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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S710–S771


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.

e-Poster Viewing: Psychosurgery and stimulation

methods (ECT, TMS, VNS, DBS)


The legacy of Walter Jackson Freeman

II (1896–1972): The lobotomist

M. Arts

1 ,

, P. Michielsen


, S. Petrykiv


, L. De Jonge



University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen,

Department of Old Age Psychiatry, Groningen, The Netherlands


GGZWNB, Clinical Psychiatry, Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands


University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen,

Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Groningen, The



Leonardo Scientific Research Institute, Geriatric Psychiatry,

Groningen, The Netherlands

Corresponding author.


Walter Jackson Freeman II was born the grandchild

of WilliamWilliams Keen, one of world’s most renowned surgeons

from Philadelphia and the son of an otorhinolaryngist, which may

have been contributed to his interest in medicine. Freeman started

his medical career in a psychiatric hospital and over the years, he

operated thousands of patients. He was a protagonist in Ameri-

can psychosurgery and therefore, he often has been referred as the



To present the scientific papers of Walter Jackson

Freeman on psychosurgery.


To review available literature and to show evidence that

Freeman made a significant though controversial contribution to

the development of psychosurgery.


A biography is presented and discussed followed by a

literature review.


In this whole career, “the lobotomist” operated more

than 3500 patients and performedmainly operations on the frontal

areas. However, he operated human brains without due regard for

his patient’s mental abilities and emotional well-being after their

lobotomy. Despite his work was praised, there was also a lot of

criticism on his methods.


Despite the dubious reputation, Freeman can be

remembered as an ambitious doctor who made a significant

contribution to the development of psychosurgery. However,

unfortunately he crossed medical and legal boundaries.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


A systematic review of transcranial

magnetic stimulation use for treating

autistic spectrum disorders:

Preliminary results

B. Barahona-Corrêa

1 , 2 , 3 ,

, A. Chainho


, R. Lopes

2 , 4


NOVA Medical School, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Lisboa,

Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Lisbon, Portugal


CADIn, Centro de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento, Cascais, Portugal


Champalimaud Clinical Centre, Champalimaud Centre for the

Unknown, Neuropsychiatry Unit, Lisbon, Portugal


CISIUL, Centro de Investigac¸ ão e Intervenc¸ ão Social, Instituto

Universitário de Lisboa, LAPSO, Laboratório de Psicologia Social e das

Populac¸ ões, Lisbon, Portugal

Corresponding author.

Autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) are a group of neurodevelop-

mental disorders that manifest as deficits in social communication

and interaction, and restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests.

ASD affect at least 1% of the population and are associated with

lifelong disability and early death. There are no effective biological

treatments for ASD, although non-invasive neuromodulation has

sparked great interest as a possibly useful therapeutic approach.

Here, we present preliminary results of a systematic review on the

effectiveness of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in ASD

treatment. Using appropriate syntax we searched Pubmed, Web

of Science, Science Direct, and Educational Resources Information

Clearinghouse. Following standard PRISMA statement (Preferred

Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews andMeta-analyses) proce-

dures, we selected 12 eligible studies, comprising four controlled

and four uncontrolled trials on the effects of TMS onASD core symp-

toms, and 9 controlled and three uncontrolled trials on TMS effects

on cognitive performance in ASD. The 12 studies totaled 233 sub-

jects. Although combined effect sizes favor TMS in all fours groups

of studies, conclusions are limited by the high study heterogeneity.

Furthermore, only three of the controlled studies used sham TMS

as the control intervention, and only two studies followed up the

therapeutic effects after the last TMS session. Side effects, none of

them serious, occurred in 6.4% of treated subjects. Our main con-

clusion is that there is currently little evidence that sustains the

commercial offer of TMS for treating ASD. Better-designed studies

are badly needed to fully elucidate the role of TMS in the treatment

of ASD.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Place of electroconvulsive therapy in

the treatment of depression in France:

A comparative study between clinical

practice and international


T. Charpeaud

1 ,

, A. Tremey


, P. Courtet


, B. Aouizerate



P.M. Llorca



CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, service de psychiatrie B,

Clermont-Ferrand, France


CHU de Montpellier, département des urgences et post-urgences,

Montpellier, France


Centre Hospitalier Charles-Perrens, Pôle de Psychiatrie, Bordeaux,


Corresponding author.


To study the place of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)

in the treatment of major depressive disorder in France and com-

pare it with international recommendations and algorithms.


Multicenter, retrospective study in 12 French university

hospitals. Diagnosis, delay between the onset of the episode and

the first day of ECT, previous treatments have been identified. Only

patients treated for major depressive disorder between 1 January

2009 and 1 January 2014 were included.


A total of 754 patients were included (middle age

61.07 years, sex ratio 0.53). The diagnoses listed were: first major

depressive episode (14.95%), bipolar depression (38.85%) and

unipolar recurrent depression (46.19%). The delay before ECT,

was 11.01months (13,98), and was significantly longer for first

episodes (16.45months,


< 0.001) and shorter in case of psychotic

symptoms (8.76months,


< 0.03) and catatonic symptoms (6.70,


< 0.01).