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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S772–S846


batteries and useful tools for research in several scientific domains,

including psychiatry, psychology, genetics and neurosciences.


To validate and disseminate the Portuguese PennCNP bat-

tery for clinical and non-clinical studies.


To translate and provide preliminary psychometric

data of the Portuguese PennCNP tests in 9 neurocognitive domains.


The PennCNB (Gur et al., 2010) was translated and

administered to a sample of 120 Portuguese participants from the

general population.


Findings on the internal consistency and performance

(speed and accuracy) are presented for the 19 tasks included in the

PennCNB, in addition to results of correlation analysis within tests

on the same domain for criterion validity, and gender sensitivity



Computerized assessment provides efficient and reli-

able results, based on performance of abstract.

Objective and simple tasks that cover a vast range of cognitive func-


The administration requires minimal training and provides

a quick and automated scoring procedure, with great utility in sev-

eral research and clinical fields. The availability of a test battery

suitable for a large number of Portuguese native-speakers world-

wide is of added value, since the translation of measures to several

languages allows creating more extensive normative samples and

direct results comparability in future research, including transna-

tional or cross-cultural studies and clinical trials.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


“Neurodevelopment in a dish”

Elucidates the mechanisms of autism

spectrum disorder

M. Ilieva

1 ,

, M .


1 , K. K


1 , S.L

. Forsberg

1 ,

Å.F. Svenningsen

2 , T. S




Odense University Hospital, Psychiatry, Odense, Denmark


Odense University Hospital, Neurobiology research, Odense,


Corresponding author.


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) is a group of

neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by deficits in social

cognition, communication, and behavioral flexibility. Most of the

cases appear to be caused by the combination of autism risk genes

and environmental factors affecting early embryonal brain devel-

opment. The current animal and 2D cellular models are not able to

recapitulate the complex integrity of the developing brain. There-

fore a model of the brain that can cast a light on the pathological

processes during brain development is of a high need.

Aim and objectives

The aim of our research is to develop a

three-dimensional brain organotypic system (brain organoids) for

culturing patient’s derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC).


We propose a multidisciplinary approach, involv-

ing the generation of patient specific iPSC from somatic cells

(fibroblasts) and 3D culturing techniques to build a complex

“humanized” in vitro platform for ASD research. Further we will

investigate differences in gene expression of potential disease

related markers and cellular phenotype between autistic patients

and controls.


Brain organoids have the ability to recreate the right com-

plexity of the brain. On the cellular and gene expression level,

organoids demonstrate a high similarity to the neurodevelopment

in vivo and can therefore recapitulate early stages of the neurogen-



To date organoids are the most relevant cellular

in vitro platform for the understanding the mechanisms behind

ADS pathology. Organoids are a good modeling system for elu-

cidating the role of epigenetic and environmental factors for

development of ASD.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Pictorial representation of illness and

self-measure as an instrument for

diagnostic of illness representation in

youth with ultra-high risk for


M. Kovyazina

1 ,

, E. Rasskazova


, N. Varako


, S. Enikolopov



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Psychology,

Moscow, Russia


Lomonosov Moscow State University and Mental Health Research

Center laboratory of Medical Psychology, Department of Psychology,

Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


Pictorial representation of illness and self-measure

(PRISM) was developed as screening tool assessing implicit reac-

tion to somatic illnesses. Conclusion is based on comparisons of

the positions of illness-related (“Illness” and major symptoms) and

unrelated (“Me”, “Family”, “Work/study”) objects on the list.


Due to its easiness and implicitness PRISM could

be promising addition to illness representation questionnaires in

mental illnesses.

Aim was to reveal validity of the PRISM in youth with ultra-high

risk for psychosis.


Eighty-one male patients 16–25 years old meeting

criteria of ultra-high risk for psychosis; preliminary diagnoses of

mood disorders 34, personality disorders 26, schizotypal disorder

21 patients) filled PRISM, beck cognitive insight scale, symptom

checklist 90-r, illness perception questionnaire, quality of life and

enjoyment questionnaire and happiness scale.


According to hierarchical regression, conditional “Self-

Illness” distance (after control for mean distances on the list) was

related to less psychopathological complaints, lower subjective

illness severity and emotional representations, higher treatment

control and better quality of life. “Self-symptoms” distance was

related to better cognitive insight, lower emotional representa-

tions and consequences and moderated the relationship between

“Self-Illness” distance and appraisals of illness length and dynamic.


Conditional “Self-Illness” distance in PRISM could

reflect cognitive appraisal of illness based on symptoms and related

to life satisfaction while “Self-Symptoms” distance reflects merely

emotional reaction based on cognitive insight.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Towards a new structure of the

interpersonal reactivity index.

reliability and validation of the

Portuguese version: A comparative


L. Manarte

Faculty of Medicine, Psychiatry, Lisbon, Portugal


Empathy has received a lot of attention with the cre-

ation of an Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI). IRI is assessed using

a 28-item questionnaire with four 7-item scales:

– perspective-taking (PT) scale;

– fantasy (FS) scale;