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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S772–S846


Quality in community-based day

center services for people with

psychiatric disabilities from the

attendees’ perspective

L.O. Lundqvist

1 ,

, M. Rask


, B. David


, S. Agneta



Örebro university, University Health Care Research Center, Örebro,



Linnaeus University, School of Health and Caring Sciences, Växjö,


Corresponding author.

Community-based day centers in Sweden are well-established are-

nas for psychiatric rehabilitation. Little is, however, known of the

attendees’ perception of the quality of the service provided. There-

fore, the aimof the studywas to describe and investigate the quality

of community-based day center services for people with psychi-

atric disabilities. A sample of 218 attendees (44% females) between

18 and 71 years old in 14 community-based day center services in

Sweden completed the quality in psychiatric care–daily activities

(QPC-DA) instrument. The results showed that people with psy-

chiatric disabilities perceived the quality of community-based day

center services as high and 87% perceived the overall quality as

satisfactory. The highest ratings were found in encounter followed

by support, daily activity-specific, secure environment, participa-

tion, and the lowest quality was found in secluded environment

dimensions of the QPC-DA. Most notably, quality of service was

rated higher by those with lower educational level, had waited

shorter time to attend the center, and had better mental and physi-

cal health. However, particularly aspects of a secluded environment

and participation (information) may be areas with potential for

improvement. In conclusion, the results adhere to the importance

of occupational balance, with periods of rest/privacy during the

time at the center.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Psycho-education in schizophrenia:

Evaluation of a new schizophrenia

questionnaire “SCHIWI” and

predictors of knowledge gain

S. Lüscher

Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich,

Department of psychiatry and psychotherapy, Munich, Germany

Psycho-education is a well-known therapy within a multi-modal

therapy concept for patients with schizophrenia and their rela-

tives, as psycho-education is known to reduce relapse and duration

of hospital stays. Here, evaluate a new questionnaire to show the

gain of knowledge about schizophrenia, especially in combination

with psycho-education during a hospital stay. Furthermore, we aim

to find out more about the predictors for knowledge gain after

participation in 4 to 8 psycho-educational groups. During 5 years

(04/2011 to 08/2015) 517 patients and 223 relatives took part in

our psycho-educational groups, 136 participants finished the study.

In a test theoretical analysis it was shown that the questionnaire

“SCHIWI” with 100 items has similar problems as previous ques-

tionnaires, but fulfils the criteria “discriminatory power” and “item-

complexity” in a reduced version of 22 (was? Erbsen? Cremants?)

and can be considered as a valid questionnaire. We could prove

again that psycho-education leads to knowledge gain. Furthermore,

we found the predictors “frequency of participation”, “basic knowl-

edge” and possibly “relationship to relatives” to be relevant for

knowledge gain in patients. Due to the small number of partici-

pating relatives we were not able to find secure predictors here,

but we found indications that “previous experience with psycho-

education”, “subjective knowledge gain” and “education” could be

predictors for knowledge gain. This study underlines the impor-

tance of psycho-education in the treatment of schizophrenia, but

emphasizes the need to find out more about possible predictors in

further research.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


The possibilities of the improvement

language competencies in children

with dyslexia. The evaluation of the

Tomatis therapy in children aged

6–10 years of age

E. Mojs

1 ,

, A. Sudol


, W. Samborski



Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Clinical Psychology, Poznan,



Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Rheumatology and

Rehabilitation, Poznan, Poland

Corresponding author.

Audio psycho–phonological stimulation training is a method based

on listening to various musical sounds by way of a special device

called electronic ear. The goal of this therapy is to enhance dam-

aged hearing and consequently facilitate greater stimulation of

central nervous system and improve cognitive functions i.e. atten-

tion and learning abilities. The second goal was to evaluate the

effectiveness of the Tomatis method in the treatment of cogni-

tive functions in children with developmental dyslexia. Data were

collected from forty children (age range 6–10 all of whom had

various lexical impairments and diagnosed as dyslexia. All chil-

dren IQ ranged 78–110. All subjects underwent therapy based on

the Tomatis method. The relevance group constituted, by healthy

ones. Further assessment included reaction time, over sensitivity of

hearing sense, verbal fluency, attention, abilities of verbal learning

and learning memory–immediate and long term. The effects of the

therapy were measured after 9months of stimulation. Statistically

relevant improvement of most evaluated functioning parameters,

including shorter time of adequate reaction to presented stimuli

was observed. Not only did the patients have lower threshold of

sensitivity of hearing sense, ability to localize sources of sound sig-

nificantly improved (


0.05) also. Subjects’ verbal fluency, attention

and immediate verbal memory were enhanced. The phonological

abilities improved. Tomatis training significantly improved sub-

jects’ cognitive functioning. We could demonstrate its efficiency in

relation to such parameters as reaction time, localization of sources

of sound and over sensitivity to audio stimuli. The Tomatis method

is a useful way of the speech treatment impediments.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Ecopsychotherapy of mental health

problems children and adolescents

B. Mykhaylov

1 ,

, M .


2 , T. A


3 , I. V




Kharkov medical academy of postgraduate education,

Psychotherapy, Kharkov, Ukraine


Fund “Alexander Feldman Fund”, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education,

Psychotherapy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Corresponding author.

Ukraine is the problem of children’s mental health. Contempo-

rary one of the most urgent health problems in Ukraine. In recent