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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169


Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Do not be afraid: Novel approaches to

the treatment of anxiety disorders

L. Carvalhão Gil

, M.

Lázaro , A. Ponte

Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Psychiatry, Lisboa, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Anxiety disorders (AD) are associated with sig-

nificant morbidity and often are chronic and resistant to the

treatment. A fascinating aspect of AD is the interplay of genetic

and experiential factors. It is stablished that abnormal genes pre-

dispose to pathological anxiety states; however evidence clearly

indicates that traumatic life events and stress are also etiologically

relevant. The behavioral theories of anxiety postulates that anxiety

is a conditioned response to a specific environmental stimulus.

There may be two ways to neutralize fear conditioning either by

facilitating a process called extinction or by blocking a process

called reconsolidation.


Review novel approaches to the treatment of AD.


To update on treatment for AD.


A literature searchwas performed on PubMed database.


Cognitive behavioral therapies use exposure techniques,

in which the patient has to confront the fear-inducing stimuli in a

safe environment in order to facilitate the fear extinction. The ther-

apy is often context-specific, so one way of strengthen extinction

learning is by boostingNMDA receptor activation, eitherwith direct

acting agonists (D-cycloserine) or with indirect glycine enhancing

agents (selective glycine reuptake inhibitors). Memory reconsoli-

dation is based on the notion that memories are dynamic rather

than stable. Reactivation of a memory can return it to a labile state

from which it must be reconsolidated. Blocking reconsolidation is

a therapeutic opportunity of update and alter the memory, weak-

ening traumatic memories. Beta-blockers and opioids may disrupt

this process.


Psychotherapy and psychopharmacology may have

a synergistic role in AD treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Symptom validity testing (SVT) and

social security disability claims

J. De Jonghe

1 ,

, T. Schoemaker


, D. Lam


, P. Andre de la Porte



Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep, Geriatric medicine/Medical

psychology, Alkmaar, Netherlands


Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep, Medical psychology, Den Helder,



Slotervaart Hospital, Medical psychology, Amsterdam, Netherlands


DC Clinics, Verzuimdiagnostiek, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Corresponding author.

Background and aims

Over 50% of adult disability claimants fail

some form of SVT. While some over report psychological, affective

symptoms, others may report incredible cognitive symptoms. We

examined effects of different types of response bias on free recall

and self-reported depression.

Participants and methods This is a single site cross-sectional study

using a convenience sample (


= 224) of disability claimants in the

Netherlands. The Green Word Memory Test (GWMT) was admin-

istered to all subjects. The Amsterdam Short Term Memory Test

(AKTG), the Structured Inventory of Malingered. Symptomatology

(SIMS), and the beck depression inventory (BDI-II) were adminis-

tered in subsamples. Participant classification according to GWMT

and SIMS outcomes resulted in four groups, G+/S+, G+/S

, G


and G




Average age of the participants was 46.3 years (SD 9.9),

41.5%were female, and 43%were higher educated. GWMTwas pos-

itive in 48.2% of all subjects, and 27.6% scored positive on both

GWMT and SIMS. Analysis of variance of GWMT Free recall and

Beck depression scores showed significant group differences [



123) = 33.21,


= .000] and [


(3, 106) = 25.17,


= .000] respectively.


Non credible test performance was prevalent in this

Dutch study of disability claimants. Insufficient effort and over

reporting of psychological symptoms are associated with different

score profiles on regular tests and self-rating scales.

Disclosure of interest

The author receives funding for his work as

a neuropsychologist in an expertise setting.


Psychoemotional disorders in

pregnancy with hypertensive


Z. Gardanova

1 ,

, D. Khritinin


, K. Anisimova



Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Department

of Psychotherapy, Moscow, Russia


Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University,

psychotherapy, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.

Psychoemotional disorders in pregnant women represent a sig-

nificant medical and social problem as well as the effects caused

by this pathology have a profound effect on children born to

such mothers, as well as to themselves mothers during and after

pregnancy. The goal–psychological correction of psycho-emotional

states in pregnant women with hypertensive syndrome by Erick-

son hypnosis. The study was conducted on the basis of state

organization “Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Peri-

natology named after Academician VI Kulakov”. The study involved

150 pregnant women with hypertensive syndrome. Seventy-five

pregnant women with hypertensive syndrome received psycho-

logical correction method of Erickson hypnosis in an amount of 15

sessions. To assess the state of mental and emotional techniques

used depression scale Beck Anxiety Scale, Spielberger-Hanin. The

study was conducted 4 times–the first, second, and third trimesters

of three months after childbirth. When comparing the psycho-

emotional state of pregnant women with hypertensive syndrome

on the background of psychological adjustment method Erickson

hypnosis and in pregnant women with hypertensive syndrome

who did not receive psychological correction revealed a statisti-

cally significant difference. In pregnant women with hypertensive

syndrome who received psychological correction method of Erick-

son hypnosis, revealed lower levels of depression and situational

anxiety than women who did not receive psychological correc-

tion. Thus, our study proved the need for psychological correction

method of Erickson hypnosis and its effectiveness for stabilizing

the psycho-emotional state of pregnant women with hypertensive

syndrome and pre-eclampsia prevention.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Comparing the effects of cognitive

behavior therapy or regular physical

exercise on sleep in the treatment of

patients with panic disorder

A. Hovland

1 ,

, I.H. Nordhus


, E. Martinsen


, T. Sjøbø



B. Gjestad


, H. Johansen


, S. Pallesen