus, etc. Cognitive

deficits and neuropsychiatric symptoms may precede the onset

of Parkinsonism. Most changes are referred to personality, with

presence of irritability, impulsivity. Psychotic symptoms may exist.

There are no disease-modifying treatments. Management should

focus on optimizing life quality.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Psychosis and Schizencephaly – A case

report and systematic review

S. Gunturu


, L. Schmalz


, J. Zebelian


, L. Gonzalez



C. Drazinic

3 ,

, P. Korenis



University of Miami – Miller School of Medicine, Psychiatry, Miami,



Bronx Lebanon Hospital Center, Psychiatry, NY, USA


University of Miami – Miller School of Medicine, Psychiatry, Miami

Beach, USA

Corresponding author.

Psychotic symptoms have been reported in association with a

wide array of brain abnormalities. Few published reports have

examined the association between schizencephaly and psychi-

atric illness. Originally defined by Wilmarth and later by Yakolev

and Wadsworth – Schizencephaly is an uncommon congenital

disorder of cerebral cortical development, defined as a greymatter-

lined cleft extending from the pial surface to the ventricle. The

nosology is based on neuroradiologic findings and confirmed by

neuropathology when available. The Clinical presentation and neu-

rodevelopmental outcomes of the disorder vary and are usually

related to the extent/areas of the brain involved. In this article we

review the medical literature around Schizencephaly paying par-

ticular attention to the pathophysiology, etiology and diagnosis of

such patients. We then present a case of Schizencephaly and first

episode psychosis in a 16-year-old adolescent who was admitted

to our inpatient psychiatric service. Lastly, we present the findings

of a systematic review from PubMed whereby we summarize 10

cases of Schizencephaly with associated psychiatric symptoms.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Glutamatergic synaptic plasticity in

the periaqueductal gray governs

fear-induced depression-like behavior

in rats

Y.C. Ho

, M.C. Hsieh , C.Y. Lai , H.Y. Peng

Mackay Medical College, Department of Medicine, New Taipei City,

Taiwan, ROC

Corresponding author.


Major depressive disorder affecting more than 110

million people worldwide every year is a heterogeneous illness

influenced by a variety of factors, including repeated stressful

factors. Despite widely research during the past several decades,

the pathophysiology and neurobiological mechanisms of depres-

sive disorders remain unclear. Ventrolateral periaqueductal gray

(vlPAG), a midbrain nucleus, has been considered as an important

part of the circuitry that involves in stress-induced depression-

like behaviors. Dysregulation of glutamatergic neurotransmission

in depressed patients suggests that glutamate-mediated excitatory

system is critical involved in the depressive disorders.


It is still unclear that whether vlPAG involves in fear

condition-elicited depression-like behavior.


We investigated the synaptic transmission in the vlPAG to

examine whether vlPAG participates in fear-induced depression-

like behavior in rats.


Depression-like behaviors, in the rats, were induced

by learned helplessness procedure. The synaptic transmission was

conducted by whole-cell patch-clamp recording in the rat brain

slices containing periaqueductal gray.


Rats receiving learned helplessness procedure displayed

high failure rate in the escapable foot-shock test compared to con-

trol group. Both amplitude and frequency of miniature excitatory

postsynaptic currents were significant reduced compared to con-

trol group, suggesting reduced presynaptic glutamate release and

postsynaptic responses were involved in the learned helplessness

procedure-induced depression behavior in rats.


Reduced glutamatergic transmission in the

vlPAG contributes to learned helplessness procedure-induced

depression-like behavior in rats through pre – and post-synaptic


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Inter-analyzer interaction (IAI) at

clinical psychology: Possibilities and


M. Kovyazina

1 ,

, K . F




Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of

Psychology – Chair of neuro – and abnormal psychology, Moscow

original-Mytishchi, Russia


Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of

Psychology – Chair of neuro – and abnormal psychology, Moscow,


Corresponding author.


White matter is an anatomical bases of brain inte-

gration realization, it provides the connection between different

cortex zones inside one hemisphere as well as other hemisphere.

Hemispheric interaction research is basic aspect of brain integra-

tion activity problem. Not less important is the aspect related with

the processes of IAI.


Evaluation of method by fixed set potential for neuropsy-

chological research of inter-analyzer interaction.


Russian neurophysiologists confirmed the presents of

nervous processes irradiation and considered it as fundamental

mechanisms of the higher functions realization. IAI is a particular

case of the irradiation.

Uznadze’s fixed set method allows one to model “section of behav-

ior”, which includes all general behavior mechanisms and provides

a way to analyze complicated forms of activity. The central compo-

nents of the set are related to different brain systems and analyzer’s

interactions. This is confirmed by the set irradiation experiments,

performed by Uznadze’s school and showed that the set forms in

one sensory modality manifests in different.


Setting experiments by formation of fixed set are done

at haptic sphere: two different in volume spheres are given into

both respondents’ palms. Critical experiments are done at visual