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25th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 41S (2017) S238–S302


The Situational Dysphoria Scale

(SITDS): development and validation

of a self-report questionnaire for

assessing situational dysphoria in

borderline patients

A. D’Agostino

1 ,

, A. Aportone


, M. Rossi Monti


, V. Starcevic



University of Urbino Italy, Humanistic Studies, Urbino, Italy


University of Sydney, Discipline of Psychiatry- Sydney Medical

School, Sydney, Australia

Corresponding author.


According to contemporary phenomenological lit-

erature, dysphoria is the background mood characterizing patients

with borderline personality disorders (BPD). In particular circum-

stances, it can take the form of a state of pressure, urge to act, and

quasi-explosion, which is very dependent on situational triggers.

There are currently no instruments able to measure this situational

form of dysphoria.


To develop and analyze psychometric properties of

the Situational Dysphoria Scale (SITDS), a self-report questionnaire

that measures situational dysphoria.


To validate the SITDS for a future use in routine clinical

practice and, more generally, to assess different forms of dysphoria

in BPD in a more precise way.


The preliminary 58-item SITDS was administered to

105 BPD patients, along with other conceptually similar (Nepean

Dysphoria Scale) and conceptually distinct (Cynical Distrust Scale,

Inventory of Interpersonal Problems-47, empathy quotient, and

borderline personality severity Index-IV) instruments. The psycho-

metric characteristics (reliability, internal structure, convergent

and divergent validity) of the SITDS were then examined.


The final 24-item SITDS (with each item rated on three

subscales: internal pressure, urge to act, and quasi-explosion)

demonstrated excellent internal consistency (alpha = .91). A three-

cluster solution was found, with clusters pertaining to personal

events, interpersonal events, and environmental events. There

were medium to strong correlations with NDS, and weaker but still

significant correlations with CynDis, IIP-47, EQ, and BPDSI-IV.


The SITDS is a useful and easy-to-handle instrument

for measuring situational dysphoria. Further research in clinical

samples is needed.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.


Are patients with emotionally

unstable personality disorder


E. Dobrzynska

Cygnet Health Care, Cygnet Hospital Kewstoke, Weston-super-Mare,

United Kingdom

Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) is often consid-

ered as treatment resistant clinical challenge. While effectiveness

of psychological therapies for EUPD is widely acknowledged, there

is less supportive evidence for pharmacotherapy use and patients

with EUPD are perceived as overmedicated.

Objectives and aims

The purpose of the study was to review pre-

scribing guidelines and clinical practices for EUPD.


MEDLINE and PsycINFO were searched for all English-

language articles published 2000-2016 and containing the

keywords “emotionally unstable personality disorder”, “borderline

personality disorder”, “pharmacotherapy”, “drug treatment” and

“treatment guidelines”.


NICE guidelines (2009) recommend pharmacotherapy

should not be used for EUPD but for comorbid conditions only. In

line with the American Psychiatric Association practice guideline,

the Dutch and German guidelines recommend antipsychotics for

cognitive-perceptual symptoms. However, in contrary tomood sta-

bilisers they question the efficacy of antidepressants on impulsivity

and affective dysregulation.

Studies on clinical practice showed 68% of borderline patients

without comorbid disorder in UK were using antidepressants,

59% antipsychotics, 59% sedatives and 23% mood stabilizers. Sim-

ilar results reported Paolini et al with polypharmacy in 83.5% of



All international guidelines recommend psycholog-

ical therapies as the first-choice in EUPD treatment but diverge

with respect to pharmacotherapy use. NICE and Australian guide-

lines abstain frompsychotropics what may prevent to some degree

counterproductive polypharmacy, but also can refrain from tem-

porary pharmacological support when needed. More RCTs for

pharmacotherapy use in EUPD are needed but meanwhile using

pharmacotherapeutic algorithms for specific symptom domains

might be the way forward.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his/her decla-

ration of competing interest.


The purpose of this research was

standardizing the questionnaire of

personality disorder cluster A

N. Farrokhi

1 ,

, S. Ghahari



Young reseachers club Of Islamic Azad University - Roudehen

Branch, Clinical Psychology, Tehran, Iran


Assistant professor of Mental Health- Iran University of Medical

Sciences IUMS. Center of Excellence in psychiatry- School of

Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health-, clinical psychology, Tehran,


Corresponding author.


As more or less stable personality traits of the per-

son, temperament, intellect and body is what makes an individual

unique compatibility with the environment.


The purpose of this research was standardizing the

questionnaire of personality disorder cluster A. On the basis of

realizing criterion standard, DSM- 5.


1303 people from universities of Tehran and Alborz

provinces (753 females and 550 males) were examined by using

the randomized sampling method. The questions of the ques-

tionnaire were conformed Dr. ShahramVaziri on the basis of

Iran s population and culture. Then the reliability was tested

and accomplished simultaneously Millon(MCMI-III) question-



After computing the correlation scales of Millon test with

each of the questions, 20 questions that showed the highest cor-

relation and diagnosis coefficient were chosen and scored again in

next stage.


Investigating the psychometric component of three

scales (Paranoid 60%, Schizoid 66%, Schizotypal 59%) shows that

they are reliable and defensibly valid. It can be said that questions

related to all three measures paranoid, schizoid and schizo-

typal of acceptable psychometric properties and reliability are


Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied their decla-

ration of competing interest.