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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910


total but addiction to medication and eating disorders seems to be

much more common in women whereas addiction to drugs prob-

ably more common in man.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Central nervous system grey matter

decreases in volume in smokers

impacting cognitive abilities:

A systematic review

M. Vnukova

, R. Ptacek , J. Raboch , G. Stefano

Department of Psychiatry, First Faculty of Medicine Charles

University in Prague and General University Hospital in Prague,

Prague, Czech Republic

Corresponding author.


Even though cigarette smoking is a leading cause

of preventable mortality, worldwide tobacco is consumed by

approximately 22% of population. Smoking is also one of the risk

factors for cardiovascular disease and it impacts our brain pro-

cessing as well as being one of the recognised risk factors for

Alzheimer’s disease. The tobacco toxins may cause these disor-

ders, e.g., nicotine at high levels, which are inhaled, resulting in

preclinical brain changes. Researchers suggest that there are dif-

ferences in brain volume between smokers and non-smokers. This

reviewexamines these differences on the brain greymatter volume



In March/April 2015: MedLine, Embasse and

PsycInfo were searched using terms: “grey matter”, “voxel based”,

“smoking” and “cigarette”.


Studies found brain GMV decreases in smokers compared

to non-smokers. Furthermore, gender specific differences were

found, while thalamus and cerebellum was affected in both gen-

ders decrease in olfactory gyrus was found only in male smokers.

Age group differences were also found and these may suggest pre-

existing abnormalities that lead to nicotine dependence in younger

individuals. Only one study found positive correlation between

number of pack-years and GMV.


Smoking decreases the volume of greymatter inmost

brain areas. This decrease may be responsible for the cognitive

impairment and difficulties with emotional regulation in smokers

compared with non-smokers.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Anti-epileptic drugs in opiate


S. Vucetic-Arsic

, S. Alcaz

Special Hospital for Addictions, Intensive Care Unit, Belgrade, Serbia

Corresponding author.


Mood dysregulation came to be a hallmark in addic-

tion diseases.


Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are used extensively to

treat non-epilepsy disorders, such as mood disorder. Addiction

disease may be triggered by bipolar disorder. Contemporary

theories of addiction focus on pathophysiological mechanisms

that imply a misbalance in the area of motivational behaviour,

cognitive control, inhibitory function and decision-making


The aimof the studywas to confirm the clinical significance of AEDs

use in the treatment of opiate addicts during hospital detoxification

and in stabilizing period.


The prospective study comprised 70 medical histories

of the patients treated in hospital setting over a period August

2015–2016. The study included patients with diagnosis of an opiate

dependence and related mood disorders based on the ICD-10 clas-

sification. The rate of opiate withdrawal syndrome was measured

by Objective Withdrawal Scale (OWS).


Our data uncovered a significant correlation between

addiction and bipolar disorders, since 21% of inpatients treat-

ment have co-morbidity. According to a survey, 74% of patients

were treated with AEDs during detoxification period and

in outpatients setting 1 month later. According to OWS in

65% cases AEDs improved the mood and affect, numbness,



AEDs role in opiate withdrawal syndrome was to nor-

malize the affect, applied as an adjuvant therapy and also used

during the recovery, in order to correct mood fluctuations. The high

rate of co-morbid mental illnesses between addiction and other

mental disorders argues for a comprehensive approach to evaluate

each disorder concurrently, providing treatment as needed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Socio-demographic, clinical and

therapeutic features of patients

treated for schizoaffective disorder

using cannabis

B. Walid

, I. Marrag , F. Ellouze , M. Nasr

Hospital, Psychiatrie, Mahdia, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Psychotic disorders were formerly associated with

cannabis use. It could accelerate the course of the illness and thus,

constitutes a severity factor in terms of prognosis.


To define the socio-demographic, clinical and thera-

peutic profiles of patients suffering from schizoaffective disorder

(ASD) and who are consuming cannabis.


A retrospective study of 16 patients diagnosed with

ASD, who were hospitalized at the psychiatric department of Tahar

Sfar Mahdia’s hospital, andwhose toxicology test results during the

hospitalization came back positive for tetrahydrocannabinol.


Sixteen patients were gathered, all male, the average

age was 26 years. The average age of first hospitalization was

25 years, 41.9%were unemployed; 76.3% of our sample were single.

Three quarters of patients were hospitalized without consent. The

average hospital stay was 30.33 days. Our patients had required

during their stay an average dosage of antipsychotic, equivalent to

chlorpromazine, of 752.42


342.79mg. The average scores of psy-

chometric scales were: BPRS = 55.72


14.11, SAPS = 41.5



and 42.11




Currently, it is recognized that prolonged use of

cannabis is an exogenous risk factor. The association between

cannabis and schizoaffective disorder may amend the treatment

modalities. It requires, thereby, an integrated and simultaneous

treatment of schizophrenia and addictive behavior.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.