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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S772–S846


years a number of studies confirms the trend of mental pathol-

ogy of growth with an increase in the number of clinical forms

of psychotic register, including behavioral disorders in children.

In turn, this is due to the increasing number of emergency situ-

ations (antiterrorist operations on the territory of Ukraine) for the

last time. Ukraine now is an urgent need to establish a system of

psychosocial rehabilitation of childrenwith impairedmental devel-

opment. International Charity Fund “Alexander Feldman Fund” in

the Ecopark established the center for psychosocial rehabilitation of

children and adolescents with psychological, emotional and behav-

ioral disorders. The center created the conditions for the restoration

of a bio-psycho-social harmony of the child in the conditions of

modern urban-deformed medium. The aim of the center is to

restore the level of social functioning and quality of life of children

with ADHD, children with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome

and other neuropsychiatric disorders. The Center based on ecother-

apy, also used animal therapy, garden therapy, play therapy, art

therapy (studio for painting, sculpting). Individual and group work

included various elements of cognitive-behavioral, rational, ana-

lytical child, relaxation, and other methods of psychotherapy.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Is social frustration typical of multiple

sclerosis patients?

E. Nikolaev

1 ,

, N. Vasil’eva



Chuvash State University, Department of Social and Clinical

Psychology, Cheboksary, Russia


Chuvash Republic Clinical Hospital, Neurology Unit, Cheboksary,


Corresponding author.


Psychological problems of multiple sclerosis

patients are often studied in context of distress and depression

or quality of life concept. However, analysis of social frustration

still has not been an object of research interest. Whereas ignoring

patients’ feelings of frustration and social worry may worsen the

prognosis of treatment.

Objectives and aims

To study if the social frustration prevalent

among multiple sclerosis patients.


We studied 104 multiple sclerosis patients during in-

patient treatment in neurological unit. Male and female patients

aged between 19 and 64 years were diagnosed relapsing-remitting

multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and secondary progressivemultiple scle-

rosis (SPMS). Psychological indicators of social frustration were

assessed by using “The level of social frustration” questionnaire.


Lack of social frustration was revealed only in 5% of mul-

tiple sclerosis patients. The most frequent area of social frustration

in the patients was the sphere of health and labor activity (45%).

The second area of social frustration was dissatisfaction with the

socio-economic status (37%), the third – the social status (26%).

Both male and female patients were equally dissatisfied with their

physical condition. Men were more frustrated with their material

condition, women – with their inability to work. Some differences

were also defined in clinical groups. RRMS patients weremore frus-

trated in need for their status in the society, SPMS patients with

their psychological and emotional state.


The directions of typical social frustration inmultiple

sclerosis patients, associations with clinical and gender factors may

be considered in system of treatment and rehabilitation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Building a psychosocial rehabilitation

unit: The experience of centro

hospitalar entre Douro e Vouga

V. Pais , O. Pinto

, J. Figueiredo , E. Larez , F. Lopes , M. Pereira ,

M. Fernandez , S. Mariano

Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e o Vouga, Psychiatry, Santa

Maria Da Feira, Portugal

Corresponding author.


In Portugal, the National Mental Health Plan sought

to reform the mental health care system, decentralizing mental

health care by promoting community based services. Guidelines

point to treatment of Psychotic Disorders with collaborative, per-

son directed and individualized approaches.


The authors propose to describe the development of a

new psychosocial rehabilitation unit in a recently created psychi-

atric department.


The CHEDV’s psychiatry department (2009) serves a

population of around 340,000. The Psychosocial Rehabilitation Unit

(2015) aims to ensure a multidisciplinary and integrated response

to users with major psychiatric disorders. The Psychosocial Reha-

bilitation Unit structures 4 axes of response: detection and initial

approach of the disease, intervention in crisis, psychosocial reha-

bilitation and management of difficult patients.


CHEDV’s psychosocial rehabilitation unit is responsi-

ble for the care of about 25 patients daily. Treatment activities

range from specialized consultations, home visits, medication

management and crisis telephone to social skills training, psycho-

education, neurocognitive rehabilitation, occupational workshops

and social intervention/orientation. The unit bases its work on con-

stant communication within the team but also with all other carers

of the patient (in or out of hospital).


Bringing to the population a set of previously

unavailable responses is the most blatant success of this unit that is

helping people getting a better and closer care. To improve ourwork

we aimat integrating the quantitative and qualitative psychometric

evaluation of the patients. The lack of resources, necessity of fur-

ther training, insufficient funding, and low political priority remain

as the main barriers to community based mental health care.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Early signs of crisis in the perception

of users and their family

G. Fucci

1 ,

, N. Ratti


, R. Ignarra



Ausl Romagna, Mental Health Center of Ravenna, ravenna, Italy


Ausl Romagna, Mental Health Center of Ravenna, Faenza, Italy

Corresponding author.

The identification of the early signs of crisis is globally considered

one of the fundamental elements in the illness management

practice of the psychiatric user. For this reason the mental health

center of the city of Ravenna wanted to offer a personalized

questionnaire to a 15 random-selected users and their families,

with the aim of evaluating and analyzing the alarm signals in

the participant’s perception. The questionnaire has been created

on the basis of other tests in the literature. It is divided in two

parts, a “symptomatic”, related to the early signs of crisis, and an

“environmental”, focalized on the potentially stressing situations

for the individual. The administration took place within the

individual and the family talks at the center. This project was

implemented not only as a psycho-educational activity for the

users and their family’s, but also to amplify the knowledge of the

staff on these signs. The results have shown how often there are

points of difference in the perceptions of the early signs of crisis