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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S53–S68


Workshop: Healing the healers: strategies of

prevention and modulation of work-related stress

for mental health workers


Stay foolish, stay fit: An excursus on

strategies to prevent burnout of

mental health professionals

S. Ferrari

1 ,

, G. Rioli



Modena, Italy


University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Department of

Diagnostic-Clinical Medicine and Public Health, Modena, Italy

Corresponding author.

Burn-Out (BO) is commonly described as a growing situation of

work stress and conceptualized as a combination of emotional

exhaustion, depersonalization/cynicism and reduced personal effi-

cacy. Some professionals are exposed to a higher risk, depending on

their specific work mansions (most typically the so called helping

professions) and on personal and contextual conditions. Evidence

from scientific literature has confirmed that being younger and

working in the field of mental health are very significant risk fac-

tors for BO. Furthermore, BO is an essential target for preventive

strategies: prevention of BO, rather than treatment of potential

psychopathological consequences, has been proved to be more

effective and cost-effective, though unfortunately very often dis-

regarded or left to individual initiatives.

Physical activity, diet, and other features of a healthy life-

style are core targets of interventions aimed at prevention of

BO. Increasing evidence is collected on the effectiveness of

mindfulness-based techniques and yoga. Supervision, and more

specifically Balint-inspired models of group case discussions. Sci-

entific and professional associationism is also effective as a strategy

to avoid isolation. Finally, interventions aimed at improving work

organization, targeting logistic aspects (eg. Time schedules), infras-

tructures (eg. Parking places) or dynamics and human interactions,

are also essential and effective.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Suicidal behavior among Portuguese

psychiatry trainees: Comparison with

the European situation

J. Gama Marques

Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, Clínica

Universitária de Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica, Lisboa, Portugal


The aim of this paper was to assess the prevalence

of suicide ideation and attempts in Portuguese psychiatry trainees

(adult, child and adolescence), and compare the data with the gen-

eral population and other European countries.

Material and Methods

A structured and anonymous question-

naire was sent by email to 159 Portuguese trainees of adult

psychiatry, child and adolescence psychiatry with questions about

personal history of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts, as well

as family history of suicide attempts and completed suicides. This

is part of the BoSS Study (Burnout Syndrome Study) performed in

21 countries worldwide. Data was analyzed in SPSS v.19.


From the inquired population, 62 trainees (40.3%)

partially responded, and 46 (29%) were complete responders -

these entered the final analysis. There was a ratio of 2:1 (female:

male) and a mean age of 29 years. The suicidal ideation was

present in passive form in 44% and in active form in 33%; also,

4.3% of respondents had previous suicide attempts. In first-degree

relatives, 22% had attempted suicide and 13% completed suicide.


The results are worrying and may be associated with

some factors to which this population is exposed.


It is necessary further research to better understand

this phenomenon, its causes and potential modifiers.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Workplace stress among non-doctor

trainees in psychiatric rehabilitation

U. Volpe

University of Naples SUN, department of psychiatry, Naples, Italy

Mental health care settings have long been associated to a specific

and long-standing emotional involvement, eventually determining

professional stress and burnout in psychiatrists. However, recent

evidence demonstrated that also non-doctor mental health work-

ers may be at high risk of developing job dissatisfaction. Previous

studies also suggested that the longer exposure to psychiatric

settings the higher the levels of burnout. We report here data

from a survey conducted among first-year students of rehabilita-

tion courses in psychiatry (


= 44) and logopedics (


= 39), before

and after the first exposure to an health care environment over

a 6-month term. We investigated their psychological wellbeing

and risk of psychiatric morbidity (by means of GHQ-12), levels

of burnout (with the Maslach Burnout Inventory) and knowledge

about mental health (by means of the MAKS schedule). The two

groups were comparable as for the main socio-demographic char-

acteristics as well as for their knowledge about mental health

before training. We found a significant difference between stu-

dents in mental and general health care, with significantly higher

emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and lower personal

accomplishment levels in the former group, after 6-month training.

Such changes were significantly correlated to variations in knowl-

edge about mental health issues and risk of psychiatric morbidity.

The implementation of a specific peer support group was perceived

as extremely useful by the majority of the students (96%) and had

a positive impact on their burnout levels and psychological well-


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Work setting and perceived stress -

are all of us exposed to the same risks?

A. Moscoso

Hospital de D. Estefânia, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

In this presentation we propose to speak about specific stres-

sors/protective factors that might be present in different settings of

work (working in prison, working in addition, working with babies,

liaison...) and individual factors that might be linkedwithmore/less

perceived stress. It will be done by means of a review of the litera-


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.