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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302


to 4.46], group based counseling (SMD 1


36, CrI 0


40 to 3


17) had

significantly greater effects than usual care. Participants assigned

to all assessed interventions had a significantly improvement in

depression compared with usual care, except for those assigned to

psychoeducational therapy (SMD 0.02, 95% CrI -0.11 to 0.15).


This review shows that cognitive behavioral therapy,

group based counseling and exercise may have significant benefi-

cial effects considering SF-36 and HADS when comparedwith usual

care. However, additional well-done research studies are necessary

to establish the role of psychosocial interventions in men with PCa.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Suicides and cancer mortality in

russia: A comparative analysis of


Y. Razvodovsky

Grodno State Medical University, Pathological Physiology, Grodno,



The association between suicide and cancer is com-

plex. Hopelessness and depression are the common risk factors for

both suicide and cancer. There is also evidence that suicide rate in

cancer patients are higher than in the general population. However,

the real occurrence of suicide in cancer patients is considered to be

underreported. This is a good reason to expect a positive relation-

ship between cancer mortality and suicide rates at the population



The present study aims to test the hypothesis of the close

aggregate level link between cancer mortality and the suicide rates

in Russia.


Trends in sex-specific cancer mortality and the suicide

rates from 1956 to 2010 were analyzed employing a distributed

lags analysis.


The results of analysis indicate the presence of a statisti-

cally significant association between trends in suicides and cancer

of the upper digestive tract (mouth, oral cavity and pharynx), lar-

ynx, bronchus and lungs, stomach, colorectal, uretus and leukemia

for male. There is also a statistically significant association between

trends in suicides and cancer of the upper digestive tract (mouth,

oral cavity and pharynx), larynx, bronchus and lungs, stomach, col-

orectal, uretus, breast, cervix, uterus and leukemia for female.


Common confounding variables, including binge

drinking and psychosocial distress, may explain positive aggregate-

level association between the cancer mortality and suicides time

series in Russia.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


Clinical and psychological

confirmation of stabilizing effect of

neurofeedback in migraine

O. Dobrushina

1 ,

, G .


2 , E. O


2 , G.




International Institute of Psychosomatic Health, Department of

neurorehabilitation, Moscow, Russia


Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of psychology,

Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


Neurofeedback in migraine aims to improve neu-

rophysiological state, which is linked to psychosomatic, emotional

and cognitive regulation. Objective and complex evaluation of neu-

rofeedback effects is feasible.


A single case design cross-over placebo-controlled

study with blinded evaluator included 3 females with frequent

migraine (N., E., T.), 1 of whom (T.) also had TTH. Study had

4 phases: evaluation (

2 weeks), treatment 1 (5 weeks), treat-

ment 2 (5 weeks), evaluation (

2 weeks). Treatment 1 and 2

included 10 infra-low frequency neurofeedback and 10 sham-

neurofeedback sessions at T3T4 site in randomized order. Detailed

psychological assessment was performed a baseline, at phase

switch and in the end. Every day participants filler a com-

puterized diary about pain, aura, mood, stress, copings. Before

each session they received questionnaires “well-being, activity,

mood” (rating of the current state between antonym adjectives, in



Themain findingwas reduction of migraine (but not TTH)

frequency during real, but not sham neurofeedback phase: 11% vs.

31% days in N. (


= 0.1), 15% vs. 30% days in E. (


= 0.046), T. After

the start of neurofeedback had only TTH. Another detected phe-

nomena was reduction of day-to-day shifts in cognitive function

domains of “well-being, activity, mood” (easy/difficult to think,

attentive/distracted). In N. and E these domains had co-dynamic

with mood (good/bad mood, happy/sad), while in T. – with anxiety

(tensed/relaxed, nervous/calm).


Infra-low frequency neurofeedback from interhemi-

spheric site resulted in decrease in migraine frequency and in

reduction of shifts in psychological state. Thus, the treatment had

multimodal stabilizing effect.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Sham-neurofeedback as an

intervention: Placebo or nocebo?

G. Arina

1 ,

, E. Osina


, O. Dobrushina


, G. Aziatskaya



Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of psychology,

Moscow, Russia


International Institute of Psychosomatic Health, Department of

neurorehabilitation, Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author.


Sham-controlled studies of neurofeedback are

aimed to provide evidence-based data regarding its efficacy. How-

ever, a sophisticated sham procedure may turn out to be an

intervention rather that a neutral control.


Data from a single-case cross-over sham-controlled

study of NF in migraine were analyzed to access the effects of

sham-NF. The study included 5 females with chronic migraine

and was divided into 4 phases: pre-evaluation (

2 weeks), treat-

ment 1 (5weeks), treatment 2 (5weeks), post-evaluation (


weeks), where treatment 1 and 2 included 10 infra-low frequency

NF and 10 sham-NF sessions at T3T4 site in randomized order.

Participants filled out a computerized diary about headache and



Sham-NF resulted in some reduction of the level of

tension (0.8


0.7 vs. 1.1




= 0.1) and anxiety (0.56


0.5 vs.





= 0.07) as measured by the mean value in the diary

(rating from 0 - no emotion, to 3 - very intense). While the total

frequency of headache was not influenced by sham-NF (40



vs. 40


7% days,


= 1), a tendency towards an increase in quantity

of severe headaches (42


18% vs. 20


18% days,


= 0.07) and in

the need for drug intake (74


27% vs. 44


30% days,


= 0.07) was

observed. We supposed that expectation of feedback and failure to

receive it during sham sessions may have possible negative effects,

while frequent visits to the clinic and contact with the therapist

may explain reduction in anxiety.


Sham-NF seems to have both placebo and nocebo

effects, which should be considered during interpretation of results

of the studies.