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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S847–S910

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


What are the predictors of success in

smoking cessation program?

D. Sarikaya Varli

k 1 ,

, O .C

. Cenker

1 , A.C

. Ercan

2 , C. V


3 ,

T. Uyar



Kackar State Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Rize, Turkey


Rize Recep Tayyip Erdo˘gan University, Department of Psychiatry,

Rize, Turkey


Bakirkoy Mental Health and Neurological Diseases Education ve

Treatment Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey


Kackar State Hospital, Department of Neurology, Rize, Turkey

Corresponding author.

Smoking is the most important avoidable cause of morbidity and

premature mortality in the European Union and other countries.

Identification of individual characteristics that predict success

in smoking cessation is highly desirable. Psychological determi-

nants of smoking cessation, especially depression and anxiety

disorders are associated with a higher prevalence of smoking, a

higher rate of nicotine dependence, and elevatedwithdrawal symp-

toms. In this study, we aimed to identify the determinants that

effect the smoking cessation program success. We scanned 232

patient files, who attended between February 2016–June 2016 in

Smoking Cessation Program in a State Hospital. The patients who

have applied at least two times to unit were included to study.

Phone calls were done 6months after first admission to check the

status of smoking. Then we compared sociodemographic charac-

teristics, nicotine dependence levels and psychological symptoms

of patients. Sociodemographic Data Form, Fagerstrom Nicotine

Dependence Scale and Symptom Check List-90 were done with

every patient. It is important to determine the predictors to quit

smoking for smoking cessation program. In many studies, the level

of nicotine dependence has been identified as the main predictor

of successful smoking cessation. It is known that the psychiatric

co-morbidity is related with low success in this program. Deter-

mining psychiatric co-morbidity and treating this will be effective

for success of smoking cessation.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Alexithymia in patients with

substance use disorders

R. Sellami , M. Moalla , I. Feki , S. Hentati , J. Masmoudi

, A. Zahaf

Hedi Chaker Hospital, Psychiatry A, Sfax, Tunisia

Corresponding author.


Alexithymia is considered as a deficit in emotion

processing. It includes difficulty to identify and describe feelings

as well as discriminate between feelings and physical sensations.

Alexithymia may be a risk factor for substance use (SUD).


The objective of this work is to identify the prevalence

and correlates of alexithymia among patients with SUD.


This study concerns 40 subjects who were hospitalized

in a rehabilitation center in Sfax. The subjects completed a form

investigating sociodemographic and drug use characteristics. Alex-

ithymia was assessed using the Toronto Alexithymia Scale TAS-20

a. The TAS-20 have three factors: difficulty in identifying feelings

(F1), difficulty in describing feelings (F2), and externally oriented

thinking (F3).


The mean age of 30.86


8.07 years. The mean score of

alexithymia was 65.39


9.65 (42

83). The scores of its dimen-

sions were 25.3


6.10 for F1, 17.16


3.3 for F2 and 23.16



for F3. The prevalence of alexithymia was 62.8% among addicts.

High alexithymic patients did not differ from low or moderate

alexithymic patients in terms of, employment, education or the

type of substance. TAS-20 was correlated to socio-economic status



= 0.002). No correlation was observed between age and alex-

ithymia (total TAS-20) when measured as a continuous variable



= 0.802). High alexithymic patients exhibited a higher prefer-

ence for poly-substance use comparedwith no alexithymic patients



= 0.05).


Findings suggest that alexithymia is frequent in SUD

patients. It should be noted in clinical practice that many patients

with SUD may have a reduced capacity to identify and describe

feelings during detoxification.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


An unusual case of ‘laughing gas’

addiction in Singapore

A. Selvaraj

, K.E. Wong

Institute of Mental Health, National Addictions Management Service,


Corresponding author.


Recreational use of nitrous oxide (N


0) or ‘laughing gas’

inhalation is a common phenomenon in countries like UK and US

where it is associated with music festivals and parties. However, as

far as we know, recreational N


0 use in Singapore has hitherto not

been reported in the press or scientific journals. We report the first

case of N


0 use and addiction in a young Singaporean male who

was introduced to it by a friend from a Western country where its

use is prevalent.


A 20-year-old Singaporean male with an existing psy-

chiatric diagnosis of major depression, presented with a 3 year

history of solitary regular N


0 inhalation that escalated from infre-

quent lowdose use to the current daily high-dose use which he was

unable to control. He exhibited symptoms of dependence — includ-

ing preoccupation, tolerance, withdrawal and difficulty in cutting

down. No major adverse medical complications were noted so far.


The patient was assessed to have Nitrous Oxide Depen-

dence; and is currently undergoing regular counselling sessions in

an attempt to motivate him to cut down or stop his N


0 use.


This case is unique for 2 reasons:

– extant literature suggests that only anectodal evidence exists

for psychological dependence of N


0 in Singapore; yet our patient

clearly demonstrates psychological dependence;

– this is the first reported case of N


0 use disorder in Singapore;

and perhaps ASEAN, with the unusual presentation in a youngmale

whose use is solitary and private.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Readiness to change, insight and

motivation in hospitalized

alcohol-dependent patients in three


M. Slepecky

1 ,

, V. Stanislav


, A. Kotianova


, M. Kotian



J. Ryniak


, B. Betkovka Korpala


, M. Zatkova


, M. Popelkova



J. Prasko


, K. Latalova



Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Psychology,

Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovak Republic


OLUP n.o.Predna Hora, Psychiatry, Predna Hora, Muranska Huta,

Slovak Republic


Psychagogia s.r.o., Psychology, Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovak Republic