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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S106–S169



Retrospective study (


= 80). Structured interviewwere

based on WHO instruments: WHO WMH CIDI and WHO Pathways

to care encounter form.


Average age was 38 years, more females (72.5%). The

delay periodwas 7 years (GAD = 8.7; SF = 8.2, PD = 5.9), duringwhich

at least 2 episodes of the disease. The most popular specialists

were: neurologists (19%), psychiatrists (17%) (one-time visits to

whichwere not accompanied by the appointment of a standardized

course of treatment for an adequate period of time) and therapists

(15%). Non-medical care was 10% of all studied (psychologists–5%,

healers–3%, priests–2%). SF–psychiatrists (43%), therapists (14%),

psychologists (14%); GAD–psychiatrists (22%), neurologists (19%),

psychotherapists (11%), ambulance doctor (11%); PD–therapists

(22%), neurologists (22%), ambulance doctor (17%), cardiologists



The findings suggest that patients with anxiety dis-

orders have a long period of delay in receiving specialized care

that causes the value of the social and economic burden of anxiety

disorders in the community.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


(Re)examining the factorial sstructure

of the generalized anxiety disorder-7

in a college students sample

S. Monteiro

1 , 2 ,

, A. Bártolo


, A. Torres

2 , 3

, A. Pereira

1 , 4


University of Aveiro, Department of Education and Psychology,

Aveiro, Portugal


CINTESIS, Center for Health Technology and Services Research,

Faculty of Medicine- University of Porto, Porto, Portugal


ESEnfCVPOA, Portuguese Red Cross Nursing School of Oliveira de

Azeméis, ESEnfCVPOA, Portuguese Red Cross Nursing School of

Oliveira de Azeméis, Oliveira de Azeméis, Portugal


CIDTFF, Didactics and Technology in Education of Trainers,

Departament of Education and Psychology, University of Aveiro,

Aveiro, Portugal

Corresponding author.


Generalized anxiety in young adults during college

career is a serious public-health problem that untreated has a

chronic course. Research has shown that the self-report question-

naire generalized anxiety disorder-7 (GAD-7) is a reliable and valid

measure to assess generalized anxiety symptoms severity in het-

erogeneous psychiatric samples. However, GAD-7 is not available

for non-clinical populations and their factor structure has not been



Our objective was to examine factor structure and

measurement invariance of theGAD-7 among college students test-

ing two alternatives models.


The original model fit of single-factor was compared to

two-factor model that considered in comprehensive approach of

generalized anxiety the assessment of cognitive-emotional nature

and somatic symptoms.


In this cross-sectional study the GAD-7 was adminis-

trated to college students (


= 1031) recruited in the six schools

which compose the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra, Portugal. Con-

firmatory factor analysis was used testing two models.


Among college students, 32.8% reported significant gen-

eralized anxiety symptoms. The original unidimensional structure

of GAD-7 was confirmed but the two-factor model comprising

cognitive–emotional and somatic factors presented better fit to

the data (


(1) = 21.01,


< 0001). This latent factor were positively

associated (


= 0.51,


< 0.001) and presented a good internal con-

sistency (


= 0.85 and


= 0.86 for cognitive-emotional and somatic

items, respectively). The invariance factor of two-factor model

across gender was also confirmed.


Results indicate that within college communities the

GAD-7 integrates two stable generalized anxiety factors related but

independent structure. The GAD-7 can be an adequate measure to

detected generalized anxiety symptoms in this population.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


An investigation of childhood trauma

in patients with panic disorder

S.B. Ölmez

, A. A

tao˘glu , Z. Bas¸ ar Kocagöz

Duzce University School of medicine, Psychiatry Department,

Konuralp, Turkey

Corresponding author.


It is widely known that childhood traumatic life

situations are associated with most of the adult life psychiatric dis-

orders such as disassociative disorders, mood disorders, anxiety

disorders and so on.

Objectives and aims

The purpose of this study to examine the

relationship between childhood traumatic experiences and panic

disorder development.


The sample of this study consists of 59 outpatients

who applied to the department of psychiatry in addition to 61

healthy individuals serving as the control group. These 59 indi-

viduals, located within the range of 18 to 65 years, were selected

from outpatients who had been diagnosed with panic disorder

based on DSM-V diagnosis criteria who did not have any other

mental disorder. The 61 healthy individuals in the control group

were selected from hospital attendants who had not received

any psychiatric diagnosis. The participants were administered the

childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ) and a socio-demographic



The participants in the panic disorder group were found

to have significantly high scores in comparison to the control group

with respect to CTQ subscales (i.e., the emotional neglect and the

emotional abuse subscale) and the total CTQ score. Hence, there

exists a strong relationship between childhood traumatic experi-

ences and panic disorder development.


The results revealed that childhood traumatic expe-

riences play an active role in the development of panic disorder.

Moreover, it was found that the type and quality of trauma experi-

enced during the childhood period is one of the predictors for the

psychiatric disease that can occur in the future years.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Could deficits in the recognition of

emotions that indicate social approval

be associated with musical

performance anxiety?

F.L. Osório

, A.D

. Sabino , C.M. Camargo

Medical School of Ribeirão Preto - São Paulo University, Neuroscience

and Behaviour, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil

Corresponding author.


Proper recognition of facial expressions of emotion

is crucial for human social relationships. Impairments in the capac-

ity to process facial information may play an important role in the

etiology and maintenance of certain mental disorders, especially

music performance anxiety (MPA).


To assess the recognition of facial expressions of emo-

tion in musicians compared to a group of subjects from the general

population, considering also the presence/absence of MPA.