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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S53–S68


Among patients with major depression, increased

inflammatory markers at baseline may predict an anti-depressant

response. Reducing inflammation may augment response to

psychotropic medications. Few studies have investigated an asso-

ciation between Leukocyte Telomere Length (LTL) and therapeutic

response in depression, reporting mixed results. No studies

assessed LTL and treatment response with PPAR- agonists.


(1) LTL as a predictor of anti-depressant response to

PPAR- agonist in patients with unremitted depression.

(2) the correlation between LTL and insulin resistance (IR) status.


We aimed to assess LTL as a predictor of antidepressant

response to Pioglitazone in groups of insulin resistant and insulin-

sensitive subjects using surrogate markers of IR.


Medically stable men and women (


= 42) ages 23–71

with non-remitted depression participated in double-blind placebo

controlled add-on of Pioglitazone to treatment-as-usual. Oral glu-

cose tolerance tests were administered at baseline and at 12 weeks.


At baseline, no differences in LTL were detected by

depression severity, duration or chronicity. LTL was also not sig-

nificantly different between insulin-resistant and insulin-sensitive

subjects. Subjects with longer telomeres exhibited greater declines

in depression severity in the active arm, but not in a placebo arm.

LTL also predicted improvement in insulin sensitivity in the group

overall and did not differ between the active and placebo arm.


LTL may emerge as a viable predictor of antidepres-

sant response. An association between insulin sensitization and LTL

regardless of the baseline IR status points to potential role of LTL

as a non-specific moderator of metabolic improvement in these


Disclosure of interest

I, Dr. Natalie Rasgon, am a consultant for

Shire Pharmaceuticals and Sunovion Pharmaceuticals.


Effect of BMI on resting-state

functional architecture of the brain in

healthy individuals and patients with


S. Frangou

1 ,

, N. Micali


, R. Natalie


, D. Gaelle


, M. Bruce



New York, USA


Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Psychiatry, New York, USA


Stanford University, Psychiatry, Palo, Alto, USA


Rockefeller University, Neuroscience, New York, USA

Corresponding author.

Elevated bodymass index (BMI) is associated with increasedmulti-

morbidity and mortality. The investigation of the relationship

between BMI and brain organization has the potential to provide

new insights relevant to clinical and policy strategies for weight

control. Here, we quantified the effect of BMI on the functional

connectivity of the Default-Mode (DMN), Central Executive (CEN),

Sensorimotor (SMN) and Visual (VN) networks in 496 healthy

individuals that were studied as part of the Human Connectome

Project. We found that elevated BMI was associated with dis-

rupted functional integration of sensory-guided (SMN, VN) with

internally controlled (DMN, CEN) networks, implicating increased

attention to sensory stimuli as a possible mechanismunderpinning

overeating and weight gain. Our results suggest that weight con-

trol strategies should expand to include wider societal policies that

incorporate modifications to eating environments and to the visual

presentation and branding of food products.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Comorbidity of depression and

diabetes: Questions recently answered

and raised

N. Sartorius

Action for mental health, Geneve, Switzerland

This paper will present information about a multicentric inter-

national collaborative study, which explored the frequency of

depressive disorders in people with diabetes Type 2. The study

was carried out in 14 countries–5 in Asia (Bangladesh, China, India,

Pakistan and Thailand), two in Africa (Kenya and Uganda), two in

Latin America (Argentina andMexico) and five in Europe (Germany,

Poland, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine). The study found that depres-

sive disorders and sub threshold depression are frequent in people

with diabetes: one tenth of all the nearly 3000 patients examined

had major depression and another 15% sub threshold depressive

disorders. Depression was only rarely recognized by the physicians

dealing with diabetes and those few who were recognized were

not provided treatment of their depressive disorders. The presen-

tation will draw attention to the need to improve skills of diagnosis

and treatment of psychiatric disorders of physicians who are not


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Depression and its somatic

consequences: Allostatic load as the

connecting link

B. Penninx

VU university medical center/GGZ inGeest, department of

psychiatry/PI NESDA study, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Stress-related psychiatric disorders, such as depressive and anxi-

ety disorders, have been associated with increased risk of overall

mortality as well as with the onset of various aging-related somatic

diseases. In addition to unhealthy lifestyles and poorer (self) care,

various stress-related physiological processes likely contribute to

these detrimental health consequences of psychiatric disorders.

Considering the fact that the impact of stress-related disorders is

visible on many different somatic health outcomes, it is unlikely

that contributing biological systems are very specific. In fact, it

is likely that multiple dysregulations of stress systems, including

the immune, HPA-axis and autonomic nervous systems, but also

various general proteomic or metabolomic pathways are involved.

The concept of Allostatic Load (AL) emphasizes the presence of a

multi-system physiological dysregulation.

In this talk I will summarize what the evidence is for somatic

health consequences of psychiatric conditions, with depression as

an important example. Subsequently, I will provide an overview

of the various stress systems that are dysregulated in depressed

patients. In addition, I will provide empirical data from the Nether-

lands Study of Depression and Anxiety (


= 2981) that illustrate that

there is evidence that depressed patients are especially at risk for

a dysregulation in multiple physiological stress systems. I will also

illustrate how such a state of AL can impact on basis cellular aging

indicators like telomere length and epigenetic age.

In sum, this talk will highlight the current state-of-evidence for an

association between depressions with the onset of many adverse

somatic health outcomes, and will provide insight into the con-

tributing role of a multisystem physiological dysregulation.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.